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Everything posted by SSPKali

  1. The fake bolt lugs? Yeah they don’t do anything but you can transfer them from the old one if you are really fussed. The GM nozzles are good and the three pack of rocket valves for modding are cool too.
  2. Ok, but if you don’t need the air volume why waste time and battery energy pulling the piston all the way back for every shot?
  3. Ended up short stroking to a) drop power and b) speed up cycle time. Seems my M110 spring was actually a M115 so 3 from pick up / 1 from release to get down to 285fps on a 0.28g which seems best performance from testing. 0.25g were a bit light, 0.32g needed lots of hop and dropped a load of speed. Level four pre-cocking on the Perun AB++ makes for very snappy response and full auto is hovering around 19-20RPS for the once a year I use it. Still being released beyond the port so getting some acceleration before making an air seal. Not sure something as light as a polymer piston is going to have much momentum to make a noticeable difference but this is airsoft so 🤷🏽
  4. Hi all, Now GBBR weather is here I am fettling my franken TM&C M733. I was running 18:1 gears (2 from pick up / 2 from release) with Warhead 35k and 7.4v or 9.9v. Was snappy but a bit noisy. M110 spring giving 1.0J on 0.28g Noise was probably due to the pad on the cylinder head being pounded into submission as it was the OG TM one and probably old enough to vote! Plus the nozzle was lose and wobbly contributing to midcap syndrome. New SHS cylinder head on its way, POM piston head and some SHS 13:1 gears to fit. The cylinder is 3/4 ported and probably has a ~36mm air stroke. This is probably ok for the 300mm barrel and 0.28g BBs but might be slightly under according to some? By dry fitting it with an old sacrificial gear and cycling it looks like -4 on pick up -1 on release is what is needed to stop over travel on the piston….this seems rather extreme! I was going to start at -2 pick up as gears will be cycling faster and I don’t want tappet timing issues! What are peoples thoughts? Any experience with this?
  5. Make sure the tappet plate isn’t being jammed between the sector gear and gearbox casing, I have had this after perfectly shimming the gears and then wondering why it sounded tight.
  6. Listing says £475, advert says £575 collected
  7. Long time; no fettling. Getting the MWS ready for next weekend and had a play about with some Guns Modify parts. There is an issue where the MWS can self-adjust the hop down as it cycles. This is due to the gas key / guide part rubbing on the hop wheel. I have had this with a very worn TM one (4-5years use) and a new AngryGun one (shocker!) Today I fitted a Guns Modify one and have put a couple of mags through it and found no loss of hop-up. Seems the little cut out at the front is deeper and wider than others. None in stock but sign up for a reminder: https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/guns-modify-enhanced-nozzle-reset-for-marui-mws-m4-gbb-v2 The second fettling was with the rocket valve - I was running one that I had sanded down by 0.5mm and that worked well during winter temps (sub 10DegC) but was a bit spicy now spring is here! A full length, unmodified, one gave around 245fps, the 0.5mm shorter one around 279fps (ASG Gas, 0.32g BBs, your mileage WILL vary!) I carefully sanded a new one down approx 0.15mm on some medium wet&dry and that tested at around 258fps at 17DegC so exactly 1J With the mag warmed to 22DegC it was stable at 268fps so under the 276fps limit for 0.32g I am happy to run this during the summer without having to resort to very weak gas or lighter BBs. GM do these as a pack of three so you can have a play about with the power and not have to worry about set screws self adjusting and causing issues. Take it slow and keep checking with some digital calipers 😁 Available now: https://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/gun-modify-high-stability--fps-diy-valve-for-marui--gm-mws-m4-gbb-v3-nozzle-3pcs
  8. TM MWS hop up clicker plunger got fired across the workshop earlier…..and I found it after only a few minutes searching! Bloody stupid design 😂

