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Tackle last won the day on March 24

Tackle had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Guns
    M14 socom/SA58/CA8-2/P90/G3/PDR-C/FN2010/TAR21/AK74/UAR/G36/L96/SVD/numerous AR's/4 Shotguns.
  • Loadouts
    I use kit that works for me, irrespective of whether seal team six etc have been seen in it ;)
  • Sites
    Kent sites mainly nowadays .
  • Gender
  • Location
    Greatstone, se Kent
  • Interests
    Duh 🤪

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  1. This topic has got me really excited, it's been days since anybody bought out another AR derivative aeg, I was getting withdrawal symptoms 😏
  2. Tackle

    5.11 Softshell Jacket

    Time Left: 5 days and 4 hours

    • For sale
    • As new

    Hi Guys, Got a great jacket, bought about 5+ years ago, been worn casually by my son a few times but the condition is still excellent. Features include the obligatory velcro patches on the upper arms, as well as numerous pockets on the arms, chest, & back. It also has pit zips for extra ventilation, a peaked hood that can be rolled down to make a collar, & the jacket itself can be rolled up in to it's own back pocket, as shown in the pics. Only possible issue is the size, I bought it as it was advertised as a 2xl, but it was very snug on me, further research led me to believe it was actually a ladies 2xl, which would explain the size discrepancy, but to be honest there's nothing feminine in the jacket itself, hence why my son was happy to wear it. If it helps, the measurements pit to pit are 22in, so a 44in chest, & arm length from the armpit is 21 inches. Price is "all in" via a signed for service. Thanks for looking.


  3. Guys, seems like most things are working again ? 🤞🙏
  4. Hi Guys, just gonna put this out there, getting a lot of pm's today about the ongoing issues, unfortunately the only person who has access to the super technical stuff is proffrink, who I guess deals with the hosting company. I can't get the classifieds either, so I'm just relying on the new content button to refresh stuff. Given that some other airsoft sales related sites are down, I'm gonna assume it's an issue at the hosting company ? I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist but it's weird how we've had an onslaught of scam attempts from new members originating from Russia, who's public enemy number one at the moment, & then this happens. I've even been locked out of FB tonight, & any attempt to set a new password is just buffering non stop ? Hopefully, a day or two & normal service will be resumed. Thanks for your patience 🙏
  5. I'm sure @proffrink will look in to it, but if other sites are having similar issues, sounds like an "off site" problem ?
  6. Yeah, but yor the teecher 😜
  7. Sunday night, gotta get his stuff ready for skool in the morning 👶
  8. @Airsoft_Ginie, sorry, don't believe a word of it, without context, the "large airsoft company" you supposedly work for will either supply products as a wholesaler/retailer, or gameday services as a site, but your post alludes to "everything airsoft" being something you have the potential to supply or fix ?. I call bullshit on your post👎
  9. Tackle

    TMC M81 Woodland BDU Lowers

    @NOD, You posted these, & others,up yesterday, is there a reason why your reposting it all again today ?
  10. @luke303, you need to make written section 51 requests under the foi act, to the school & all agencies involved. Want to see what positions have the most vacancies, go on to pretty much any county council jobs pages, social worker positions far outnumber any other job. And unfortunately it's usually because the very few good social workers don't last long, having left because of bullying & deep rooted ineptitude amongst their so called colleagues, who will happily close ranks & lie, while failing to serve societies most vulnerable who need help the most.
  11. Sorry to hear what your going through, as has been said, yes it's definitely a case of overreacting, but certain points, such as your sons adhd, will trigger red flags in the system due to previous cases of exploitation of vulnerable people, even if your sons background criteria doesn't fit those previous high profile cases. What I will say is social services are probably one of the most lazy & corrupt organisations in existence, & I would hate it if the fact that you are trying to encourage your son to pursue his interests in a controlled safe manner, is likely to be used against you. To that end, you need to audio record all meetings with them, preferably with some sort of concealed professional device, rather than relying on a phone which can go wrong or be disrupted. You'll need to do this covertly, SS will never voluntarily agree to recorded meetings, & will immediately leave meetings should this be discovered. Unfortunately their reports tend to be written in a piecemeal fashion, in order to discredit or malign those they're working against, so you need to protect yourself as a family with solid proof of what's said during these meetings, which you'll need to save & possibly document for future reference. If you fail to do this, at the very least you'll find your son railroaded on to the "at risk register", or worse.
  12. Definitely spam, of the punjabi variety👎 As always, thanks for the heads up Rogerborg👍
  13. Our old buddy @Druid799 might have a contribution or two for this thread. C'mon Tony, make them sad 😂
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