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Tackle last won the day on January 19

Tackle had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    M14 socom/SA58/CA8-2/P90/G3/PDR-C/FN2010/TAR21/AK74/UAR/G36/L96/SVD/numerous AR's/4 Shotguns.
  • Loadouts
    I use kit that works for me, irrespective of whether seal team six etc have been seen in it ;)
  • Sites
    Kent sites mainly nowadays .
  • Gender
  • Location
    Greatstone, se Kent
  • Interests
    Duh 🤪

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  1. Might have one in tan, I'll have a look through the kit tomorrow.
  2. Gav, she deserves the stick, if she'd been a bloke playing a UK site we'd be severely pissed at what she admitted, I don't think being female & in the US changes anything, anybody with a blasé attitude to site rules & safety should be banned from said site. I considered banning her from here given that @The_Lord_Poncho gave her very good advice, which she immediately chose to ignore, virtually trolling us with her response. But for the time being I'm happy to let it run, see what other gems she discloses lol. You know how it is here, banter, piss taking, even a slightly heated argument is acceptable if the subject being discussed is pertinent, but her admission is up there with some KM level shit, guaranteed to trigger most players.
  3. For what mate ?, the casual cunting or players running super-hot guns & admitting they don't give a fuck ? I know which one I'm fine with🤔
  4. How did you pay ?, is there no way to reverse the payment, charge back, PayPal dispute etc ?
  5. Haven't you heard, girls can have them too these days apparently 🤣 OK, I'll try to be polite, quick change box couldn't be easier to change the spring & bring it down to your site limits, irrespective if they chrono. Think about it, you've already got a fairly high speed gun, then combine by x2 due to the double barrels, surely it's not necessary to inflict unnecessary pain on your fellow players, & what if you did & someone demands you're chronoed, maybe you don't get to play at your local site again. Think about it🤔
  6. It's got a quick change spring, why the fuck would you not bring it down to your site levels ?, is your dick so small that the only way you can hope to win is by cheating.
  7. I agree, raise the complaint & don't close it until you've got your mags (& are happy with them), or the full refund has cleared, as each transaction can only have one dispute raised. You'll be surprised how quickly companies sort things out once a dispute is raised, as technically if they get too many paypal can (but rarely does), withdraw its services.
  8. At this rate the only sites will be woodland in the most far flung inaccessible areas 😢
  9. Lol, chuck me under the bus why don't ya, I was deleting them, but you were like "rule 5 please guys🙏", made me look like an arsehole, so I stopped. That's it, no more Mr nice guy, it's ⚒️time 😈 😜
  10. Kin sweatys 😜, I had to look up what dingied means. But yeah, surely basic manners dictate you make a polite acknowledgement in these situations.
  11. Just to clarify: There must be at least one photo with a piece of paper showing your AFUK forum name and date next to the item(s) for sale/swap Not business names, cryptic barely visible tiny watch faces, mums maiden name or anything else. We can't change your username unfortunately, your only option there is to open a new account, but your old account will be closed & feedback lost.
  12. Need you to sort out your username/date as per rule 5.
  13. Got a sort of similar situation going on here, messaged a member a question about a rif, he quickly responds with a promise of pictures later, true to his word he sends said pics. So then I sent him what I believe to be NOT an unreasonable offer, explaining I wouldn't need the extra mags & battery. That was more than 24hrs ago, he's read it, been on numerous times since, but not a dicky bird ??? I'm a big boy lol, I can take rejection💔, but the silent treatment, really ? Thing is, not sure if any of you are like me, if I get the taste for something new, whatever cash I've got aside for it will burn a hole in my pocket, so if a seller takes 3 days to make up his mind, there's every chance I've moved on & bought something else.
  14. I wouldn't care if Jesus's Christ himself had lovingly fondled it, when are people going to get their head around the fact that no amount of upgrades can beat the laws of physics, all while you remain on the right side of the laws of the land. To me no airsoft gun is worth half that.
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