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Profile Information

  • Guns
    TM MWS GBBR / TM M733 Blood diamond build
  • Loadouts
    Ranger green / SADF M83 / Covert / Anything but MultiGlam
  • Sites
    // StrikeForce & UCAP Vendetta (Gloucester)
    // Spartan & BlackOps (Bristol)
    // Copehill Down & Stirling Milsims
  • Gender
  • Location
    South West UK
  • Interests
    Computers, mountain bikes, beer and metal

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    Honeywell active hearing protection - adjustable amplification to give you super hearing but they cut out for sounds over 82dB (like that Mk5 that landed at your feet!) Run for years off AAA batteries and have a 3.5mm input for radio or music. Upgraded gel ear cups so they are super comfortable and better sealed, old foam ones also included as spares. £75 new, asking £40 in UK P&P



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    Pentagon wolf trousers in 33waist, 32 leg black. RRP £125 Based on Crye cut / pattern and including lots of pockets (including 4x M4 mag sleeves in the main leg pockets) and adjustable knee pad pockets, ankle and knee adjusters. Used a couple of times but surplus to requirements now. £60 inc P&P


  3. First thing I would check is pull the bolt and charging handle out and check it and the inner of the receiver for sticking points, burrs and that it is suitably lubricated. While it is apart check the action of the “hammer” and sears that they move and reset smoothly. Some GT85 or similar aerosol teflon spray will help loosen things up. Then check how high the mag is sitting and if the mag gas router is catching on the underside of the nozzle or the bolt carrier.
  4. I missed the last one as I could not find any details and my emails went unanswered. Will look out for the next one as I have a couple of big boxes of kit to shift!
  5. I have found that Bolle Cobra glasses with antifoam wipe (Revision, as above) never fog with me (not that sweaty compared to some) Available in clear, yellow, grey and other lens colours for under £15 but they will stop 6Joule steel BBs DeltaMike face pro for outdoor games, but after some cheek / nose shots <5m in CQB I have a NB Tactical Mk2 mask that I am holding in place with just some 4mm elastic and a cord lock. They will sell you a mesh snood / balaclava for £30+ but that seems to cause fogging and doesn't keep it as secure!
  6. Ahh OK, I think that might be to do with the hop chambers, barrel cut outs and general build quality. Plus pushing 0.36g BBs in an AEG needs some BIG cylinder volume and spring pressure (same for HPA set ups, higher PSI and volume) and then you are still using a hop unit designed for 0.25g BBs at 1J....
  7. okay...this might be a long post! With AEGs you have a fixed cylinder volume and spring speed. This is usually matched to barrel length / diameter and BB weight you want to use (others can chime in with formulas and typical set ups) With a GBBR when the trigger is pulled the gas is vented down the barrel, and as there is a BB in the way it is at a high pressure. This keeps the rocket valve open and gas going down the barrel. Once the BB leaves the muzzle the pressure drops, the rocket valve closes and vents the gas backwards to cycle the bolt. Now BB weight influences how much energy can be imparted to it (assuming barrel, gas, temperature, etc remain the same) If someone gave you a pingpong ball and a golf ball (same diameter, ignore the dimples, you are not throwing that hard!) and asked you to throw them as far as possible, which would go further? The golf ball, being heavier, allows you to transfer more energy into it from your arm. Light BBs tend to leave the barrel too soon before maximum energy is transferred to them. So a GBBR with light ammo would be better with a much longer barrel (as it will have longer time to be accelerated, remember gas continues to vent until it exits the end of the muzzle) but would require more gas volume and still end up with less range. So a short barrel will limit time to transfer power (which is why TM use 250mm barrels to suit Japans 1J hard limit and 0.25g BBs used) Heavier BBs work better as they have the same cross section / drag as light BBs, can get more angular momentum (hop) and lose energy slower than 0.20g so go further. Time to target is negligible difference until much further out where 0.20g probably won't reach. I have 0.28g and 0.32g for my GBBR, the lighter ones to "Joule creep" the power down on hot days. This is why you chrono on the weight you use as if I used 0.20g BBs it would be 0.6J, not the 1.05J the 0.32g give me!
  8. But the Federal one is just a copy of the AngryGun one with the “pegs” at the back rotated 90deg to work with a regular valve stop. If it works as well as my modded AG one they will be more consistent and easier to adjust than the RA Tech ones
  9. I picked up a can of the new ASG Orange (164psi) gas to test yesterday. I have been running my MWS on the ASG beige gas for ever and just bought 6 more cans from Firesupport 😁 Testing was done in 20degC, averaged over 10 shots, with my MWS, mag #1 and 0.32g BBs. YMMV… in fact I am sure it will! This info is only an indication or relative output. ASG beige: 261fps ASG Orange: 267fps They also do the green (135psi) and red (178psi) versions to drop or increase the power. I would GUESS around 220fps / 290fps….will confirm if I get to test any!
  10. Playing about mounting my Kywi pouches with 1” velcro one-wrap and with some off cut paracord made this quick access TQ* mount. Pull down on the red handle and it is instantly accessible. Probably 1001 things you can do with one-wrap, need to order a big roll as so handy for strap / cable management. *don’t buy knock off TQs unelss you clearly mark them FAKE. If you carry a real one get some basic first aid training (hint: very little of it involves tourniquets!)
  11. With some modification (cut a flat, file round circumference) the AngryGun NPAS can fit the much better quality GM or TM nozzles. FPS consistency was much better than the RATech or G&P NPAS, looking +/-2 fps with 0.32g BBs and ASG gas. Shame you can’t buy them with out the nozzle (although the v2 ones seem better quality plastic)
  12. Having fielded my MWS at the great RIFT Airsoft REDCON-2 site at the weekend I found that the old TM hop rubber was on its way out and my GunsModify nozzle damaged (probably from a shattered tracer BB earlier in the year) and this led to a couple of gas dumps at in opportune moments 😂 I also noticed some drift to the left beyond 40m. By 60m it was missing the torso sized target without some serious aiming off! I fitted a Maple Leaf bucking which gave a better air seal so dropped in the spare AG v2 nozzle and NPAS to offset the now very spicy FPS. I have some more GM and G&P nozzles if needed but the RATech NPAS are such a pain to adjust and not that consistent. Once cooler weather is here I’ll go back to the GM fixed set up. To keep the hop perfectly vertical I added a 0.1mm AEG shim to the outside left of the hop unit, between it and the outer barrel / brass collar. This stopped it rotating a fraction when snugging the barrel nut up. Now I just need to get to a range with 60m+ but it certainly looks perfectly level. Tested all my mags and FPS was 278 - 292 over the 7 mags, with each mag within +/-2fps on 3 shot of 0.28g Warhead BBs Mag #5 was the spiciest so marked that one and will chrono using it 👍
  13. I have had the same issue with a stock set up and Laylax arm. Using card board as a temporary shim to keep it central during barrel nut tightening is a great idea. Mine was resolved by twisting the barrel a fraction off centre then tightening up the barrel nut. You don’t need to crank down on it, just use some Blue Loctite 👍 My set up also had some side-to-side play on the arm but a 0.1mm AEG gear box shim either side eliminated that and still let it adjust smoothly. One less factor to influence trajectory.
  14. In my mind the Clutch cover of fortunate son (much better than CCR - fight me!) or the Doom Eternal remix soundtrack. In reality “yackity sax” (Benny Hill theme)!
  15. ASG gas in the beige / sand coloured cans. Only ever go to Abbey 144a or Nuprol Red at extremes of weather!
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