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Everything posted by Skara

  1. How's the clone? I kinda want one to go with my Helikon rig and I don't want to dish out €200 on the real one..
  2. Tournament gun. It's an Ares Amoeba AM 013, the honey badger.. Internally I've changed the crappy soft metal stock bushings to steel ones, plugged a hole in the cylinder to match the barrel and changed the spring, now it runs just under 1J which is the limit for Italy. Externally: added camo tape for improved grip, added DD replica irons, added Aim-o t1 replica and a nice Decathlon watch to keep track of time. It runs on a 11.1v 25c LiPo, plus I have a 7.4v spare one. Will probably upgrade the hop to a flat nub + prommy purple just like my other gun. Shoots pretty accurate, it is a bit front heavy because the rail is a big ass monolithic chunk of metal and the rear end is mostly polymer.. Will probably switch to a lighter keymod rail, replacing the stock built-in suppressor to a thinner one that actually fits the rail.
  3. Those pants with built-in kneepads are hot af, probably because there's so much synthetic material (around the knees and on your butt).. For summer I'm gonna run much lighter (pics tomorrow hopefully, otherwise you'll need to wait for Sunday afternoon after I get back from the tournament)
  4. Because we need to complete stuff within a certain time limit (15 to 20 minutes usually).. If we do it faster we get some bonus points
  5. Just grabbed a 11.1 Lipo and a watch to put on my tournament gun
  6. Ordered an a-tacs fg "tactical" t-shirt, because f*ck playing tournaments in long sleeved BDUs. Also quite cheap at €13. Should arrive tomorrow.
  7. So, went to our field for a day of training, we were only 7 so we focused on things like vip escort and room clearing..

    When we got back to our cars, a group of people showed up.

    Quite usual since the hills nearby are quite nice for hunters, trekkers and families having a day in the woods, the place is only 30 kilometres from the town and on a sunny day it's ideal for those who don't like crowded beaches..

    They got closer to us, as most people do to ask questions about airsoft and stuff..

    Then a ugly af woman, who's probably been taking heroin or some other crap for most of her life asked us:

    So you like war huh?

    Our answer: no madam, the equipment and guns are only toys, we're here to have fun together and enjoy being in the woods.

    She replied: lies, you're a bunch of warmongers, you like to kill people, you're fascists! (All of that while screaming with all her energy)..

    At this point I wasn't considering her too much, but that sentence caught my attention..

    I, being as calm as a Zen master during meditation, replied to her:

    If we like war and violence and, as you stated, are warmongers, why are you the only one being aggressive and yelling and threatening us?

    She got so triggered she called the police, the police came, they had a look at our guns to see if they were within the limits (using our chrono btw) and then searched the woman and arrested her because she had drugs with her and she was living without a permit on a private land with her caravan..


    All of this while the rest of the group stood without saying a single word.



    Karma, you fucking hippie twat.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Duff


      Yeah it's a toy that's why you need a valid legal defense to own it.


      It's not a toy.


      To show up in my living room I'd have to open the door to you and that isn't happening.


      Point is she isn't a hippy. Don't be mean to hippies.

    3. Skara


      I'm in Italy, there's no defense here xD

    4. Duff


      Yeah well you still need to not label people judged purely on their lifestyle choices, no matter what it may be. That's a dick move. 

  8. I need to see a doctor, I haven't bought anything airsoft related recently and I don't feel the need to.... Am I going to die?
  9. Not airsoft related, but I just bought a head tracking device for my pc
  10. That moment when you haven't slept for 36 hours, you drive to your team's tournament, you forget your camo bdu at home and you're only left with your tac gear, a RED flannel shirt and a pair of jeans, yet people can't spot you and you wipe full 8 man teams on your own.


    1. Duff


      Red flannel and jeans is pretty much my loadout.

    2. Skara


      But you play cqb mostly.

      I was in the woods lol.

      People literally couldn't see me 5 metres in front of them..

    3. Duff


      True. If I were to do woodland I'd up my game to a Spider-Man onesie.

  11. This is my "competitive" loadout. It's light, carries what I need, blends in well (too well actually) with our environment (maritime pine forests with lots of bushes), it's not too expensive.. Clothing: -A-tacs FG BDU (branded SBB but I believe it's from propper or tru-spec, I may be wrong though) -A-tacs FG boonie (still SBB) camo neck wrap (calling it A-tacs would be blasphemy) -Mechanix originals in MC -Crispi GTX boots -Helikon Cobra belt Rig: -Helikon-Tex TMR in A-tacs iX Backpack: -Decathlon Solognac 20L in their camo pattern (resembles kryptec mandrake) Eyepro: - Vega Holster ballistic glasses Comms: -Midland G7 -Midland bowman Knife (utility) - Gerber Bear Grylls Paracord Knife, I swapped the orange paracord it came with with a temporary blue string, will replace it with some proper paracord..
  12. Just picked up a basically brand new dpm Gore-Tex jacket from a stand in my local town's fair.
  13. Aaaaand no airsoft for today as well :(


    F*cking rain -.-

    1. Loki7491


      What are you? A Gremlin? Surely you don't avoid showering as that means you get wet too?

    2. Skara


      It's not me, it's my teammates being pussies..


      And btw my town's almost flooded lol, we had an exceptionally heavy downpour tonight and early morning..

