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  1. Like
    Tackle reacted to Cromulon1994 in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Just agreed to buy an ares WA2000 now too. Not entirely sure why as I play cqb only but it'll look good in the safe zone I guess. 
  2. Haha
    Tackle reacted to Rogerborg in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    You'll want to keep in in a perspex case to stop it being licked by other players.
  3. CoolAF
    Tackle reacted to Asomodai in Gun picture thread   
    Pew bois with boom stick launchers!

  4. Sad
    Tackle reacted to MandalShArK in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    not at this time no.
  5. Like
    Tackle reacted to MandalShArK in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Not bought, I was sent this to test.
    AUG 9mm Mag adaptor.
    so far running well with a couple of little issues to be ironed out.

  6. Thanks
    Tackle reacted to Rogerborg in ACETECH Lighter S Tracer Unit Issue   
    As the most recent Lighter-S trouble topic, I thought I'd BUMP this thread to report that both I and ex-workmate Eddie have been having problems with our Lighter-S tracer units.
    Mine is still stroppy.  It will sit ostensibly charging for many hours, but then if you disconnect and reconnect the charger, will show as full.  It requires several on-off cycles before it stops flashing red error / bogus low battery, even when freshly charged.  Once it's on, it will stay on, but the intensity has dropped off significantly since I first got it (with both ASG blasters and AirsoftWorld green tracers), leading me to suspect that some of the LEDs have failed already.
    Ex-workmate Eddie dropped his Lighter-S and wrecked it, so had a brand new one on Sunday, freshly charged, and functional at home.  On site, it failed immediately, ostensibly turning itself on (green light flashes) but then it wouldn't turn off, and didn't function at all.
    I really couldn't recommend them.  Nice idea, but the quality is shoddy even by airsoft toy standards.
  7. Like
    Tackle reacted to Beardedviking94 in Gun picture thread   
    Picked up my new to me Tokyo marui hk416 delta today off a teammate. A few little bits done to it like Moffett e.c.t and came with 8 mags,speedloader,silencer 
    All fits nicely into 8fields tactical bag 

  8. CoolAF
    Tackle reacted to GearTech in Custom paint work   
    This one is going in my top 5 to date. Don't want to send it back.

  9. Like
    Tackle reacted to Asomodai in Gun picture thread   
    Genuinely love that Mossberg!
    The TM DOR came in this morning. 
    Mike at ESC had it all lubed for me ready to shoot. 302 fps out of the box with ASG ultraair 😮
    It's such a snappy pistol. Feels really solid and with a nice kick! For 99 quid you really cant go wrong!

  10. CoolAF
    Tackle reacted to Tiercel in What are you driving?   
    Got bored of my old dad car VW Passat. Whilst it was a perfectly good functional unit of car, it was terribly, terribly dull. So I treated myself to this :3 Jag XE R-Sports. Absolutely love it. It is however completely impractical for airsofting as the boot is big enough for about  2 bags of shopping and there is no way Id want to take it up the absolutely dire off road paths most airsoft sites have.
    Just means Ill have to buy that Ford Ranger Ive always wanted as well to go airsofting in  
  11. Like
    Tackle reacted to Seven in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Couldn't resist...

