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Tackle last won the day on May 2

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About Tackle

Profile Information

  • Guns
    M14 socom/SA58/CA8-2/P90/G3/PDR-C/FN2010/TAR21/AK74/UAR/G36/L96/SVD/numerous AR's/4 Shotguns.
  • Loadouts
    I use kit that works for me, irrespective of whether seal team six etc have been seen in it ;)
  • Sites
    Kent sites mainly nowadays .
  • Gender
  • Location
    Greatstone, se Kent
  • Interests
    Duh 🤪

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  1. Tackle

    G28 Gbbr

    Prove it, let's see the pics with relevant date & username written within them 🤔
  2. FFS Pete, why, no wonder he's ghosting you. You need to get on to paypal & your bank, there's a slim chance he's a longtime paypal member, if this is the case then you may be able to convince them he's purposely committing fraud, if you have pms showing he actively asked for f&f for whatever reason, screenshot them & forward to paypal, same for your bank as it was your funding source. While odds aren't great, they have to investigate if you claim its fraud. Do this immediately, if his paypal account is new, there's a possibility of a delay in him being able to withdraw funds, not entirely sure about f&f but it's worth a try.
  3. Start a paypal dispute, why give him a week if he hasn't even given you an excuse for not responding. If he doesn't respond to them, you'll get your money back quicker, & even if he does come back with an excuse, valid or not, DONT EVER stop a paypal dispute until you've either got your money, or the items (& your happy with them), as once stopped it can't be restarted. Seriously, I'm amazed at how many sellers are super quick with comms etc right up until they're paid, & then become sloth-like or ghost you🤬
  4. As @gavinkempsell said, nylon respirator pouch makes a great first aid bag, you can attach it to your belt order or clip a strap to the handily positioned D rings on the back, probably one of the best bits of kit in the 58 pattern loadout.
  5. No plans to start knocking them out ?🙏 😉
  6. Hey Jez, weren't you doing an electronic sound grenade of some sort, on the back-burner for now ?
  7. @Jaylordofwaargh 58 pattern was my issued kit, the kidney pouches were meant for your sustainment kit, mess tins/ratpacks etc, & socks/footpowder etc, essentially for when the shit hits the fan & you have to leg it, you've got enough in your battle order to survive independently for a few days, but as far as pouches go, the kidney pouches were only ever meant to be accessible when your rigs off. But unless you're planning on doing 36+hrs milsims or similar, they're totally unsuitable for airsoft skirmish days, same goes for the poncho roll, just annoying when it slaps on your arse when running (we used to clip ours above the kidney pouches, much more stable). As for the holsters, they were hardly ever issued because very few had access to pistols anyway, literally you signed out a pistol if you were on guardhouse duty etc, & you were handed a belt with holster attached, which went back in to the armoury with the browning at the end of your stag, so it's no wonder hardly any made it on to the surplus market. But there was a shoulder holster issued too, not leather, same material as your webbing & designed to be worn over your smock, you might get lucky & find one of those ?
  8. Better stick it on zeroin then, as here everything has to have a price. Alternatively, stick it in the appraisal thread & someone will hopefully tell you what it's worth ?
  9. I'd be reluctant using them based on just the email response times alone, is it another "one man band" operation ?
  10. You might want to rethink your price, secondhand prices are 70% of new rrp at best, & that's for immaculate kit, which yours is not.
  11. Love the fact he says he needs to get rid of his as "it takes up much needed space"...........but you want to swap it for something else that will also fill your "much needed space" Is it half term again already ffs🤪
  12. Are you gonna tell potential buyers that while your advertising this as suitable for Airsoft, the lenses don't actually have an approved safety rating & users could be risking their eyesight ?
  13. Tackle

    Cyma m14 ebr

    Brandon, still in the wrong place, this section is for people asking for a valuation on stuff they're thinking of selling. You need to post in the "electric rifles" section. You'll need to quote its fps too.
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