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Everything posted by Rogerborg

  1. True, but that's the seller's problem. As a buyer, all I care about is that I can get the same toy gun delivered to me brand new, from an actual retailer, with a suppressor and extra mag, for less than this... optimist... is asking for his shagged out Frankengun.
  2. Rogerborg

    JG G36c

    There are £110 brand new from PatrolBase, or less from TaiwanGun / GunFire, and you get a black or a tan gun, not half and half. Why is yours worth £150?
  3. Not my proudest moment, but at least I eventually got a usable battery out of it.
  4. I hasten to add, just my personal preference after having a sad day with a big 11.1V. Some folk get on fine with them, even without MOSFETs or mods. Worst case, you can lop a cell out of an 11.1V and with a bit of soldering end up with a usable 7.4V plus a sad, lonely nobody-loves me cell.
  5. That said, I got bad overspin with an 11.1V high-mAh high-C battery, so unless you're rocking a MOSFET, ideally with active braking, I'd stick with 7.4V and keep it down to something modest like 1400mAh / 15/25C, e,g. buy 2 of these rather than 1 of something bigger. https://hobbyking.com/en_us/turnigy-nano-tech-1400mah-2s-15-25c-lipo-airsoft-pack-1.html Something else to bear in mind with 11.1V is that you'll have to fit one of the cells down the buffer tube which can be tricky.
  6. Urgh, sites run solely from a Facebook page that don't tell you exactly where they are, how to get there, the availability of parking, game days, hours, prices, site rules, or pretty much anything that you'd want to know before deciding to make the journey there.


    I know, "Just message us, mate", but why not document it once rather than dozens of times?



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Aengus


      It got emptied last year don't complain!

    3. Mad Rag

      Mad Rag

      it looks like they dont even have a website at all. 


      @Aengus thats alright then!!!! ;) 


    4. Druid799


      The ones you think “do they want my money or not ? “

      Put some bloody details up FFS ! Not asking for the ins’n’outs of a ducks arse just the basics that’s all !😡

  7. Micra on stilts. Surprisingly unroomy. They look great, but it's all show and no stow.
  8. Grinds my gears a little that justairgunz.co.uk will cheerfully sell realistic imitations of M4s and MP5s, shooting steel projectiles at higher energies than airsoft guns, without a defence other than "Yeah, it went to that address." That's a rant for another thread though. I wonder if they apply the same secret 7% discount to airgunz orders left in your basket for 24 hours that they do for BBgunz orders.
  9. Looking at the wear on all the corners of the trigger (thanks for the high quality pictures), I'd venture to suggest that it's been tested to near destruction.
  10. Any comment on this? https://airsoft-forums.uk/profile/17498-harryhillsx97/?tab=node_feedback_Feedback
  11. "Brand new, never skirmished". But comes with noticeable wear on the frame where the slide's been rubbing on it, and on the trigger and release. Uh huh. And he was looking for a used one in April, significantly "with original box". I'd suspect that this is a trader buying used and selling as "new" at a risible markup. Caveat emptor.
  12. Easiest way to deal with it is to just ask the seller to send a PayPal invoice to you, listing the goods and postage, for the entire amount that they want you to pay. First, because you very much want that anyway as it forms the basis of a contract that PayPal can use to refund you, and second because it puts the ball back in their court. If they want to sell, they'll do it. If you get a huffy response, as I recently did, that they "don't use PayPal invoices", then you've dodged a (probably non functioning) bullet.
  13. Pretty much everything on their site is "on sale", all the time. If you paid £160 for that, you paid twice as much as you should have. You realise that in order for someone to want to buy your manky mess of a pistol from you, that you have to offer it for less than the lowest price that it can be had for brand new, right?
  14. Retro portable PA system. £10 Argos surplus on eBay, get in. + downloaded "Hanoi Hannah" propaganda track from some pew-pew computer game. = Fun times at an upcoming Nam-Sim weekend. I reckon about 1am in the morning would be the right time to start truth bombing the GIs.
  15. Well, he's gone to all the trouble of putting together and... "upgrading"... that "collection". If it's exactly what you want, and you don't mind paying... Jesus wept, what is that, a 50% premium on the new prices? More?... it's a huuuuuuge time saver. I mean, unless you were somehow able to figure out how to click on a few web sites and then wait for everything to be delivered to your door.
  16. Five years ago, maybe. What a bizarre thread necro.
  17. Has it got the mandatory dustbin exhaust? It's weird how yesterday's banger is today's classic. Used to be all about the Fords, but I hear tht Vauxhalls are commanding serious money now as well.
  18. https://www.taiwangun.com/en/spring/mb03-black-well?from=listing&campaign-id=14&q=mb03 £51.55, including 3 magazines. +£25 for a scope +£13 delivery = £90 brand new, and no need to remove and throw away the pointless broken bipod.
  19. Me: If you could send a PayPal invoice ( https://www.paypal.com/invoice/create ) to my PayPal address listing the item and postage, I'll be happy t- Seller: I don't use PayPal invoices. Just send the money to my account. Me: I mean... why wouldn't you?
  20. I'd hope that buyers are checking for the best price for a new toy versus a pre-abused one, but I guess there's one born every minute.
  21. It's a real price that's available today. The used toy in question is available today. It's a fair comparison, today.
  22. Well, that would be down to the law of the land. An airsoft gun that is "capable of discharging a missile (of any kind) with kinetic energy at the muzzle of the weapon that exceeds the permitted level" [of] "in the case of a weapon which is capable of discharging two or more missiles successively without repeated pressure on the trigger, 1.3 joules;" http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2017/3/section/125/enacted 1.3J is about 375 fps with a 0.2g BB. If it's capable of producing more than that, it's a section 5 firearm. Since you're so sure of yourself, you could get your local firearms unit round to check out out. Have a good old angry-man at them about how some spods on their interwebphones are talking jive while you rip off a 1.63J full auto burst. But being sold as full auto. We all know what you mean, but given that the wording of the statute is "capable of", and since you're much bigly smarterer than us, you might want to consider listing it as being locked to semi-auto. This is for your benefit, and that of any potential victim who buys that from you, not ours.
  23. Are you joking? Look at that custom paint job. You can't put a price on that.
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