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1 Follower

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  • Guns
    A few. Think I have an H&K obsession :-)
  • Sites
    LandWarrior -Edinburgh, Skirmish-Mansfield (ocassionally)
  • Gender
  • Location
    East Central Scotland

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  1. I agree , but i do have the option to not look at the TV and I know i am photo sensitive. Not everyone who is photo sensitive knows it. The frequency of the flash is a factor. So imagine you are an unknown photo sensitive and you rock up to a game and get flashed (completelyinnocently ) by a strobe light that it just the right frequency to induce a seizure in you. Depending on how your brain reacts you may You feel a little disorientated and maybe you feel a bit ill. Shake it off and carry on. You end up on the deck, possibly twitching and you can loose control of your bodily functions. When you come too you feel groggy and need to get a change of clothes. You airsoft day is over and you won't feel right for a day or so. At worst seizures are life threatening
  2. That kind of light can induce a seizure for people, like me , who have photo sensitive epilepsy. Most indoor and some outdoor sites do not let them be used. This is why news reports and TV programs often warn of flashing images ... Probably should add that not everyone who has photo sensitive epilepsy, knows they have it, I avoid sites which allow strobes.
  3. When your HK417 or HK G28 isn't quite long enough 😏 https://airsoftpro.cz/en/guns-accessories/suppressors/suppressors-1/tlumic-viper-sound-tech-310x55mm-detail
  4. I get good results with 0.28 in my bog std 416C. HTH alan
  5. Continuing the "agricultural" theme, The current Daily drive
  6. it is indeed very nice.. Keeping the Landrover theme going My Disco 1 a little more minimalist 😉
  7. Arrived this morning. Thank you . 👍
  8. The Rifle arrived for the sight i bought last week. It looks better on the 417 than it did on the M4 🙂
  9. mad bull ace stock. Very Solid 😊
  10. Too much <insert length and or Width pun here> ? The scope is actually for a DMR project that's due back to me next week after getting upgraded with lots of prommy goodies.
  11. I have the same model of Crono and got it from the same place as you linked to Crono'd my rifle @ landwarrior a couple of weeks ago, then right after crono'd with the Xcortech. My Xcortech was only about 3fps high compared to the SKAN crono Landwarrior use. Dropped it twice and it has survived unharmed . HTH
  12. lets just say she was in a "sub optimal" mood when she saw the box on the way between car and house.
  13. Nipped down the local airsoft shop for BBs and Pyro. This jumped into my hands...
  14. LandWarrior have UBACS shirts for 4.99 (desert only as far as I can see) http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/clothing-combat-gear-c4/clothing-bdu-uniforms-c86/viper-special-operations-shirt-desert-p5983
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