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Everything posted by Diemaco

  1. I wouldn't buy them, as there are better boots available for not much more. Take a look here for starters: https://lowamilitaryboots.com/lowa-task-force-military-boots?sort=p.price&order=ASC
  2. I like seeing a well researched and recreated loadout, be it military or police. Not sure if there is such a thing as polsim? Surely there would have to be crimsim too? The polizei set up with the shoulder protectors looks a bit ungainly, and may be a bit restrictive in use?
  3. The seller is asking for about £130. Are spares easy to get hold of?
  4. Saw an WE L85A2 for sale online, no mag and being sold as untested, so potentially non functional. How much would you risk?
  5. I heard about this a while back and quite fancy giving it a go. Looks like it could be good fun.
  6. Have you looked at Soldier of Fortune? I'm pretty sure they have some Vietnam tiger stripe stuff.
  7. I could be wrong, but I think they might be the WA type. If so, there should be a few different makes that fit (WA, G&P, King Arms, etc.).
  8. Is your garden open to view or perhaps overlooked by neighbours? I think I'd avoid calling the police about it if I were you. It may cause more bother than It's worth.
  9. Age isn't always the best way to judge who's fit to play. I know plenty of youngish people who haven't done any exercise since PE at school and who get out of breath walking up the stairs, I also know people in their 50's who are in excellent shape and who could run rings round most of us.
  10. I was looking on the Ikea website earlier. Found a 60x50x193cm ( Ithink) free standing wardrobe. Plenty of space for all your guns and shelf space above for all the other bits and bobs.
  11. That's probably a good idea. A few signs with 'Filming in progress' or whatever.
  12. That's not a 'boonie' , that's a "boonbrella'
  13. I agree about placement. One thing though, some of the larger players can end up showing a bit too much ubacs clad stomach below their plate carrier, and that isn't really a good look either.
  14. Thanks for the reply. Bit disappointing though, as I liked the idea of the steel slide and more realistic recoil.
  15. I've been watching some of the videos on YouTube about the GHK Glock Gen3. Looks quite interesting and most of the reviewers seem pretty positive. Obviously though, nothing beats real world experience, so I was wondering if anyone here owns one, or has had any experience with them? As good as they say, or us it just the usual new airsoft model hype? https://youtu.be/a338K3tFksw
  16. I'm sure that if you buy enough of them, HK will make them in whatever configuration that you ask for.
  17. Hk says the 417 can be had in 3 different barrel llengths,13" being the shortest. https://www.heckler-koch.com/en/products/military/assault-rifles/hk417/hk417-a2-13/overview.html
  18. Look on the bright side, it's a good excuse to buy one, as I'm sure you've fancied buying one for ages.
  19. Maybe you could accidentally spray it with some bright orange paint tomorrow?
  20. Not got one yet, but I've been looking at the TMC Shuto belt. Might be an option for you? https://www.shootercbgear.com/new/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=11728
  21. I'm no expert, but believe that the wearing of collar dogs by ORs on service dress was more a between the wars thing. You'll want to look at getting metal shoulder titles instead. As to the revolver and holster, they were used on a limited basis by other ranks (job dependent), but were usually carried instead of a rifle.
  22. Just curious, but since you've been playing for 7 years, why did you wait till yesterday to join here?
  23. I haven't had problems with it yet myself, but have heard from my Dad that cutting down on dairy products can help.
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