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M_P last won the day on June 17 2018

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  1. True enough but also, you reap what you sow I guess. What did he think was gonna happen
  2. A lot of the heavier stuff has been deleted, the guy who owns the store has a rather extensive 4 letter vocabulary saved just for customers it turns out
  3. Very much so. Stole this from facebook but pretty much sums up what happened and genuinely doesn't exaggerate it either. Some guy wanted 6 ghk feed lips, messaged the milspec solutions FB page and received a tirade of abuse back. Bits still ongoing on their FB page, worth a look if you'd like a giggle
  4. Can't help but feel everything sold by Milspec Solutions should be on here after the last few days
  5. Mine took a month or so, I'm assuming they wait for X amount to be ordered before posting
  6. As good a choice as you can make, a great option for you first gbb
  7. It's not normal per se but it's not hugely uncommon for some guns to need/benefit from it. 3 of your guns are Ares so potentially its something in common due to that. What weight are you trying to lift?
  8. It always depends on what it is and what's being slung I used to play with a guy on here who had a viper 1 point for his TM scar, the buckle let go and the stop on it broke. For something that's directly carrying an object of value I'd always get something from a decent brand, just for the piece of mind if nothing else
  9. No, unless you buy some cheap crap thing. Most of the options you see will not shake themselves apart, although when cleaning its worth checking screws are tightened etc.
  10. People saying they'd buy one online and actually doing so are two very different things-People do the same for every new gun that's released. If it would sell in big numbers there would be multiple versions on the market from the big manufacturers, they do their research, they know their target audience. Whenever a 'what gun do you want to be made' or similar thread comes along, very rarely do you see mentions of the Browning and that's because the majority of airsofters aren't interested in the older stuff. The more modern and up to date stuff is what sells and as a result what the big brands make most of. If there was a real demand then someone would've tapped into that. For years people were raving on about wanting an m&p, FNX, USP etc from TM, the Browning isn't something that had that same pull and demand. It's a shame because personally I quite like it but I would never expect someone like TM to bother producing it
  11. Because not many people would actually want them probably. Most people stick to newer or more modern gear and guns and the Browning doesn't really fit that mold. Doesn't help that it was never adopted on a large scale by the US either
  12. Starting up again after a break of a year or so due to changing jobs, time to fish out the good stuff
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