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Everything posted by Rogerborg

  1. I suspect that was a knee-jerk reaction to that incel sperg[*] who went postal in Plymouth last year after having his shotgun certificate (and shotgun) removed, and then reinstated. As always, the majority get punished when the only two people responsible were the loony, and the loony-hugger who gave them back their gun. [*] Literally, not figuratively.
  2. "Never seen action". 😢 I can only imagine how much "loadout" posing in front of the mirror occurred before chumrade there decided that he didn't actually want to get shot with the hurty-balls.
  3. 1000% this, the best times I've had have been unclicking the buckles, dropping all the tacticool gear, and running around in a t-shirt with my pockets stuffed with hi-caps. We get caught up our "loadouts" (*cough* costumes *cough*) but the core experience of playing airsoft is just pointing a toy and shouting "Brrrrt".
  4. You can get "bracers" that wedge in front of your gearbox to brace it against the shell, e.g. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32215233163.html?spm=a2g0o.9042311.0.0.75234c4dcmkYQz V2/M4 only, and they only work with old style dial hop units, not the rotary units (Maxx, ZCI, Specna). They rely on friction from two tiny grub screws to hold two other tiny cylinders in place, so are interesting bodges that probably don't really address a problem that should never have been there in the first place, but, you know... airsoft.
  5. To clarify, the behaviour I'm referring to is anyone who's on site, ostensibly as a player, but who's not primarily interested in playing the game. That applies to any sort of clickbait merchant or Instafluencer, and people who are there to make hits but not take them. The likes of Licking Mustard ticks all those boxes at once, and I wish they'd find different things to do on a weekend and leave the rest of us to trade hits fairly and say "Jolly well done, old sport" (or similar friendly ejaculations) to each other.
  6. It doesn't sound like a CJA 1988 prohibited weapon. If it were, then, yes, it's an offence to import, but there's a specific offence of "manufactures, sells or hires or offers for sale or hire, exposes or has in his possession for the purpose of sale or hire, or lends or gives to any other person". Exceptions rely on intent, not a loicence. That's not to say that one doesn't exist, but I can't see that it has any basis in law. The legislation is, I'm sure we know, a bit of joke, although not so funny when Dibble is kicking on your door to Check Your Thinking. It prohibits both hollow tubes ("blowpipes") and solid tubes ("batons"), aka sticks. Then we get to this absolute gem. (s) the weapon sometimes known as a “zombie knife”, “zombie killer knife” or “zombie slayer knife”, being a blade with— (i) a cutting edge; (ii) a serrated edge; and (iii) images or words (whether on the blade or handle) that suggest that it is to be used for the purpose of violence. Hurty words confirmed! Good on you for taking it calmly, I'm not sure I'd have been that reasonable. It does show that Border Farce are getting rabid for ratting folk out, and apparently they don't know the law either because on the face of it it sounds like what you imported was no more dangerous, prohibited or offensive than a spud peeler. I'm guessing that the Offensive Weapons Act 2019, which criminalised simple possession of a range of prohibited offensive weapons, is still a hot topic for Dibble, and is being enforced based on canteen wisdom rather than the letter of the law.
  7. Depends on the site though - some will want a single piece full face for a 12 year old, rather than two-piece. I'll echo the above about the MI7: they're fine if they fit. If they don't then you could try to heat and remould the frame. I stress could, it would be a bit dicey either with the lens in (the inner pane would be prone to melting) or out (it might not fit back in the frame again).
  8. True, but that's exactly the problem: too many folk on site on most days who aren't really there to play airsoft to the same set of common trust and respect based rules as the rest of us. And it becomes more of a problem when they publicise and encourage that behaviour. I'm both glad and sad to see more sites starting to take a dimmer view of filming. The turds have fouled that punch bowl for everybody.
  9. Tech fail, but fun on the range was had. They also have a carbine sized version that looks almost back-garden friendly, for "inaccurate tumbling cylinders of steel" definitions of "friendly".
  10. Master Race snipers can tell that their BB really hit the target even when you can clearly see it swerving off into the wide blue yonder. Warning: contains extremist content, and a giant throbbing dick.
  11. I wouldn't have paid that much for one. However having bought a clone for about £20 (no idea what they run to now), I can see the point. Very. You click the mag in, and it's literally just a few winds of the wheel to get it fully loaded. It makes reloading the work of seconds rather than minutes and gives you more time in the safe zone for banter, updating your airsoft Instagram page, interpretative dance, or whatnot.
