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Georgeturner2001 last won the day on June 5 2017

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  • Guns
    Tokyo Mauri Recoil Shock Scar L<br />
    Tokyo Mauri M&P9<br />
    Tokyo Mauri HK45 tactical
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    Blitz cqb and Red1 airsoft.
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  1. Of course! I put it out there expecting chicken leg comments!😂
  2. Hahaha! Yeah need to hit the gym!😂 This man knows!😂 Plenty of shots to the legs that day...a full auto burst to the arse too!🤧
  3. Taken from my last op.... *insert cringe caption about green eyes and thick thighs*
  4. Normally they have my crye Airflex knee pads in but my sister couldn’t find hers so I lent her mine!😂
  5. Ahhhh I see I see! They split it up, some guys do CQB in the morning and some do Woodland, then after lunch it switches! Its still pretty cramped though!
  6. This is their woodland site but the school is still in play, had some great games there and going back next week. What made it the worst skirmish?
  7. Very odd. Needs a tag on the Plate Bag like the 2.0 has.
  8. It’s a crye 1.0, only way of telling these are legit are the little size tags; which this one has. @clumpyedge the crye JPC 2.0 has the little crye black label on the left side, not the 1.0.
  9. Kit is filthy, soaked in clay like mud...


    what’s the best course of action?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Druid799


      Hang it up outside , hose it down and scrub off as much as you can with a ferm brush , then sling it in the washing machine . Bet your boots are sodden as well so stuff them with news paper and sit them close but not against a radiator to dry them out .👍

      Telling you how to clean your kit after the bridge brings back many many unhappy memories! 😳

    3. sonofsammo
    4. Georgeturner2001


      Cheers guys! Will get on that today!😎🤙

  10. Looking forward to Stirling’s Op Arid falls this weekend at senny bridge! 


    Trialing out the new Crye MRB set up and new arcteryx leaf Atom SV🔥



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Georgeturner2001


      You were correct, got soaked!

    3. Druid799


      Hahahaha ! Bad luck bud but as long as you enjoyed it that’s all that matters 👍

    4. Georgeturner2001


      Yes was great fun, lots drying out now! 

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