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Everything posted by Alimcd

  1. Advanced frame arrived yesterday for this beastie. I think she’s a looker, but I’m a sucker for cats
  2. 47rps on a 110 spring with no teeth off piston release side or sector? Not sure how the piston hasn’t been completely annihilated yet. The M90 spring is going to return the piston far too slowly and you’ll almost certainly strip the piston, assuming it’s the part that fails first. Using SittingDuck’s formula, a totally efficient SHS HT/12:1 combo should give you c.30rps so maybe they’ve shipped you a high speed motor instead? It would certainly account for it brutalising the batteries and drawing high amps. AK2M4’s site also had something in it about the SHS HT/Titan potentially being problematic with AB enabled, could be worth a try disabled to rule it out?
  3. He's got a black 2011 one in that order with my name on it. Probably for my own sake, he didn't get any gold
  4. Scuppered. Not for the first time is something showing on Bunnyworkshop’s website not available. Wasn’t to be
  5. My “be a total tosser” response was itching after finishing a nice, restrained M14 build so I’ve gone and bought a Gold Airsoft Masterpiece Hi-Capa frame
  6. Dusted off the N64 the other night and my wife OBLITERATED me at MarioKart She wasn't so happy when it was proximity mines in Temple
  7. I just hope that the lockdown ends soon. Whilst my pews are looking the tits, it’s beaten the fuck out of my wallet
  8. Fresh from Mark at FMJUK, here’s my crack at building a DMR Semi only, chronos in at 430-435 with 0.2’s. Started life as a two-tone Cyma that needed some tlc. Fresh spring, new hop unit+barrel, changed the motor to a higher torque Infinity and rewired it for standard Gate-style mosfets. Picked up a wooden stock from Airsofttiger. Sanded, stained and finished etc. Sanded off seam lines, got some slightly unusual (but real-steel accurate) Winchester trades cut and sent it off for a coat of Cerakote E110 Midnight.
  9. There’s hard earned, real-world experience that’s being given out. You seem to be choosing to ignore it. This is a subject that cyclically is thrown-up on the forum and each time the objective fact is that a heavy pellet and a decent rubber contributed to greater effective range far more than a tighter bore or longer barrel. I feel like we’re only moments away from sorbo pads and AOE
  10. For the sake of my own sanity, ran it through the chrono again after reassembly. Wouldnt want to end up finding it’s magically hot after not skirmishing for a year! Sitting pretty at 430 lows and 435 highs.
  11. Hopefully it will coincide with his restock. I’m sure there’ll be something tempting
  12. Absolutely love the AK. Looks like a proper “bad-guy-gun” If they remade (please don’t) Die Hard they’d have those instead of MP5’s and AUGs
  13. I couldn’t for the life of me get the pin that held the mag catch/trigger guard assembly in place. In the end I sent it off complete and held my fingers. I think I lucked out as the release still moves freely. The AK mag release springs are at least as stiff as the M14 one (sweeping generalisation based upon experience with TM, LCT and Cyma so ymmv) so I’d hope it’d be fine. What type of AK?
  14. Funnily enough, I hit Kyle up for his last straight, black makeit3D barrel for my 4.3 build!
  15. Now that the cerakoted parts are on their way back to me, I've given the stock one last rough-up with some fine grit paper and rub-down with some OSMO. It's a nice balance between having a deep, rich lustre and looking too clean and shiny. She's gonna be purty
  16. I was going to pick up a 4.3 this week to get a frame for the ‘cat but I might wait to see some pictures first now. Im struggling to visualise how it can look ‘right’ with both frames. Struggle to picture things, you see? You should see how frustrated my wife gets when she’s talking about furniture or paint and I’m just like - “can you draw me a picture?”
  17. I can’t wait to see a few renders of the final design. Can’t be long now?! Is Airsoft Masterpiece normally in the habit of just unveiling at launch or will we get a few teaser pictures?
  18. Just in case you haven’t found them yet: https://hicapahub.co.uk http://www.eliteshootingcentre.co.uk Two best UK go-to sites for Hi-Capa stuff.
  19. Oh yes. Strap your wallet down! edit: let’s be a bit more thorough. Basically, anything that states it’s for the Marui 5.1 will fit. but Theres fit and airsoft fit. You may still find that various nozzles don’t provide a great seal on the piston. You may find that various trigger struts are a hair too long and cause snagging. You may find that guide rods and plugs stick. You may find that you need to bust out the aluminium polish to get the Airsoft Masterpiece slides to work. Theres always going to be an element of faffing about to get it “just right” but it’s the platform with almost unlimited choice in how you build yours. TLDR - That’s the Hi-Capa and there’s a lot of parts out there.
  20. Look what’s being shipped on Monday! Looking forwards to seeing what the colour is like in the flesh
  21. I feel like I was born for this thread. Rear sight replaced with grey Sig clone to cap it off
  22. Got bored. Did the infill on the hammer for my Battlecat 4.3 which shouldn’t be too far off now
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