    3. steakandpotato


      Just adds to the fun

  14. What's up with all the shotties? I get the price factor (except for TM ones), but seriously, what's all the hype about?
  15. At least you guys aren't constantly browsing Amazon or airsoft retailers looking for stuff to buy *stares at his chrome history*
  16. Wooden plates lol.. Go get some plastic ones if you want rigidity.. I got my pc with plastic plates, swapped them for foam ones, best purchase ever for my pc.. They hold the shape while not digging in your back..
  17. Helikon Tex TMR (Training Mini Rig) Use: Designed for shooting ranges (as the name suggests), it's great for airsoft, carries everything you need and nothing you don't. Key features: Made of 500D Cordura, available in a lot of colours and patterns, all legit, multicam will be multicam, a-tacs will be a-tacs and not a weird mix of colours and shades without a sense. 4x rifle magazine pouches, accept both M4 and AK mags, 2 of which can be removed to allow other inserts to be mounted via Velcro 4x pistol magazine pouches 1x medium sized utilty pouch 1x medium sized utility/medical dangler pouch H Harness straps with a few PALS on them. Build Quality: Being made for real steel stuff, it's quite well made, the stitching is great and you can feel the quality just by touching it. My opinion and overall comments: First impressions when i got it: it felt great by touching it, i loaded the rig with what i usually carry on a skirmish, so 3 mags, bbs, radio, valuables (car keys, phone, cigarettes) and some first aid supplies. Adjusting it is the easiest thing ever. put it on, pull the straps, secure them with tape. done. the waist strap has a G hook, which has a tendency to come loose when not in tension, Helikon solved the problem with a Cordura sleeve that goes around it. the 4 main magazine pouches are a little odd compared to most chest rigs: the 2 internal ones are recessed into the rig, while the external ones are about an inch (a molle row) lower.. i found them to be intuitive and easy to use despite the odd positioning. the reason for the recessed pouches is to make sure the central utility pouch doesn't bulge out when full of stuff. the central mag pouches are connected via Velcro, this allows the user to replace them with other inserts via Velcro, or to remove them completely and have another utility pouch for documents or a wallet. I believe you can get the holster insert and save space on your belt... As you can see from the picture i put 3 magazines and the radio in those pouches. be aware that Midland radios don't fit in the side mag pouches when used with a mic/speaker, so i had to put the radio in the central pouch and the last mag on the far right. this doesn't bother me at all, i can still reach that magazine easily. Oh, and the side mag pouches have a drain hole. the 4 pistol pouches are fixed to the rig, like everything else but the insert and dangler, and they have adjustable/removable flaps. I have fitted mine with a multitool and a torch on the right side and nothing on the left (solely because i don't have anything to put in there yet). The central utility pouch has a few organizer pockets and bands to keep items where they are supposed to, it has a nylon ring to attach keys, a mesh internal zip pocket and an external one as well (they're separate). On the bottom there are three PALS attachment points, so you can secure a CAT there (no, not the one that meows and purrs, the one that saves your life if you severe your arm) or glowsticks or literally whatever. The dangler pouch is a bit weird, it's shaped in order to open like a clamshell, the bottom is narrow while the top is twice the size. internally it has velcro on both sides, so you can attach whatever you want. i personally use it for a small iFAK and bbs. The pouch is removable and unveils a row of MOLLE to which you can attach other pouches according to your needs. The rig can be strapped to a plate carrier with swift clips, although the G hook on the bottom requires you to still use the waist strap (or you can be a man and modify one of the clips to accept G hooks) I picked it up in A-Tacs iX for 2 main reasons: 1) there were none left here in Italy apart from black and Pencott variants 2) my team camo is A-Tacs FG, i'm planning to get a set of A-Tacs AU and the iX variant is supposed to be the Digital Concealement Systems "multicam" I got to use it last sunday, although we haven't played much due to the heavy rain/snow downpour. nonetheless i had the chance to have it on in an active environment, running, sneaking, laying prone and i have to say, it's really great! it doesn't impede movement at all, and my main concern, the dangler pouch, didn't really move at all despite being full of first aid stuff and a bag of around 2000 bbs. magazine extraction is quick, retention is good even without using the elastic bands, although the 2 middle pouches are not as tight as the external ones, so keep that in mind if you're jumping around trying to be a Novritsch wannabe or simply speedsofting, there's a slight chance of those mags coming loose and flying around. Magazine index isn't intuitive and the middle mag pouch can be a bitch to put mags back in in a hurry, i suggest to use some sort of dump pouch. As you can see i used the shoulder PALS to attach my PTT, you can attach torches, knives, zip ties, your grandma there. Overall rating: 9.5/10, the only reason why it's not getting a 10 is that i cannot fit the radio in the right mag pouch. but that's just me being a crybaby.
  18. Kinda reminds me of some STALKER series I'd only swap the hoodie with some kind of russian style warm hat and you're set EDIT: fuq, i thought it was the loadout thread -.- G3 is a gun i've wanted for ages to build a DMR.. how does it perform??
  19. What's a good website to get a mtp lightweight goretex jacket?


    (I live in Italy so shipping will be a lot anyway)

    1. Gepard


      Try www.cadetdirect.com . I bought my uniform for the ATC there and was happy with the quality and service. 

  20. Hooked it on the back of my car with a cinder block on it and went for a ride on a dirt road, then dumped it in the mud several times.. The first time I wore it I couldn't bend lol.. Ditched it after selling my vsr10, I was so tired of sniping that I couldn't even look at a magnified optic without the need to drink bleach xD While it's true that a well made ghillie has a lot of natural material on it, the base tone must be somewhat similar to the environment, otherwise it's like trying to hide a black bear in the arctic..
  21. Pre made ghillies suck imo.. Most of the times your surroundings won't match the ghillie shape/colour making you stand out more than a pink t-rex costume.. I made one, took me ages to find the correct colour tones and arrangement to make it work, but at the end of the day you couldn't see me within 20 feet from you..
  22. I'm surprised, that two tone doesn't even look bad!
  23. Be a man, slap a 4x32 scope on your mk23 and snipe with that
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