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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Umarex UMP 45 / CYMA G18
  • Loadouts
    Fully Loaded Plate Harness Rig - Multicam / RH - Coyote Tan
  • Sites
    The Mall
  • Gender
  • Interests
    long walks on the beach, extreme ironing, dominos and pooh sticks

    please take this as humour... I'm not a boring tw*t

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  1. Got discharged from the hospital yesterday, I've now got pneumonia!

  2. such a sh*tty weekend... spent all weekend in hospital to be told I've got a blood clot on my lung and a kidney infection to then find out Royal Mail have lost my Lipo charger!

    1. Sico


      Sorry to hear that mate, wish you fast recovery and good health.

    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Hope everything works out ok, with ya health screw RM bell-ends. If still no joy gis a shout sir

    3. ak2m4


      Holy f**k, what a pisser a lost lipo!!....Just kidding dude, hope you get better soon...

  3. has anyone used mad bull 0.12's before?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. jcheeseright


      might as well fire miniature ping pong balls... that's the accuracy you can expect!


    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      here is a chart with useful comparisons of weights on - probably bollox but shows .25 go the same distance if not more than .20's

      http://www.airrattle.com/v/vspfiles/assets/images/bb weight article chart pic.jpg

      on .12's it would equate to $hit x crap x waste of time = bb distance

  4. is there an adoption home for guns that never sell? got a feeling I'll have to send mine there soon!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      if decent keep it as backup or parts

      if $hit - ergh it is $hit I'm afraid

    3. ak2m4


      Market forces Heps, reduce the price on that blue beast

    4. Hudson


      Send it my way; I'll give it a home.


      You pay postage, k? ;)

  5. Is a stock CM16 SRXL compatible with an 11.1V Lipo? I've read up it is only recommended yet I've read that you can use 9.6v NimH batteries? help!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      11.1v 20c will be fine, search up predator ETU problem for best 11.1v from component shop. Just don't change motor to beefy one and 11.1v 20c will be fine

    3. Heps_417


      really? i was informed it was only to use a 11.1v 15c? not sure what to go for now!

    4. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      15c is pussy, 20c is quite docile tbh, 25c I ran in my FFR but it said whoaaaa when I shoved in a beefy motor the lame wires n module can't take it captain she's gonna blow. And she did, ripped the poxy ETU out in the end

  6. how long does it take for UKARA to give your membership / ID? Also would they email to inform you? Not sure on how it's all done!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. rc540


      from what i hear from my customer, sites can chase for up to a month to get you a number.

    3. Josh95


      for me it was instant

    4. slick


      Once I got the form stamped by the site took it to a Ukara retailer. They put me on the system there and then , got the confirmation email shortly after


  7. anyone at the mall this weekend?

    1. ImTriggerHappy


      You deleted my comments, how rude!

    2. Heps_417


      Sorry sir, :')

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Heps_417


      I'm quite undecided! any recommendations?


    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      both have their flaws but siding with G&G. Not a fan of these basic ETU or EFCS units myself. Mosfet yes but think £200+, save more and get Krytac tbh

    4. two_zero


      get the cm.050 from patrolbase. solid :)

  8. Anyone know of some compatible outer barrels for an UMAREX UMP45?

  9. first ever game day tomorrow! wish me luck.. haha'.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. two_zero


      How did your first skirmish go? :)

    3. Heps_417


      Apologies about the reply! All I can say is I'm hooked! absolutely loved it! The Mall was so much better in reality than on YouTube

    4. two_zero
  10. Viper half face mesh mask keeps slipping grrr!

    1. Jedi_Master


      Tighten the straps?

    2. two_zero


      or adjust the strap so it sits higher up on your head

    3. Heps_417


      I have and my face gets all compressed... just were it's new


  11. Anyone going to The Mall on the 1st of May? :)

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