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Asomodai last won the day on July 25 2022

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  • Guns
    SRS, AKMSU, ARX160, AKM, AMD-65, MK23, FN-57
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    French, Italian, Hungarian, Maskpol Mapa, DNC, PMC
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    Anything in the SE.
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  1. "FPS don't make much different to range" is a phrase I have believed in for some time and that it's all down to the Hop unit and barrel quality. 

    But I couldn't believe my TM Aug HC yesterday. I changed the barrel to a Prommy tightbore and used the same TM bucking and nub. Hop unit almost on full, FPS was chronoed at just over 250 on .2 (I was using .25's so it was about 211) Yet I was flinging out BB's accurately about 10 metres further then my mates upgraded EVO running at 330 FPS

    This thing is ridiculous. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Katana


      FPS is important though guys. If you have the exact same setup but one gun has a higher fps, the amount of energy the bb retains in the higher fps gun increases and so the bb will travel further. People get confused between the relationship though. The only reason you should be using a higher fps is to effectively use heavier weight ammo to retain more energy for longer. 


      Prommy barrels aren't magic on their own but the tolerances the barrels are produced with are very consistent + the material is better than stock barrels.


      Flat hops work very well because it allows heavier ammo to be hopped much more effectively by increasing the surface area contact with the bb. Unfortunately, the only way to see these benefits is to in fact use the heaviest weight ammo you can. 


      It's not so much that fps is important on its own, but it helps everything else take more effect.

    3. clumpyedge


      Should have really clarified... FPS means nothing unless your hop is decent and is married up with a decent nub and rubber. Yes FPS is key but unless you get the first part right you could be shooting 450 but not able to get your ammo more than 30m

    4. Rogerborg


      Imagine what your TM could do it if it were shooting at 1J rather than 0.58J.


      Imagine what your mate's EVO could do it it had been upgraded properly.

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