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B.S last won the day on April 23 2023

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    S&T SMLE, K98k, NE Sten MkV GBB, M1928, Ares SLR, SA80, M16, Hk51, Hi Power MK3, F226, Webley MkVI.
  • Loadouts
    WW1 British, WW2 British, Aussie Vietnam, Cold War British, £4 of well-used DPM kit.
  • Sites
    Strikeforce CQB, The Base CQC, The Great War (First Battalion Boys).
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Well, If I'm on here it's fairly obvious. Other than that - Pretty much most things military history, Gaming, and Film Production. Film & Television production graduate. I also occasionally do YouTube videos. Very occasionally; https://www.youtube.com/c/BSProductionsO7

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  1. Running my British WW1 kit a few weeks ago up at Adrenalin Airsoft (Was visiting a friend, very far north for me usually) one of the best regular skirmish days I've had in a while! (Repping the First Battalion Boys WW1 team insignia, based on blackadder's fictional badges)
  2. Ran our first game at the Trenches we've been building for the last year the other weekend! The theme was Gallipoli - our fictionalised battle of 'Hellespont', so I was running shorts and Pith Helmet with my WW1 kit... (Yes I regretted the shorts) One of the best moment was being held hostage by an enemy officer... I'd been ordered to guard him, as we had taken him prisoner in a raid. However, during an attack I was too busy killing two of the attackers to see him draw his pistol, no one had disarmed him! He almost made it out of our trenches before anyone noticed, but someone managed to shoot him in the shoulder past me, giving me the chance to grab his pistol! I then proceded to kill a further two attackers with it! (Photo credits to Crafty Sniper Photography) (The full kit, had the tunic on in morning as it was quite chilly)
  3. Thought I ought to do an updated 2022 collection photo... Got some of my grail guns that I thought I'd never get my grubby mits on!
  4. There'll be plenty of that in the future! 😁
  5. It's pretty damn awesome! Bolt's a bit liable to not catch if you don't pull it back hard enough, and the bayonet lug is a tad bit big to fit a bayonet, but those are the only two things so far at least. Oh don't worry, we shall be doing games in the trenches and there shall be plenty of mud in future! This was my first game in the full kit 😁 (And I have no money now 😂)
  6. The S&T Lee Enfield No.1 MkIII*, a very nice bit of kit...
  7. My WW1 British kit is finally coming together... the S&T SMLE being a pretty key part of that.
  8. Getting there with my British kit, webbing all Blanco'd up. Just gotta get myself a lid, and decide what patches I'm going to have...
  9. Getting there with my WW2 British kit, webbing all Blanco'd green. Just gotta get myself a lid, and decide what patches I'm going to have...
  10. Father and Son (Mine and my dad's SA80s). My A2 & my 226.
  11. M1928, Sten MkV & Webley. K98k. I've got a few more of these little staged photos, but two's probably enough for one post.
  12. Yes I thought it was blued, but I did seem to have a little bit of light surface rust after shooting in some drizzle, I'm not certain that's what it was but I don't know what else it could've been. And yeah the mags are pretty pricey - Myself I won't be getting any more for a while but when I do I intend to get 6 total, as that should be a decent amount for skirmishing (I'm always the one with two thirds of a mag left at the end of a game anyway!) and 6 will fit in just the standard ammo pouches. I like the bandolier, but it doesn't quite work with the commando look I'm going for I don't think, it's a bit more Airbourne.
  13. Good idea, I shall add those to my very extensive list of things I want to buy from SOF! 😂 I wasn't really sure if anti-corrosion was necassary, there was a line in the manual that says 'apply rust inhibitor are required' but I wasn't sure if it was a typo and meant to say 'as required'. Either way, I've got a spray silicone oil finish that seems like it'll do the job. Better safe than sorry. It's Abbey 'Silicone gun oil 35' if you want to consider it yourself. I've yet to skirmish my MkV either, I'm scared to it cost so bloody much! I'd be walking around looking at my gun not the enemy team! And I don't know if you've already got a P37 webbing rig, but the standard P37 GSE repro ammo pouches I have fit the Sten mags, they seem to be based on the later war slightly taller version.
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