  12. Haha
    Tackle reacted to Asomodai in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    4 Battleaxe 60 Round Moscarts at 11 quid a piece. 
    2 Holosight protectors.
    And THATS IT. I cant afford anything else! 
  13. Haha
    Tackle reacted to Adolf Hamster in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    you just keep telling yourself that
  14. Confused
    Tackle reacted to Rogerborg in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    At least my eyepro won't fog up.
    As you said, everyone's LARPing online.
  15. Like
    Tackle reacted to Samurai in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    No one would watch average joe's average airsoft games.
    Youtubers create controversial content on purpose. Look at this thread, we are talking about a video, that's exactly what they are going for. They are not like that in real life, the audience, you form them to what you want to see. So I think it's not the youtubers who influence the players to be like that, it's the other way around.
    Mustang moves crosshairs to the head, chooses titles and thumbnails that can be triggering, etc because that's what people want. Even the ones hating him. He's very good at creating good content from normal game days.
  16. Like
    Tackle reacted to Adolf Hamster in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    i'm not saying that skipping full face isn't a risk, i have a right shiner on my cheek at the moment testament to that, although i've been lucky enough to keep all my teeth thus far (although i've seen it happen to mates).
    it's just a case of regardless of what some is or isn't wearing on their face, shooting there intentionally when you have a choice is a dick move that shouldn't be encouraged, to do so "in the name of airsoft justice" doubly so.
  17. Like
    Tackle reacted to Rogerborg in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    Ah, but Licking Mustard is Super Delta SAS Ranger Elite, he can guide his BBs on target with Operator Telepathy.  And the issue we're discussing is him taking deliberate face shots (with whatever depleted uranium style sniper BBs he's slinging) and holding that up as an exemplar of what to do if you think someone isn't taking hits.
    It's the latter part that I have a problem with.  He's a toxic player for many reasons, and I don't want people emulating his out-of-bounds, inside-MED, spawn-camping, face-shooting, I-hit-you-but-you-never-hit-me ego driven grumpiness.
    Since he's been bragging about this stuff for a while, it's long since past time that sites told him that he's no longer welcome.
  18. Like
    Tackle reacted to EvilMonkee in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    Nope hes a cunt.  End of. 
  19. Like
    Tackle reacted to Rogerborg in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    He plays one in his videos, for share-like-subscribes. That normalises caddishness, and encourages others to play that way because they've seen it done and bragged about with (up to now) no consequences.
    And that's the problem, not what he's actually like in the safe zone or the pub.
  20. Like
    Tackle reacted to EvilMonkee in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    Oh he did this to me as well on FB - I called him out for some of his actions then he started to bring up my personal politics, as if that had anything to do with the price of fish.  Pure distraction arguments.  I get the overriding impression hes not too bright.
  21. Like
    Tackle reacted to Skara in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    Lmao, that rule is stupid.
    I personally try to avoid blapping people in the head, but we have to remember that we have zero control over our bbs once they leave the barrel, especially at range. It sucks, but so do thigh shots, finger shots and those cheeky bbs that go straight into the only area your chest rig isn't covering and hurt like mofos.
    Dude is just a crybaby, he should ask himself why he plays if he doesn't want to get shot.
    KM posting the video supported by Facebook and Instagram posts only reminds us why we hate him (I don't hate him, he brought some nice knowledge to the sniper community, better than Novritsch for sure)
    And for the millionth time, OMG 🐆 videos only ruin the sport.
  22. Haha
    Tackle reacted to Adolf Hamster in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    Mostly yes, although i'm sure that's because he's so deep behind enemy lines using his fantastic ghillie skills he cant risk speaking too loudly or lose his position.
  23. Like
    Tackle reacted to EvilMonkee in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    And goes out of bounds and edits his 'footage' to make himself look good.  I was at a game with him on my team last year at Urban Assault before it closed and he put game footage up of it of him clearing a building which was empty all day long....his footage also jumped all over the site, so he would have shots of himself in one position then getting a kill somewhere 200m away..... 
    He's a toxic cockwomble who needs a good fucking kicking and hopefully will go the way of his predecessor MattTheTwat by leaving the sport.
    He basically seeks drama all the time to up his YT count and breaks the number 1 rule of airsoft all the time - dont be a cunt
  24. Like
    Tackle reacted to ChrisG in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    He chooses head shots when body shots are available then uses the mantra of snowflakes don't play airsoft. Then his little kiddy followers back him up. If you can only take a headshot go for it, but if you can aim for the body and hit, don't be a cunt.
    And in his latest video he calls out cheaters not taking their hits. Then couldn't take a hit himself when a Marshall called it out. Had to play back blurred footage to prove himself right. Such a dick.
  25. Like
    Tackle reacted to Rogerborg in What do you look for in an airsoft blog/channel?   
    IIRC (and I may not) didn't he proudly claim that he'd taken headshots against some players who offended him by talking to each other while dead?
    As in, he deliberately headshot already dead players to punish them for not standing there silently.
    Quite how he heard what they were saying from outside of a 30m MED escapes me, but I'm sure his Super Sonic Sniper Hearing managed to determine from that range that they were talking about in-game things rather than just chatting.
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