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Status Replies posted by LightningCh

  1. Got shouted at by marshals today for my ROF and I wasn't even shooting when it happened... marshals just get attracted to the dye mask.

    1. LightningCh


      "the £s add up at the end of the year"
      I find that the brits near me are very hung up on this fact and will put poor bbs through their gun to "save money"
       I actually use a bb brand thats a bit cheaper than nuprol per bottle, but im yet to have them shatter... (The Draft Club).

      Maybe it's just poor luck when they shatter because any bb can do it. But I know for a fact the local players to me tend to save as much money as they can because "it all adds up"

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  2. Got shouted at by marshals today for my ROF and I wasn't even shooting when it happened... marshals just get attracted to the dye mask.

    1. LightningCh


      literally every CQB site I play at I hear a rof complaint. Either aimed, at me, someone else, whatever.
      Only place I have played at that has zero complaints is Bravo 1, and that's strictly double taps.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  3. Got shouted at by marshals today for my ROF and I wasn't even shooting when it happened... marshals just get attracted to the dye mask.

    1. LightningCh


      Full auto is allowed at majority of woodland sites @Skara (at least all the ones I've played at)

      But CQB sites have it banned to prevent overkill as best they can for the most part. And well, 350fps at point blank shatters most players bbs on mesh because most Brits seem to use cheap bbs. So theres also that.


      I mean i play semi fire everywhere... I can spam the trigger if i need to... But that's me and saving bbs 😂😂


    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. Got shouted at by marshals today for my ROF and I wasn't even shooting when it happened... marshals just get attracted to the dye mask.

    1. LightningCh


      ...you know what... Never even thought to check if anyone went to speak to the owner... Ill double check with the others because it was mentioned, but whether anyone did or not I dont. know

      Oh hold on @Adolf Hamster just saw the mention of woodlands.... What about CQB? Like thats where speedsofters run into this witchhunt scenario, my local woodland site don't care for rof as long as its not overkilling people... CQB places are like "don't spamf the trigger" and sometimes like in my situation, you aren't even the one spamming 😂

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. Got shouted at by marshals today for my ROF and I wasn't even shooting when it happened... marshals just get attracted to the dye mask.

    1. LightningCh


      Unfortunately at some sites, the "douchery tacked on" is the dye mask and the team jerseys (admittedly there was about 10 speedsofters all wearing their team jerseys, Not that they caused any problems because they know the rules and speedsofters here arent all the stereotype)
      Doesn't matter how fair you play, how many 1 taps you do.
      Some sites just want you to load your gun like its a musket 😂

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  6. Got shouted at by marshals today for my ROF and I wasn't even shooting when it happened... marshals just get attracted to the dye mask.

    1. LightningCh


      Play at Project X wearing a dye mask and you'll see otherwise... First thing that was said "wow there's a lot of speedsoft ****s today".. And after that, firing 2 bbs was a crime 😂 but i got shouted at because the skirmisher next to me got trigger happy (and bbs were bouncing so it sounds like more bbs than it is). 


      Just the stereotype surrounding Dye masks and HPA.

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  7. So... I just found out that Steve Glennie is back at his scamming games.... Just scammed multiple people in a massive discord group chat over the past 2 weeks -_-

    1. LightningCh


      Yes they always will be but for gods sake, after the whole charity thing and just everything... With all the watches for him, he managed to find more people... Never seen a group chat get so angry so quick... I'm also one of those, I hate it when things even go slightly wrong, so to scam all the money (and the traded guns he now has)... just... ridiculous..

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Anyone know why the hpa Evo isn't stopping on empty? Just a dodgy trip switch on these mags? Or is this a lie I'm reading on the website 😂

    1. LightningCh


      They worked upside down, must be a bad spring then, oh well at least I know now lol.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Anyone know why the hpa Evo isn't stopping on empty? Just a dodgy trip switch on these mags? Or is this a lie I'm reading on the website 😂

    1. LightningCh


      im using .2s lol, when I pull the mag out 2 bbs drop to the floor and theres none left in the mag.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Anyone know why the hpa Evo isn't stopping on empty? Just a dodgy trip switch on these mags? Or is this a lie I'm reading on the website 😂

    1. LightningCh


      Hmm... actuating the switch by hand works. Can only assume it's dodgy mag switches then?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  11. Anyone know why the hpa Evo isn't stopping on empty? Just a dodgy trip switch on these mags? Or is this a lie I'm reading on the website 😂

    1. LightningCh


      Yeah I know the AEG version does, just according to multiple websites the gun stops on empty. Trying to figure it out, but too be honest, I'm only able to do short fill mags (like 6 bbs or so) so could be that? Could just be dodgy mags... Not sure, and don't know when my new mags will arrive :(

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. Urgh, tried to book in to the local CQB site and turns out, my mom has put the kids safe settings on the router... It's ALMOST like she doesn't want me playing airsoft or something... hmm, wonder if she realises I know the account password lol.

