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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. 7.4 will be pretty sluggish, especially in semi. only issues i've seen running 11.1 stock was as mentioned guns that had been downgraded by a shop just whacking any old weak feeling spring in there and they were putting out like 0.6j. if it were me i'd run 11.1 stock, but then if it were me it wouldnt be stock for long.....
  2. i have mine on opera with all the adblockers
  3. stock, as long as it hasn't had a shoddy downgrade to sub 1j should be able to handle 11.1 in terms of rof the trigger contacts wont be happy without a mosfet though.
  4. owch, you're gonna be stuck with how willing the shop is to go through with cancelling then.
  5. honestly at this point i'd just be claiming back on paypal. i know hitting the shops in the wallet isn't fair given it's ups's incompetence, but a shop arguing with them over a few hundred orders is gonna have more leverage than joe bloggs on his own could do. plus it'll convince the shops that they need to switch to competent couriers. i mean last international order i placed took 6 days from moscow, which is how long an international order should take when it's handled by a competent company.
  6. that could be your problem then. end of the COL should kick the trolley up and over the trigger (the second price which is what pushes the tolley forward)
  7. if you have the trolley forward and tip the COL does it still trip ok? sounds like that might be your problem, maybe worth looking at the trolley see if there's any damage?
  8. worth checking that's really what's going on before ordering bits. yes the trigger can, it'll pick up the forward end of the COL which might move it slightly, this is why lockups can happen if the COL is slightly raised and the end that engages the trolley is in in between it'll neither get picked up nor ride over and jam.
  9. i do, and i have, but given the op's once a month takedown policy i'd assumed he'd have known that too. looks like the COL isn't engaging the cam, hard to tell how worn it is from the pic byt it's worth checking that by hand. pull everything bar the COL and the sector gear, rotate by hand and see if it's still moving. normally this is pretty common if the COL is a different brand to the rest of the gearbox, but can also happen with wear.
  10. once a month seems pretty excessive for maintenance, even by my standards..... you haven't trapped a wire or such against the COL? also, how high a round count are we talking, could be COL has worn out?
  11. sadly not used the kythera, although heard good reports on it. needless to say you're trading a chunk of tunability and auto for batteryless operation. tbh, unless i was specifically aiming for a semi only build (eg dmr or for a gun that's semi only by nature) i'd probably still go with the f2 for the cross compatibility.
  12. list em up for sale on the classifieds here: https://airsoft-forums.uk/classifieds/
  13. i assume tactical means any difference that is aimed to make it more usable in a combat situation/military environment. note "aimed to"=/="actually helps"
  14. why not go with the F2? cheaper, much easier to setup, and something you can swap to a much wider range of platforms than a fusion. when it comes to setting up hpa it's both easy and hard, whilst dropping in a kit and getting the gun to fire is much easier than working on a conventional gearbox setup, tuning it to perfection is quite the mountain. i suggest you have a read through here- familiarise yourself with what to expect: donor gun wise, pretty much pick your poison, whilst a lot of hpa's tend to be built on pretty recievers there's nothing that says you can't drop a polarstar into a plastic raider body. only internals to worry about are the hop/barrel setup, and if you're really chasing perfection things like reciever wobble, but those generally aren't the worst things to replace anyway.
  15. it's always the part that's a bitch to find is the one you lose....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      sadly not in this case, the selector lever bolt for an e&l....


      one of those things i dont wanna bodge another brand on either.

    3. Skara


      Literally me yesterday while fiddling with my AAPs, one hammer lock thingy springs went flying.

      Now there's a selector plate/cutoff spring in there :D

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      such a shame as the build is otherwise finished (internally) now i've got the titan to stop whinging.

  16. i feel personally offended by the omission of the makarov from that list. also the 226 has a trigger pull that can only be described as the same feeling as trying to pop a bit of bubble wrap with a hole in it.
  17. ahhh, so you're comparing the op's onlyairsoft one with edcase's justbbguns one? yes that makes sense, carry on....
  18. for me is shows the 2-toned scopeless version at £129.95 and the all black scoped version at £179.99?
  19. also possible nuprol has pulled a "you're using these suppliers for stuff now because we have a big contract with them" always a point of confusion, i always thought ghk bodies were e&l oem, i'm pretty damn sure e&l are doing the bodyshells for bolt's stuff. edit: looking into it think maybe i'm wrong on that point. that's pretty much how i'd sum it up atm- if e&l does it buy that, if e&l doesn't do it then sure go lct.
  20. isn't it 2 different models? the non 2-tone has an optic?
  21. there's camps on both sides, which is why i ended up getting one. but it seems nuprols influence has screwed them over somewhat. but if you want a side to side comparison have a look here:
  22. can't say i agree with that statement one i had was woeful internally and the externals weren't as nice as the stuff e&l is putting out these days. and that's before you even mention RS.....
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