  9. While I have SADF M83 battle jacket and chest rig <flex> I find I am running my more minimal ones. Spiritus MkV (like the regular mini chest rig but only one pocket deep) with 3x M4 mags and a pistol-mag sized speed loader in a Esstac Kywi on the side to top up the M4 gas mags. Axle dangler plate holds a LBX blowout pouch underneath for a basic first aid kit (and protect my gut a bit!)
  10. ASG Beige gas is about the same as Nuprol 2.0 in terms of pressure. Abbey 144a is lower than Nuprol 1.0 “white gas” and should get it under the limit even on warm days.
  11. Silent fill valve o-rings removed and fill tubes replaced with 7mm ID stainless steel tube, 50mm length from the brass threads. This is a bit less than stock but still gives a good space for the gas to fill above the liquid. The stainless tube is a snug push fit over the alu tube so with some grease and percussive maintenance it goes on and stays on 👍 I filled the mag with ASG beige gas until it spluttered, then tilted and got another 1s worth of fill. Bearing in mind it is quite cool today I was able to fire 140 shots and still have it lock back, the mag was pretty cold by then so I popped it in my pocket for 30sec while I got some BBs and turned on the chrono. It was putting out 230fps on 0.32g and locked back after the 14 shots I fired. Pretty damn amazing! Right, beer o’clock 🍺 “Tell me you know nothing about GBBRs, without telling me you know nothing about GBBRs” 😂
  12. Anyone got tips for getting “silent fill o-rings” out of TM valves? Digging with a needle isn’t getting anywhere….

    1. trojan1106


      If you’ve an empty gas bottle with a metal fill tube, heat the end of the the tube briefly and ‘fill’ your mag - the silicon ring should stick to it and pull out.

    2. SSPKali


      That is a cool trick! I managed to dig them out with a needle and a lot of swearing 🤬 


      Looking to buy some 7mm ID stainless tube as the previous owner cut of ALL of the fill tubes. Epoxy it on the remaining stub and allow some gas expansion space 👍

  13. Tested ASG Beige gas against Abbey 144a in my MWS, probably about 18DegC.


    ASG = 1.08J

    Abbey = 0.86J.


    (270fps vs 240fps on 0.32g)


    Will keep a bottle on-hand for those warm summers days. ASG was reading  268 - 272fps yesterday at UCAP Gloucester when it was 20-22DegC so close to the limit. Nuprol white was 255 - 260ish.

    1. C-Diddy


      You're costing me a fortune in gas dude! Seriously though, this is really useful. Hoping to get to the range next Saturday and will run through the three Vorsk gases I've got, and ASG orange and red. I'll use .32s as well as that's what I'll be running as standard. 


      In other news I've ordered a Titan nub from Jaeger so may fit that too if it gets here in time.

    2. SSPKali


      I figure if we, as a MWS community, can share this info it will let people spend money on stuff that suits their needs and save costly experimentation 👍


      I can also say that the ML MR Hop Silicon 60deg over-hop 0.32g even with hop set to minimum. Stock TM refitted.

  14. I have settled on the stock TM bolt with: HAO steel bolt end, AG alu buffer and 110% buffer spring - this is great in warm weather, still lets me get 70+ shots from a mag and gives a nice kick. Winter set up is the stock bolt end, stock plastic buffer and G&P buffer spring (comparable to TM stock) - this gets maximum from the gas efficiency without removing all feedback and turning it into a glorified NGRS with extra steps. Unless you have shares in propane manufacturers I would steer clear of AG steel buffer and / or 130% buffer spring. It still isn’t close to the feel of a 5.56 M4 plus you will never have the “fun” of the 10” barrel fireball 😂 My MWS came with the Laylax hop arm with inbuilt nub so not played about with other options as happy with it. Think there is a ML MR hop in there at the moment, stock TM and Modify Tan are both good.
  15. Need to drop some FPS? Superglue and baking powder on the back of the rocket valve will knock some power off. Mine went from 290 down to 240fps on a 0.32g
  16. So if you have a TM MWS and you need to drop the FPS (maybe after a longer barrel or other changes that can tip it over the limit) try this one crazy trick!


    Take out the plastic rocket valve and LIGHTLY rough up the flat back part, cover in thin layer of superglue and dip the end in baking powder. Dust off and repeat.