  12. Correct, it's a voluntary scheme run by a bunch of debt card providers. https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/reclaim/visa-mastercard-chargeback/ Key point: "The main requirement for getting your money back through chargeback is evidence that there's been a breach of contract (ie, didn't get what you paid for) and the firm will not give you a refund. You must first try to get a refund from the firm first, before you try chargeback." Thus the conditional "When they tell you to do one, or ignore you" above. My experience is that the payment processor will get in touch with the rogue trader and the fun begins. I'd stress sticking to just the very basic facts, be as clear and concise as possible, give only your side of the story, and provide them with any documentation trail. Bet of luck.
  13. It's only real physics if it's done in zero freefall gravity vacuum orbit.
  14. Seems a bit subtle, if so. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/284650286872 I've seen eBay adverts trying that wheeze, but they usually say "comes with everything shown" or similar wink-wink, nudge-nudge. Given that you'd have zero comeback from eBay, it's a peculiar way of selling or buying.
  15. Which means absolutely nothing in airsoft. My backup-backup gun is a CYMA CM.516, the really cheap, nasty plastic one, which I've been fiddling with on and off from the moment that I bought a second RIF. I rarely have cause to revert to it, but when I do, wow, it outshoots anything else that I've got. ZCI hop and barrel, Big Dragon M140, bang on 1.13J with an M90 spring, feeds from any mag, and so much brrrrrrt. BBs really, truly, don't care about what's wrapped around the gearbox, hop unit and barrel.
  16. I do like how the manufacturer is very clear that these are early prototypes, and they're about the least practical way of murderising someone imaginable at the moment. However, they exist, they "work" (about 4 shots out of 10) and they're actually selling them, so kudos for that. Legislation is going to be a pickle for the various fun sponges out there, and I imagine the AFT ATF is frantically coming up with ways to define and ban them just on general principle. Over here, they clearly fall under lethal barrelled firearms, so it's FAC or nothing.
  17. But nobody would or could do that except for some sort of historical firearms buff with access to rare... wait... ohhhhh. Ian has apparently used this amazing abomination at an actual firearms match - I can't wait to see how brilliantly terrible the results are.
  18. Ah, another of the MP5 Master Race, nice one. Out of milsim (or one other site that we've been discussing) nobody will care. Really, we won't. And airsofters are a friendly bunch, folk will be more than happy to help you get it dialled in on-site.
  19. You're right to be cautious. People can and do make "Halp, shooter!" calls, and the police do turn up and kick in doors while ready to split wigs. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-53538740 I test-shoot only in my garage, not in the back garden. And airsoft guns aren't that loud - I'd be more concerned with being seen with one. However, it might be an idea to open a conversation with your neighbours with a "Oh, hello, sorry if I've been disturbing you, I've been getting into paintball. Well, I say, paintball, it's actually airsoft, which is like paintball without the paint..." and take it from there. I'm not sure where you're actually going with this. If it's airsoft skirmishing at a site, don't hesitate, get in there. If you're only really interested in target shooting inside your own flat, that's a perfectly legitimate and legal thing to do, but I'd suggest having a look into the many springer pistols available. They're cheap, quieter than gas or electric, and the power is just fine for target shooting down a hallway or across a room.
  20. Given the pay and conditions, and that the "Armed Forces Covenant" is three empty words that mean absolutely nothing to anybody with an ounce of power of influence, I can't say that I blame them. It's the taxpayer picking up the tab, but in the context of MOD typists getting gibsed £60K for claiming carpal tunnel hurties while squaddies get a couple of grand for having a hand blown off (and only if they can prove it was their wanking hand), I can't say that I begrudge it that much.
  21. Orions are pre-radiused. The problem is that they're made of Chinesium pot-metal. Mine is currently surviving an M130-ish spring putting out 1.8J as a DMR but it was a very, very poor choice as a DMR base. When, not if, it grenades, I'll be putting in a CYMA box from my cockroach backup-backup AEG. Feeding issues are also rife with Specnas. Luke at Negative has a solution that worked for him (see YouTube), I have one here in the tech sections that worked for me. I couldn't recommend Specnas to anyone now.
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