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Everything posted by Alimcd

  1. Just heard on the grapevine that HiCapa Hub will be getting a fairly significant delivery of railed frames, 4.3 parts and a general restock in early May. I've bagsied a Black, railed Infinity frame. If youve been on the fence, I wouldnt hang about, hit Kyle up!
  2. First game back is on the 25th so I’ve been testing excitedly. Got one bbu/nozzle combo that’s giving slightly lower than expected FPS but it’s perfectly fine as a loaner for my best mate who’s playing for the first time in 14 years! Refilling the HPA tank isn’t much fun but I’ll soon have arms like Popeye. Also found a good solution for carrying the tank without koing myself when I run! Excuse the worlds messiest workshop! FullSizeRender.mov
  3. It’s always amazing how some people cannot accept being wrong sometimes. Those debates are always amazing examples of them! The one a few weeks ago about barrel lengths and range was fun Steering the ship back on course. What differentiates a normal BBU from a full auto one? I’ve got a box of spares and very little to do
  4. To be fair, I’m half surprised no one has created an account to defend the SSP1 in its stock form and tell me I’m a halfwit for doubting it’s god-tier-performance
  5. Out of context, it sounds pretty unsportsmanlike, but the speed soft joke has been fairly consistent through this thread
  6. I was thinking that I’d need the full 350rds of the drum. Given that I won’t be calling hits and need to overshoot rentals, it’ll be a long time between going back to the safe zone to refill mags git gud
  7. Sometimes, I think I have to make a mistake before I can understand why to approach an issue from a different direction. The drum mag is cool and it definitely appeals to the part of me that likes stupid chunky things BUT now I totally understand why the M4 adaptors are popular. The drum is noisy, hell it’s basically a high cap mag, and it’s heavy which makes the benefit in cqb questionable, as you’ve pointed out. Between the advice here and from Kyle at HCH, I’ll pick up a primary M4 adaptor when he starts to stock them. Until then, I’m going to have a lot of fun and a lot of funny looks with this. Quick question for those still here, how do you carry a tank and not knock yourself the fuck out? I’ve put it in a 48ci bottle pouch and it’s as floppy as your grandads ball sack
  8. Had some teething issues with one of my grips not liking the AW magazine, but now I’ve got four very snappy Capas running. Must have fired 600 shots earlier testing everything out, maybe more. Definitely cleared 1 1/2 drums and a fair bit of dry firing. Need to bust out the hand pump again at some point over the weekend. At least I’ll be fitter come game day!
  9. You know what they say; "One step forward, two steps back"
  10. I’m going to have to do some weights. This thing is pretty heavy now...
  11. The reason that the barrel change has been recommended is that as soon as you start changing/clipping springs, you may find that the gun starts to misfeed or fail to cycle. I’ve had a whole load of fun recently trying to get my head around the quirks of Gbb’s. The other thing you may find out there is a flute valve, specific to the WE designed for a slightly lower output? Best guy for advice on modifying the one in there is definitely @Adolf Hamster The efficiency question, if you’re firing all 50 in succession the mag is probably getting pretty cold. If you let the magazine warm back up, you’ll find the gun will cycle much better again.
  12. What’s the objective? Have you run the 92 through a chrono and found it to be over site limits? Wider bore shorter barrel potentially weaker nozzle spring? For clarification, the FPS quoted in the other thread. Is that a figure you’ve got from your own chrono at room temperature or is that from a retailers website?
  13. Reg, line, tank, pump and drum mag are en route! Fingers crossed for delivery before the Bank Holiday!
  14. Kyle’s restock isn’t going to last long... He might have railed 5.1 frames on the April order. It’d be rude not to have one Also, did exactly the same. Brand spanking 4.3 for the Battlecat. The slide etc I had set aside was a bit tatty for a Gucci build
  15. I keep pestering the poor bloke about them. Last he said was AM are having an annual audit and there’d be no updates at all until April. He was pretty definite about them not having shipped yet though
  16. At least they’re moving now! I wonder when the next tidbit of news will be?
  17. Just called the guys at High Pressure, the hand pump is filtered but its recommended to remove the filter every now and again and dry it out. So I can go full Hot Fuzz. What would I need to be able to fire two guns at once, while jumping through the air? Would I need a specific regulator for two lines? (Can’t wait for the Battlecat 4.3 to launch)
  18. With all the information I've absorbed recently, fart-arsing about with GBB's; it makes perfect sense. Gas is such an inconsistent propellant given nominal UK temperatures. I'm still happy that I built the lightweight mags and ill still make sure that I've always got some 2.0 and 3.0 in the garage but clean, free and consistent is pretty appealing at the moment! Next, I discover how much of a ball ache a hand pump is... I've got a dive centre nearby, but they're closed for obvious reasons so its a case of want air? must pump. Other quick question, with this being the final precipice before people start calling me a speedsofter. Whats the etiquette? Do I have to call everyone a cheater and shout at all marshalls? Do you yell at the marshalls in between games? How do you burn a patch?
  19. Kyle has echoed your sentiments @Steveoceeso I've changed the initial order to a AW drum. This way I can look myself in the eye in the mirror. Just keeping my fingers crossed that all my magwells fit with it! (I'll probably get a primary adapter down the line) Thread has officially gone full circle now. Started off trying to make the SSP1 "less shameful" ends with me doing a Ghostbusters impression with a drum-mag on a pistol. Even my ex-paintball airsoft buddy/coworker is shaking his head
  20. I fear it's too late for me. Next up is a Dye mask and some of this camo
  21. I’m at a bit of a crossroads. I’ve ordered a tapp M4 adaptor but might change it to a AW drum instead. I just don’t know if I can be the guy running M4 mags in a pistol
  22. I’m not sure if I can take myself seriously any more. I’ve just clicked go on some stuff to join the ranks of Sodastream Ghostbusters. Using an entire can of Red Gas testing fitment and behaviour of one of my Hi-Capas convinced me so put a few quid into HPA.
  23. I’m never going to be able to unsee the Yule log chocolate icing effect now!
  24. Friend of mine who’s a jeweller told me off for not wearing the watch he sold me. “There’s no point in owning it if you’re not going to use it” She’ll get muddy, yup, but then I get to clean the dirty girl up
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