Yeah some really good points. It sort of makes me think I take it all for granted a bit. I just turn up nowadays and expect it all to be nipped, but I always make an extra effort to not piss staff off (yapping in briefings even though we have all heard them a million times is a bit of a pet peeve of mine) lol. I have ran some big games in the past and booked out sites for exclusive use, that was hard enough. By the sounds of it I think one thing that we can all agree that makes a "good" site is:
Staff/Management - who operate a tight ship. No favouritism among the regulars is a key operational show of excellence to me, as well as a firm and fair way of managing fair play (aka hit taking) - at Spartan, the staff carry rifs and will test you.
Tackle is quite right, you can have the coolest site ever like Longmoor which is used by MOD still for FIBUA - but if you get some not so great staff, then that can ruin the day no matter where you play. And yeah Galvaton, again I think you hit nail on head. I think I know why Spartan does a pay to book only now! 😁
My philosophy is that we play the game for the enjoyment of others, in that - taking hits is about ensuring your fellow player has a decent day, this is of course philosophised in perhaps the naïve sense that others will agree with this lol.
I am sure I am not the only one who has seen a patch in the woods somewhere and thought "hmmm maybe I should start an airsoft business"...I can barely run a bath these days! 🤣