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Everything posted by Alimcd

  1. God this rabbit hole goes deep. So, Guarder parts aren’t quite the high-tolerance parts I had imagined. Three mags with Guarder feed lips have occasional feed issues with two Bb’s wedging themselves at the base of the lip. I’ve stuck a KJ lip in and voila, problem solved. At £3.79 a go for the KJW’s I can’t be bothered to sort the Guarder ones out. Hopefully, Kyle at HCH will have an Advanced Frame for me at some point in the next couple of weeks so I’ve got something new to play with
  2. If you’re stuck for lube, your local Halfords should have some Teflon or silicone grease for the gears and definitely some silicone oil for the o rings. Less is more What did you pick up?
  3. There’s a good rule of thumb on this forum worth sticking to - If it’s your only pew, leave it alone. If you’ve got a few bits and pieces, why not have a crack at it. The ICS L85 gearbox is a piece of cake to work on all controls are housed externally and the spring can be inserted after closing the box. The variable spring tension system makes fine tuning the power easy as pie, just make sure you’ve got a chronograph to check output. The receiver has bags of space for a rewire straight from motor to fore grip and the connection to the trigger contacts is a standard 2.8mm spade (might be a 4mm, been a while) so it’s almost perfectly suited to a Gate nano/merf/warfet. The task gets more complex the higher the rof you want to achieve. The forum’s other rule of twenty is plenty neatly avoids almost all of the issues with high speed builds self destructing, although if you want to pursue a true wanker gun build SittingDuck is a seemingly bottomless source of wisdom on how to unfuck things If you just want to nudge the ROF up a bit, you may find that using 11.1v does just that. If you want a bit more, the next place to investigate would either be motor or gearset. The ICS motor pinions always had a tendency to not play particularly well with others so you may have to change both. The ICS compression parts (piston head/cylinder/cylinder head/nozzle) were excellent in terms of seal and shouldn’t need any more than lubricant to work very well. What’s the ideal outcome?
  4. With my wallet well and truly battered, here are the fruits of my labour. The Novristch is now sporting an Airsoft masterpiece Mega lightweight slide, short stroke kit and side mounted RMR. It’s quick, very quick The Limcat has been a bit of fun and is a scratchbuild. Both are finished in tungsten grey accents with grey Airsoft masterpiece slides Just to add, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’ve felt lucky to have not only the incredible knowledge base of you toxic bastards at my disposal, but also the frank and impartial advice of Mike (http://www.eliteshootingcentre.co.uk)and Kyle (https://hicapahub.co.uk) neither of whom mince words or stock anything they wouldn’t use in a build. Better see if anything is on the way for the Battlecat 4.3 that I’m making next...
  5. Parts back from FMJUK, I think I can finally call these two HiCapas finished!
  6. But now when you come to sell, it's had two custom paintjobs. One at Patrolbase and one out back here with a can of Krylon. God knows how many "airsmiths" have been involved now. £500?
  7. I feel like “Toxic” has become the go to word for a generation who don’t know how to handle criticism or confrontation nor have they developed the interpersonal skills to simply hold a differing opinion on a matter without feeling the need to “out” the other party as wrong. I for one am offended and demand this is stopped now. Macks is part of the rich cultural tapestry of AFUK and this thinly veiled attack is no less than an assault on an institution
  8. They’re a pretty discriminatory lot. My AK identifies as an M4 and someone on this thread threatened to burn me as a witch. Might need thicker skin for this place
  9. Receiver and bolt with engraver. Should have it back next week with Winchester trades!
  10. Whenever it ends up being, I’m still very much looking forwards to meeting you all, and shooting at you Is there going to be a mandatory 2m minimum engagement or do melee kills count, but potentially do damage over time
  11. Shout out to Kyle at Hi-Capa hub. He's been beyond helpful with my new search for 4.3 parts. We're a bit spoilt now, what with Mike at Elite and Kyle at Hub both being super helpful and incredibly knowledgeable when it comes to tweaky high-end Hi-Capa stuff
  12. Have you tried running an M4 stock on it? Plenty of battery space? Back on track.you should be fine with the 11.1, but as with any other gun you’ll be increasing the risk of failure purely by increasing the amount of cycles. Going back to my first post, if you change out the bearings and make sure the cylinder isn’t going to damage the O-rings, reliability shouldn’t be too much of a concern
  13. FINALLY, going to see the engraver on Tuesday before work. Work’s been total chaos so pretty much everything has been put on hold for a while. I think the engraver is quite excited too. In 32 years he’s not been asked to do anything similar
  14. I’m not sure if that’s better or worse than the blanket “no, fuck you” that some EU sites seem to be using for UK orders...
  15. ...bought more stuff, haven’t I? From an initial goal of rebuilding a SSP1 that had started to fall to bits Ive now put in the orders to put together a fourth. So, I saw a preorder for the Airsoft Masterpiece Battlecat 4.3 and now I’ve got all the bits for a black and gold Battlecat ordered. EXCEPT 4.3 rear sight. Where the fudge do you buy a 4.3 rear sight?
  16. New slide in place, needs a bit of use to get it running as smoothly as I would like it to. Overall, it’s glitzy enough and seems to be chronoing fine at 330fps on Red gas. FPS drops rapidly after a few shots but it’s 4* outside and my bench is right next to a draughty fire escape. Front sight needs glueing and the magwells still aren’t here..
  17. Although I’m growing less fond of that Begadi Alu slide, it’s not to blame. The RMR mount’s only fixture point was the screw into the bbu. Aside that, it just rests on the slide. I’ve got a 3D printed one from elite that has the same tabs that the standard rear sights use as well as the screw and it stayed in place fine. Just a shame it was fuck ugly... Either way, the RMR+mount adds around 50g to the weight of the slide, so I think I’m going to stick to the side mount option. Should have an Airsoft Masterpiece Mega slide tomorrow to slap on there too
  18. This advert is COMPLETED!

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    Mornin’ 2nd time with this, had it marked as new before. Having a life laundry, need to move on some stuff. Add £3.50 for shipping, items can be combined to save on the cost. Remember, it’s all fully upgraded Specna M4 stock + stock tube £5 Specna stubby fore grip (marked) £3 SLR style flash hider in chrome £5 Viking 20mm vertical grip (marked) £5 Specna Rock River Receiver (marked, bolt cover catch very worn) £10 E&L V2 GB W/QSC spring guide- £10 Specna flip up sights £5 Barrel nut - £3 Skeletonised finger grip - £5 Expect more bundles of crap soon Whole lot for £35 +shipping. Saves me the hassle! Ali


  19. If anyone is wondering what happened to the rear sight RMR mount, the inertia of the effing thing caused it to tear the thread out of the BBU! Quite exciting watching it fly past my head though... hence the switch to side mount
  20. Still waiting to get those magwells back but here’s a quick update. The Notritsch has now got its optics mounted in a fashion I’m happy with and is running like a champ. The accidental Limcat is also almost finished. I think I’m just waiting on the magwell to come back. The Limcat hammer is a bit swish! The Baby Hicapa that came with the mount for the Notritsch is almost done. The outerbarrel causes the slide to lock up so I’m waiting on a Guarder barrel to arrive from Firesupport Finally, the IPSC holster is amazing. Combined with the IPSC belt, the holster doesn’t flap about and makes for a nice, crisp pull. Need to see how it holds up!
  21. I’m hoping that I can make it to the AFUK meet up, vaccine pending. Hope you’re rocking the dual wield by then
  22. The mulleted Togusa would be pretty awesome with the Mateba Pair of Cutlasses will be sweet, need to see some piccies once they’ve arrived!
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