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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. A headband camera mount for my Contour, so I can ditch the helmet and still film the action. Hopefully it'll be sturdy enough to fasten the camera to a helmet as well, then I won't have to worry about getting more adhesive mounts for when I get a MkVII.
  2. Night game tomorrow, followed by a full game day on Sunday... I sure do hope the weather's kind...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Liam1992


      Just be glad you have a choice in the matter! A few of the lads were away on an Exercise this week and it was -6 one morning, the water had frozen in their water bottles! Rather be cold than wet any day, nothing more horrible than being soaked from head to toe.

    3. TacMaster


      Better being cold and warming up than being wet and staying cold.

    4. TacMaster


      Better being cold and warming up than being wet and staying cold.

  3. The sequel was a lot more arcade based, nothing close to being as realistic as Dragon Rising, you had far less options on the commands radial and you could quick-switch though every item in your inventory. It wasn't a bad game by any means, but it wasn't as good as the first one, in my opinion anyway. The graphics were quite a lot better though, as were the animations and the general game mechanics as a whole, just a lot less realism. I actually finished OFP:DR on the hardest difficulty back when I had a PS3, but since getting an Xbox and rebuying it, I keep getting utterly destroyed on the fuel depot night mission...
  4. Just added another update, as well as some comparison photos. Quite pleasingly, my L85 actually came up in the first 5 photos on Google images search - "L85 Afghanistan"
  5. I was thinking more like this: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?um=1&hl=en&tbo=d&authuser=0&biw=1280&bih=581&tbm=isch&tbnid=YbX_dgd-RnTeyM:&imgrefurl=http://www.memecenter.com/fun/842382/reloading&docid=QO3Tcpnbda5-6M&imgurl=http://global3.memecdn.com/reloading_o_842382.jpg&w=460&h=445&ei=QEvHUImKDoTG0QWEoYDwCw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=927&vpy=122&dur=437&hovh=186&hovw=190&tx=104&ty=106&sig=108808737637171164296&page=1&tbnh=141&tbnw=141&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0,i:99
  6. I think you need to carry more guns around with you, Tariq. Why don't you get a sniper, LMG and RPG? Then, that way you've got everything covered. Including yourself, in guns. Plus, imagine how bullet proof you'll be, the guns will double as shields. And who even needs reloading anyway?
  7. Feel like I actually did something today. Went to Uni for the first time in about 3 weeks, spoke to one of my lecturers about how lame it all is, they agreed. It was nice. Then I wrote my bio for my UKAPU position and had a general laugh chatting on Facebook. Want to watch something now though, anyone think of anything good? YouTube clips, TV shows, films, whatever.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Aahhhaha xDD

      That part where they just drive right past him and then sit in the river until they get out and die, fucking lmao.

    3. iAcorn


      I KNOW RIGHT! I love watching this guys videos. You should watch pookins next. You'll wet yourself.

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      xDD Loving this video:

      The part near the start when he goes, "No I didn't trace this, I drew it myself" Ahaha, genius.


      Then that guy at the end, he much be retarded xD but their laughter is so contagious.

  8. I'd like to draw attention to my local site's night game and Big Sunday on the 15th and 16th of December, take a look at my thread: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/13429-night-game-and-big-sunday-membership-opportunity/

  9. G&P M4/L119A1 project for sale. Supplied with, RIS foregrip, ACOG. Rear wired. £350. PM me if interested for more info and pics.

  10. Can't decide whether I like the KWA Kriss Vector or not... Might be a very snazzy contender for my all gas CQB loadout, but I think if I did get it, it'd be more to show it off, than because I actually want one...

    1. Tariq


      It will be F-ing awesome, but an expensive gun. At least once its released in the UK there will be some mags around hopefully :P Might be tempted to sell up the MP7 for it.

    2. TPI


      Tariq if you do let me know!

  11. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    Well I had about 8 people playing TDM at one point, had health set to 30% and it was good fun. What kills it though, is that Battlefield simply isn't intended to be played in that way and of course, the lack of people. I imagine getting a full set of 24 players, all using comms and being able to play a proper game mode on a full size map, with vehicles and everything, would be awesome. But it just doesn't work all that well with so few people. Having said that though, I had a tense as hell sniper duel on Gulf of Oman. I was sweating afterwards! One on one, one shot to kill. It was so silent that I didn't want to move around because hearing myself freaked me out haha.
  12. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    Yeah, there was a massive 1.7Gb patch the other day. I don't know how it was so massive either because I haven't even noticed any changes. The new DLC is 1.6Gb and I'm just downloading it now. But for the testing of the server, I'll leave it with BF3 classic and B2K maps.
  13. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    Which ones have you got? It's mostly Karkand maps and originals, but I can edit it to get more people in the game.
  14. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    I've just rented a server for one day on 360, set it up to be like Project Reality on the PC. Health is at 60% and weapon damage is modified at 200%, so in essence it ought to be a one or two shot kill with practically any weapon within 50m and 2 or 3 shots any further away. At least with assault rifles. I need people to join to test it out, so add me on Live: Bullet4MyEnemy, or search for it, it's unranked and it's called "Project Reality" I've only got it until tomorrow so I need people to join ASAP, if it sees a lot of good feedback, I might rent it for longer. The only really shit thing, is that I can't have it as ranked because I've edited the settings, which means that barely anyone is ever going to find it in a search. =[ Tell anyone you might know about it as well, so far all I've been able to do is invite players I've recently met and none of them seem bothered.
  15. I've just rented a server for one day on BF3, set it up to be like Project Reality on the PC. Health is at 60% and weapon damage is modified at 200%, so in essence it ought to be a one or two shot kill with practically any weapon within 50m and 2 or 3 shots any further away. At least with assault rifles. I need people to join to test it out, so add me on Live: Bullet4MyEnemy, or search for it, it's unranked and it's called "Project Reality"

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Let me know when you're on. I've got a few mates that'll be on later tonight, we'll probably get at least 3 v 3 going lol.


