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BigStew last won the day on January 10

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About BigStew

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  • Guns
    Pulse Rifle, ,MP5A5, TM HK45, G26, P90,, HFC VP70, AAP01, SAA.
  • Loadouts
    what ever fits
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    Setion 8 Airsoft
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  1. Did you read that before you wrote that. Extreme left influence? There hasn't been been a UK government that has even been slightly left wing since the 70s.
  2. Who's the OEM? I can't believe Ares has gone against 25 odd years of precedent and made something good.
  3. Cheap doesn't always mean bad. I swear by Bollie Tracker IIs which can be got for £13 from any Screwfix.
  4. Does it have an auto shut down function If not fired? If not sounds faulty.
  5. You got my hopes up for a second. it's not Mini 14 just a KC-02 with a stock kit. Some one on this forum did it with a real steel stock.
  6. Never have I been more happy to be middle aged and fat.
  7. The top of the mags and knocker valves are different. Best bet is to use Google image and compare the mags.
  8. This has got be joke. Does the MOD really want an army full of Autistic obseives?
  9. The ASG is a rebranded KWA/KSC M93R. however there are several versions that don't have mag cross compatibility. The gun is most likely an M93R II which uses NS2/System 7 mags.
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    • For sale
    • As new

    WTS VFC V2 G36K GBBR, Gun comes with a (possibly SRC) scope rail ( red dot battery cap is missing) 6 V2 30rd mags ( all gas tight), manual and box. gun shoots 1.1j (measured with 0.28g BBs) imported the gun about a month a go, fielded it once last Sunday, Gun works perfectly but i could not get a long with it, pistol grip is too short for me and i can't get good eye relief. £450.00 posted and paypaled. No trades/Not splitting. Proof of VCRA defense required.


    Glasgow - GB

  11. £50 new and in stock at eagle 6. Oh Firesupport have for £40.
  12. It's never at the buyers risk. It's the sellers responsibility. That why I won't sell out the country. Two guns on separate occasions both gone walkies in transit I was out of pocket about £350 with no insurance cover.
  13. Being a fat, sweaty lad I have had great success with a pair of bollie raider and an exfog unit. It's light enough it attached to the head band and you can barely hear it.
  14. Pedantic mode engaged. Should this not be in the news section?
  15. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    WTS Firewolf 1.5 4x30 rifle scope. Red or Green variable illumination. Includes lenses covers and rail mount. Owned it about two years mainly sat in it's box. £50.00 posted & paypaled.


    glasgow - GB

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