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Tackle last won the day on February 22

Tackle had the most liked content!

About Tackle

Profile Information

  • Guns
    M14 socom/SA58/CA8-2/P90/G3/PDR-C/FN2010/TAR21/AK74/UAR/G36/L96/SVD/numerous AR's/4 Shotguns.
  • Loadouts
    I use kit that works for me, irrespective of whether seal team six etc have been seen in it ;)
  • Sites
    Kent sites mainly nowadays .
  • Gender
  • Location
    Greatstone, se Kent
  • Interests
    Duh 🤪

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  1. There's always someone who'll sell rifs with little or no proof of a defence. Thing is though, they've played airsoft with them, the pics prove that, so I guess there's probably no issue, after the fact, as the yanks say ?🤔
  2. Me too, maybe even 15 years, & tbh when I tried Googling the site it just came up with ancient pages I couldn't access, I assumed the place died years ago. So in the scheme of things, when it comes to airsoft forums, what's left ?, obviously afuk lol, maybe zin might come back ?, any others ?
  3. Or you could just sell the Raven, & put the money towards the TM equivalent ? 😏
  4. Unlikely you'll get too many realistic moving parts on springer, especially if it's half decent for target shooting, as those bits aren't really needed. @heroshark prob has the best spring pistol collection, I'm sure he'll enlighten us as to what's worth having, & @BenJackson will be able to track it down for you.
  5. Guys, this member is being looked at as a possible scammer, don't enter in to any deals with him while this message is visible.


    Update: he's responded to the buyer finally, with a plausible excuse, but the situation remains the same until the goods are delivered.

  6. @Lyndication maybe you could share some links that show the lower prices new ?, that would be constructive. @Fenrir557 maybe you could do the same ?, if you feel lyndications comment is unwarranted. Alternatively if a member thinks something is priced excessively, stick a post on "Macks"
  7. Me too, kinda halo/alien lovechild 😘
  8. Only way would be to precisely measure them, compare the new mags to the old ones, ideally with a decent vernier caliper.
  9. What kind of cockwomble fuckwit thinks "I know, I'll have a sniper/dmr rule that no other site in the country uses, what could go wrong🤔" Just another site I'm adding to the "not gonna play there" list.
  10. Lewis, your username & date isn't fully showing in your pic, please amend.
  11. Thank you for the review, it's nice to know I now have a cqb site within a reasonable distance, hopefully they can hold on to it for a while🤞🙏
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