    1. LightningCh


      I was booking on for Bravo 1, kinda wrecked my plans, still booking an evening game there though for the closest possible date lol.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. When did the forum get updated?! Not sure I like the new colour scheme and layout.

    1. LightningCh


      The reactions thing is nice though lol. Not what we asked for like you said... But it's an added feature I'll use I guess.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. When did the forum get updated?! Not sure I like the new colour scheme and layout.

    1. LightningCh


      With you on this, not keen on the colours either. Ah well, guess we will all get used to it sooner or later.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  15. Has the forum updated as seems different on my phone this evening than this morning......

    1. LightningCh


      Yup, it's been updated, I personally don't like the colouring and stuff now. Guess we will get used to it though.

  16. I thought I'd post here to ask this, Wheres the best section to ask for appraisals? 

    1. LightningCh


      I have seen a couple people use the status updates here for appraisals as well. Keep it short enough to be read from the preview and it will be more likely to get a reply.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  17. I seem to make all my purchases at the end of the week, meaning I have to wait until about Monday before they are delivered, sad times! :(

    1. LightningCh


      I'm the same XD Really trying to pull in my spending now but then I'm looking at more stuff like "i want that, i want that, i want that, that, that, and this" lol

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. Anyone need anything from taiwangun? I'm doing a big order so could save some postage...

  19. Just spent at least 1 hour properly adjusting my condor recon rig to fit me... And doing a makeshift job to strengthen the bib kit... But now that it's correct I can get my 4 M4 mags on the lower section, and my hi capa on the bib... and still run a tight 2 point sling for my primary without clashing with anything :D

    1. LightningCh


      lol, that sounds like fun... But at least the FPC would have the structure in it... the recon rig and bib are basically fabric, and a hicapa with its mag in is almost 1Kg of weight, so it was dragging everything down lol.

      Was refusing to use a belt holster as it collided with my gun, and drop legs never properly fit me and just slide around my thigh.

      In the end I stuffed cut to size cardboard pieces into the rear admin pouch on the bib so it doesn't bend as much.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  20. Doubt there would be any interest for some magpul clone MBUIS flip up iron sights in Tan?
    What about Some original Krytac Iron Sights? Need cash but not got anything spare to actually sell lol...
    Still got that battery up for sale as well, only had 1 bite and it fell through due to lack of deans connection...


    So yeah, any takers? probably not...

    1. LightningCh


      The Magpul Clone MBUS sights have sold.


      Just the krytac stock iron sights and the battery left.

      Although I may hold onto the krytac sights for resale reasons... Hmm.. Will think about it.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  21. So since I never learn... I decided to disassemble my Krytac CRB, and just hoped I didn't wreck the spring again. Lucky for me the krytac is built a little differently and the receiver slides right off, not up and away like on the G&G... So no issues :D

    1. LightningCh


      *looks down after posting and spots the spring from the inner barrel* god damn it -_-

  22. Gotta love a bit of spam to report in the evening lol.

  23. Gotta love a bit of spam to report in the evening lol.

  24. So took apart my Wild Hog today to just try and see how easy it is to do this. Turns out it's easy :D Only thing is I'v e managed to do something to the bolt so instead of being a non locking bolt for hopup access... it just sits freely wherever i put it and i have to manually push the bolt forward again to hide the hopup... no idea what I've done but won't complain as it makes it easier to access lol.

    1. LightningCh


      Fair enough, I'm getting the gun swapped over to Deans as well as the batteries this weekend so I'm sure the tech will replace it for me for a couple extra quid... At least I know what's actually happened now lol. Part of the learning curve into tech work I guess :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  25. So took apart my Wild Hog today to just try and see how easy it is to do this. Turns out it's easy :D Only thing is I'v e managed to do something to the bolt so instead of being a non locking bolt for hopup access... it just sits freely wherever i put it and i have to manually push the bolt forward again to hide the hopup... no idea what I've done but won't complain as it makes it easier to access lol.

    1. LightningCh


      I can't get it to sit any better so I guess the spring is just stretched out too much now. looks like this is a really common problem... how can it be stopped? I mean, I guess first time around I didn't realise that there was a notch that catches the charging handle so if do it gently it may prevent it but wow... one of those inherent flaws in a design i guess. thanks for the replies guys :) I'll get my hands on a new spring asap.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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