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Everything posted by BigStew

  1. Always try to get my head around we airsofters balk at green fees yet spend thousands on gun/gear I can't think of many all day activities that cost less than airsoft green fees (£36 would last you maybe two rounds for four people in the pub these days.
  2. Less money about but also other priorities come a long, which has been the case as long a I can remember. I have been going to my current local site going on 14 years there are maybe 2 or 3 other people been going longer than me and doesn't include the current owner( slightly worried i have no life).
  3. you sure this isn't a KWC?
  4. Take this with a pinch of salt but I think the KJWs USP is a Tanaka clone it might be worth searching for Tanaka dissambly guides.
  5. Would be interested in a heat shield to fit in my pulse rifle.
  6. Not as good as the TM ones and they are not as well built. it's not worth getting WE mags for the sake of a few quid difference.
  7. The High Capa is vastly superior to the Tac Master M9. The Tac Master M9 is the version 1 design which maybe late 90s design ( all TM designated M92F as well). If you want a TM M9 you need to get a M9A1 or M9 they are much more modern design (newer than the HI Capa) with a better blow back system and hop unit. The Hi Capa has a much more after market support as is far more customisable with more parts availability compared to the M9/M9A1. Performance wise they are as good as each other ( i couldn't really tell the difference). the base Hi Capas are cheaper than the M9/M9A1. Never had a Hi Capa break on me the M9 right hand side decocker stopped working after a while the left hand side still worked and the right still acted as a safety. The more practical choice is the Hi Capa but i prefer the M9 and yes all TM M9/M92F mags are cross compatible..
  8. Girth is always more important!
  9. really depends what OP wants but that's still a large frame revolver.
  10. Tanaka are the only company that make any compact revolvers
  11. Well that would be the 1st thing to check. If there is absolutely nothing happen ie the motor isn't trying to turn. Next would be pull the motor out and put power to it with out load if it turns it's gearbox related. If it is just the fuse it still means you have a problem as unless you had a faulty fuse something is seriously wrong.
  12. I always wonder if airsoft sites should become sports clubs rather than business but could see it would be too easy for one team to muscle control if they were large enough. for now we are stuck in a twilight need the sport to be legit but being too legit could see every site under too many local councils/ civil servants with agendas and egos that either want any reason top shut sites down or bleed them dry ( the current model sites operate on are not a route to obscene wealth as many seem to think).
  13. Most sites are restricted to 24 or 28 game days a year before they become crippled by business rates and planning permission restrictions ( hence why you don't get many milsims they are rarely profitable so why lose a regular walk on day?) . Airsoft is trapped by limited customer base who aren't prepared to pay what it would cost to be more than in most cases a one man show that depends on volunteers who do it for free games and petrol money. Add eye watering insurance premiums high rent and uncertain durations( how much are you willing to invest if you are going to lose your site in a years time to a housing developer are wind farm?)
  14. Unless something is rare or in demand the more expensive it is the more money it loose. If you have a £1k to spend on a second hand toy you most likely can afford to spend £1.4k on a new one.
  15. XT60s are over kill but i find them easier to solder and more to grip when taking the connectors apart.
  16. I don't think HPA is synonymous with cheater just being a spamming wanker, which from personal experience seems to be the case.
  17. My mate played the Mall with an Stock Ares WA2000.
  18. Right am i seriously miss remembering or was KSC System 7 released early 2000s or late 2000s. don't want to get into a slagging match if i am wrong.
  19. Yeah if you are going to field an expensive gun make sure you can get parts. just heard a tale of some poor sod dropping and breaking the receiver on a stupidly upgraded TM 417 on it's 1st outing and there are no receivers to be had.
  20. This a valuation request not a sales thread and also the original post now a year old.
  21. If it's rare/ hard to get parts I wouldn't field it, but also I couldn't justify to my self a £600 gun that I didn't use.
  22. That whole gas capacity thing for 1911s is crap. Do they have the same capacity as a double stack no if course they don't. Will you be able to get at least 2 re loads out of one gas charge yes, will they perform poorly in low temperature yes but so will most GBB. The TM 1911A1 is a perfectly usable side arm especially considering it's a 20 + years old design.
  23. Are you sure it's glued and not just molded like that? It's unlikely that a glue was used they may be heat welded.
  24. if you are after TM Recoil mid cap mags theses are stupidly cheap https://airsoft.tiger111hk.com/p52242/Battleaxe-80rds-Masada-style-magazine-for-TM-Next-Gen-RECOIL-NGRS-M4-Series-AEG-Black/product_info.html
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