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  1. Haha
    Leonine reacted to Shamal in Christmas Deals   
    Like the look of the 228 Springer in clear. And under a tenner!
    Where's me purse lol
  2. Like
    Leonine got a reaction from dextron in Christmas Deals   
    Bespoke Airsoft have some decent deals on the way up to Christmas... 🤔
  3. Like
    Leonine reacted to strykerles in Christmas Deals   
    As above post anything you find for a christmas deal
    as before JD are doing different deals each day
  4. Thanks
    Leonine got a reaction from Shamal in Falicitations 🎉   
    @ShamalMerry Christmas to u too and hope you have a great new year!😄
  5. Like
    Leonine reacted to Shamal in Falicitations 🎉   
    Let me be the first to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and wonderful new year.
  6. Like
    Leonine reacted to Adolf Hamster in Safe Vaccine, Really?   
    i must admit i too find the mostly apolitical nature of this place rather endearing.
  7. Haha
    Leonine got a reaction from Shamal in Does Airsoft Hurt ? Complete Newbie Question - Kids Looking to Get Into Sport   
    “A new wave of pussies” that hurt, I’m telling a Marshall! 😂
  8. Like
    Leonine got a reaction from John_W in Safe Vaccine, Really?   
    Don't bring your vaccine bull here, this was one of the only places I could actually go to without having to hear about COVID or the vaccine 😠
  9. Haha
    Leonine got a reaction from quango2k in Does Airsoft Hurt ? Complete Newbie Question - Kids Looking to Get Into Sport   
    “A new wave of pussies” that hurt, I’m telling a Marshall! 😂
  10. Haha
    Leonine got a reaction from Groot in Does Airsoft Hurt ? Complete Newbie Question - Kids Looking to Get Into Sport   
    “A new wave of pussies” that hurt, I’m telling a Marshall! 😂
  11. Sad
    Leonine reacted to Groot in Does Airsoft Hurt ? Complete Newbie Question - Kids Looking to Get Into Sport   
    Depending on who you ask.

    Speak to an OG Airsofter and they will tell you "no, it just stings". Since we started playing when guns were often hot and everything was full auto, everywhere. Joule creep what?

    Speak to the new wave of pussies, who will tell you about all their friends who had their teeth shot out and run full body armor with dye masks, at single shot only sites. 
  12. Haha
    Leonine got a reaction from Druid799 in Does Airsoft Hurt ? Complete Newbie Question - Kids Looking to Get Into Sport   
    Does Airsoft hurt? Based on personal experiences yes and no. I have only been hurt by a BB in CQB when I got shot in finger nail (That’s when proper airsoft gloves come in I learned). & when I got shot in my hat by a sniper giving me an instant headache but that’s why I wear helmets now. So it’s about having the right equipment. If geared up properly the Pain will be fine, you may not even call ya hits it’s that normal! 😛😂 
  13. Haha
    Leonine reacted to Tackle in Safe Vaccine, Really?   

  14. Haha
    Leonine got a reaction from Shamal in Does Airsoft Hurt ? Complete Newbie Question - Kids Looking to Get Into Sport   
    I know it’s strange when the revive area is so far away, you can only hear the pings of bbs off the helmet! 😛😂
  15. Haha
    Leonine reacted to Shamal in Does Airsoft Hurt ? Complete Newbie Question - Kids Looking to Get Into Sport   
    Oh so now we know! @Leonineis soo well geared up that he doesn't call his hits! Lol.
    I'm gonna get some of that bb repelling gear.yay👍🤭😉
  16. Like
    Leonine reacted to Steve93 in New to the Forum, but Not Airsoft   
    Hey everyone
    Joined up as I used to play many years ago (2009/2010) and moved away from the hobby due to a lot of things happening all at once 
    Been itching to get back to it for a while now, so have dug out all my old gear and plan to get started (hopefully) in the new year 
  17. Haha
    Leonine reacted to John_W in Ukara Identification?   
    So, when my site owner said to get my UKARA number tatooed  on my arse it was a wind up?  I wish I had known sooner...
  18. Like
    Leonine reacted to GenuineGerman in Buying RIF   
    Absolutely and owning a few blank firing rifs myself this is very expensive. 
    I completely agree so retailers my choose to accept some may not. 
    One thing I would add to this is before you pay to join something like the MVT make sure you read through the T&Cs as they may have rules around weapons training and/or the amount of events you have to attend each season. 
    For example the group I’m a member of me all have pli through the group but in order to have membership of the group we have to attend at least 3 events per season to qualify to maintain membership for the following year. In the case of this year it have been a couple of private events and we also run safe weapons training for members that do have rifs with is compulsory in order to gain/maintain membership. 
    However not all groups do this. 
  19. Like
    Leonine got a reaction from GenuineGerman in Buying RIF   
    I’m guessing they would still have to buy their guns tho 🧐🙂
    The problem you will possibly face @Gorilla316is that some retailers may deny you. Some will accept too, same as here. It’s just based on what they personally accept to cover themselves....
    Also for production etc it’s best buying second hand guns than new guns in my opinion as it’s cheaper...
  20. Like
    Leonine got a reaction from GenuineGerman in Buying RIF   
    It’s like I will only sell to someone who either has a decent profile on the forum (active and who has made comments like yourself in past) or (Has been around for a while who owns guns), A picture or so from a site who they can name and I could contact if needed to.  
  21. Like
    Leonine reacted to GenuineGerman in Buying RIF   
    My view is the VCRA is very unambiguous and ambiguous at the same time. The defences are very clear, the ambiguity creeps in when you apply the defence to your circumstance. If you are a film maker and I was selling you a rif I would ask proof of the production and how you would use them in the production. 
    Otherwise what would stop people starting a production company on companies for £30 or whatever it is and they purchasing all the rifs they want. 
    As it’s been said the vendor needs to do the due diligence as they are in the firing line if they sell to someone who they are unsure of. 
  22. Like
    Leonine reacted to GenuineGerman in Buying RIF   
    Exactly my point, the circumstance of the defence is where the selling needs to work on trust. 99% of people have a genuine reason to buy a rif and you can get a feel from someone If they are being suspicious.
    You could just pay membership to the MVT and then buy one as a reenactor. 
    As with real firearms being above board makes you an easy target for the law and the 1% who flout the rules ruin it for everyone else 
  23. Like
    Leonine got a reaction from GenuineGerman in Buying RIF   
    But then unless you are an expert in documents or film etc you wouldn’t know. Anyone can get fake documents and give you a load of realistic “facts” about production etc. The same as someone buying a gun with a “ukara”. unless you know someone who can check the database. U are selling your gun based on trust and what you accept as proof. No matter what information you are given it can be faked in some form. 🧐
  24. Like
    Leonine reacted to Tommikka in Buying RIF   
    It is just a matter of convincing the seller that you have a valid use (as they are the ones risking a fine under the VCRA)
    Or convincing customs if you are importing 
    Note that being a film student is not a good enough Defence under the VCRA.  Student films do not need the viewer to cross their perception of reality, student films are there to demonstrate the student has taken in and applied the techniques of film production 
  25. Careful Now
    Leonine got a reaction from Cr0-Magnon in Missing Person   
    *Checks if received any “careful now” reactions in past few days*
    Nope, defo gone missing 🤨
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