    Clean up the edges to it moves freely in the nozzle and re-assemble.


    Mine went from 290+ fps down to 240fps (0.32g) in 18DegC on ASG beige gas! Less than a mm of extra length makes all the difference! (Ooh err Matron!)

    YMMV, messing about with internals like this might break things, get an adult to help, I am not liable for anything, ever.


  17. Hillbilly NVG mount.....he dangles a carrot off it 🤣
  18. Finally finished faffing around with nozzles, valves, blockers and springs and the MWS. TM nozzles give 45fps LESS than the Guns Modify nozzles....DP aluminium valve adds 100fps over the GM plastic one...two identical valve springs vary by 15fps...

    Steel bolt is shooting at 1.08J, spare nozzle gives 1.07J.
    Spare Aluminium bolt has a NPAS in so can dial it up or down (and hopefully it won't self adjust!)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. C-Diddy


      Ah, interesting. I've always been happy with my stock MWS (apart from replacing the nub with a SixG) but my second one I'm happy having a bit of a play around with.


      I'm fascinated by the stuff you've been doing so I'm really interested to see what else you're coming up with.


      Incidentally, have you seen that BavTac are working on titanium bolt weights? 

    3. SSPKali


      Mine came with a Crazyjet barrel (+20fps) and running 0.32g means you get Joule creep. In warm weather an NPAS or carefully selected nozzle parts are needed to keep it under 1.13J


      I am surprised by the variance in output with things like rocket valves and nozzle brands. I would make a chart of them but given the seemingly random QA and materials in airsoft I am not sure it would be useful! 

    4. C-Diddy


      It is interesting to see how thise little things play such a big part. That's why I really like Olli Talks Airsoft as he does a lot of the same things.


      It's definitely given me another side to the hobby.

  19. Having played at Warzone last weekend I realised my elderly eyes need some help on PIDing people at a distance. I have a Vortex red dot on the MWS and the obvious choice was the Vortex mini flip to side 3x …except it is £300! So there are others available for £50-100 which is probably the cost of a basic scope but without the hassle of swapping out and re-zeroing. So what alternatives do people recommend? Any brands to avoid like the plague? thanks, Mr Magoo 😂
  20. 30-50mm groupings at 25m? My MWS shooting 0.32g BBs makes a ~30mm grouping at 10m and is considered a pretty accurate and consistent RIF. Certainly able to make head&shoulders shots at 45m (verified) and upper body shots further than that if the target has the decency to stand still 😁 I have the red dot pretty much spot on for 15-30m (closer the person is a much bigger target and can use reflexive shooting and further is a bit of a crap shoot with wind / leaves / walking targets! Getting that level of grouping at 25m without it being an air gun with rifled barrel and lead pellets? Yeah....no.
  21. I guess it compresses the top part of the magazine (feedlips and gas router end) so you can get the pins in. I usually push the mag against the edge of the work bench with my hip and tap the pins in 🤷🏽
  22. There is a pretty regular core of players at UCAP Gloucester prison. I don’t know of any milsim teams as I have always just rocked up and joined a friendly bunch for the duration of the event. I am in a team but the rest are such slackers we haven’t had a game together since March 😂
  23. ASG Ultrair, CrazyJet 250mm barrel, Laylax hop arm and 60deg ML rubber - possibly the MR one? I tested a lot of ammo from a 10m clamped rifle with Warhead & Geoffs 0.32g giving the tightest groupings by a fair margin. The 0.28g are best performers in my M733 AEG, but the MWS just gives them too much spin! I have a Manometer (0-300psi) and some brass fittings saved in my Amazon basket because I have an idea for a airsoft gas pressure tester 🤓
  24. Looking good! Nothing wrong with a URG-I 😁 I tried to run my MWS on 0.28g today but even with the hop “off” they were skying at 30m! Purchased a bottle of Vorsk 0.32g (not my first choice but was a small bottle for £10) and with 4 clicks of hop I was hitting peeking heads at 45m+ 😁
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