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Everything posted by Prisce

  1. I’d be worried she said “they”. Either you have an extra appendage, or an extra person in that situation.
  2. It will. Trouble is you’ll want it in every gun....
  3. Please do, that’s one of the reasons I got my recent car £8k less than he advertised it for.
  4. http://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/spring-powered_2/ssg24-with-sidearm-loads-of-extras_i15194 Ok, just how? Why? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  5. It was good... until I read who did the upgrades... avoid like the fooking plague.
  6. True, there is another on that site “upgraded” Asking £230 for it. I just don’t understand people.
  7. Not as bad as this plonker. http://www.usedairsoft.co.uk/rif-s/gas-powered_1/tm-mk23-mod-0-socom-with-lam-unit-and-hard-case_i14095
  8. Look at Kaizen tool foam, I purchased mine from a website called rutlands. Picture included of how my pistol case looks.
  9. I can recommend a good company, but price will depend on what you want. And if you have the CAD drawing done by them or yourself.
  10. I purchased the RIF and accessories as a project, it all came included in the package. It had the correct clamps to clamp to the top of the Reciever.
  11. With the correct mounting bracket.
  12. I never used a strap, just used arms and bipod. However, I would imagine that a genuine rifle strap from eBay would probably be your best bet.
  13. Just you wait till you’ve fielded this for a day😏😂. Arms like Arnie are required.
  14. I do love it when people get aggressive, and the whole reason behind it is they know they are going to lose a little money. @ggtimmy Your best bet would have been to ask for an appraisal before listing it. Least then you could have avoided this.
  15. 🤮🤢🤮 Feet, yuck. I hate feet, feet and teeth. Just 🤮. My feet are just as hideous.
  16. Got me a new rig last week. It was factory built, have a few little mods I’m doing to it.
  17. Prisce

    THE TM MWS thread

    Is it bad I genuinely can’t tell the difference between the pictures?
  18. Would make it more visible under all the leaves though....
  19. Speak to Skirmshop and see how long till they get stock back in... if you ask nicely they may be able to get it shipped direct to you. And the Wasp is better.
  20. My brothers SRS is the 16”, and fairly stock(only mod is fast hop, hop rubber and Nub- highly recommend you do this ASAP as it allows the gun to lift much higher ammo) I will always go for the shortest version. It’s lighter, easier to wield and as @sonofsammo said easier to hide. Plus you save money buying it. The difference between my brothers and my team mates SRS in price is £100s but range wise it’s only 15-20M... The real difference between them is noise, there are many cheap mods to make it super quiet. If you have had a read of my comparison and earlier posts about the SRS, you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.
  21. Spam report:- Who’s gonna get there first? Anyone got bets?

  22. My Airsoft Buddy is doing exactly that. He thinks it’ll only get worse, and I am beginning to agree with him.
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