    3. TPI


      Probably another 2 Min's

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      I'll be a while yet, new DLC is downloading at the mo. Probs have mates on around 6 and onwards.

  16. Well I got the spot at UKAPU. I'm now on their committee as the student representative. I guess I actually have to stay in Uni now... There's always a cloud to the silver lining lol. Hopefully they won't demand anything really mental of me.
  17. Oh my god. It needs to be February now.

    1. Tariq


      Indeed, although next time i'll have to try not to be eating my dinner while glen rips the bones out of that guys arm :P

    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Haha, I was munching through a huge bowl of Weetos like a boss :P

  18. Feeling really fed up recently. Wish Uni would take a hike, really can't be arsed. Being single sucks too. I feel a new gun purchase coming on.

    1. Grounded_Pilot


      Drown your sorrows in guns. :D I have none of the issues you have (A job, no debts, a girlfriend) and I still drown my sorrows that come from all of the above in rifle purchases!!

      What's on the buy list? :D

    2. Silent7Sniper7


      get a nice mini gun, its only £3,000 i think

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      An Ares AW .338, or the ASG one. Whichever I find in stock first.

      Waiting for stock is actually just another shitty thing to add to the list lol.

  19. Feeling really fed up recently. Wish Uni would take a hike, really can't be arsed. Being single sucks too.

    1. SpecialForce


      there is always light at the end of the tunnel. everthing has an end only the sausage has two..

    2. Airsoft-Ed
  20. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    What if I just hooked up my DVD player/recorder to my TV and recorded the footage onto a DVD by recording the channel the Xbox was on... Would that work? Then I could just take the file off the DVD and convert it or something? I remember once recording PS2 footage on a video. Back in the day lol.
  21. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    I haven't the first clue how to record games, what would I have to do? I probably won't go for it, since it costs quite a lot to rent a server. Maybe trial for a day if it doesn't seem too expensive.
  22. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    Well the idea with asking around to see if people were interested, was that I could lock it so it was password only, and I could brief everyone that joined of the rules. 'Cos I imagine, if they wanted to play at all, they'd probably be happy to abide by instructions that promote realism. If I found about 60 people that were up for it, I'd probably go for it, 'cos that ought to easily be enough to keep it populated. At least during peak times.
  23. Airsoft-Ed

    battlefield 3

    So how many people have this on the Xbox? I've been wondering how many people would actually like a proper Project Reality style server. If I rented a server, I'd up the ticket count to the highest possible, so games lasted ages - Realistic. I'd lower the starting health to about 30, making it half the standard hardcore health model. Making it a two shot kill with all weapons from under 50m, apart from snipers, and slightly more shots from pistols and PDWs depending on the range. My hope would be, that since it would be SO easy to die, even from falling, that people would have to think things through properly before taking any stupid risks. Adding to this, I'd turn off the map, so the compass was the only thing people could use to point out where people are, meaning people would have to stay close together for the directions from team mates to properly work. I'd also probably limit it to the B2K maps only, because I think they're the best for proper tactical gameplay, and I miss them, everyone seems to leave the fucking server whenever they come up. Why does everyone hate Strike at Karkand so much? I'd say it was the best map in the entire game by a country mile, but I've not played a proper conquest game on it for about 6 friggin' months. Oh and of course, the game mode would be Conquest Assault. But yeah, It'd be very much a case of sneaking around, flanking and properly using fire and manoeuvre tactics. Ideally, I'd also like it if people were forced to use faction specific weapons. Or only the default weapons for each team, so M16 vs AK74 etc. Proper US vs Russia type stuff. I think it'd be awesome. But I don't want to pay for it if it isn't going to work and people aren't going to like it, and I suspect it wouldn't catch on =[ Additionally, I'm not sure you can even edit the health model to that extent, I've never rented a server before, so I'm not sure how much there is you can actually change. But what do you guys think? Would it be enjoyable playing on a highly realistic server? Or do you just prefer to keep it more like an arcade game?
  24. Finally got everything I actually ordered. Camelbak had been delivered to next door, the postman hadn't let me know with a note and they forgot they had it because they were relying on me coming to them off the back of the note I didn't have...

    1. Grounded_Pilot



      "Forgot they had it"... Sounds like schnit to me :P

    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Lol I don't think they cared, they'd definitely not opened it.

      I'm pretty sure they were betting on my coming to them for it once I saw the note through the door that the postman is "supposed" to leave, but didn't on this occasion.

      I was trying to get in touch with the Royal Mail and everything to figure out what'd happened to it. Turned into a right bloody fiasco.

    3. Tariq


      Times like that I'm grateful i live next to my postman :P

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