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Bencupra last won the day on May 21 2016

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    Incentive Designs Hpa Tippmann M4
  • Loadouts
    Viper and 5.11 tactical stuff.
  • Sites
    Bush Valley
  • Gender
  • Location
    Bush Valley

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  1. My Tippmann as it stands now. Daniel Defence 12.5 inch rail Orga 6.23 Barrel G&G Green bucking Tony from BIA Tdc ID Superbolt ID Venom Elcan Spectre Dr scope RVG Foregrip with battery for venom Magpul STR stock. Surefire 6p going on Saturday.
  2. I visited Wolf Armouries twice this week first time to get an Orga barrel for my Tippmann and then again on Friday after my mate decided he wanted one aswell also bought a Magpul stock. I hadn't been in there for years as the staff they had it there to put it blunt were arseholes. They have now gone and the new staff were very friendly and Bill who I chatted to for a while about stocks etc was very helpful so I'm pleased to say I will now be using a lot more often.
  3. I know mate not quite sure what they done was one on eBay for £105. Obviously gotta let it bed in and get hop perfect but I'm already easily getting double the range I was.
  4. They use to come with a green g&g but they changed it to a black on the later models. I bought a spares kit with a g&g green in it. They are meant to be really good apparently.
  5. http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=MAGNUS01363
  6. It 363mm mate..I've got a g&g green with Incentive designs hop unit. It seems pretty good at the moment will see what it's like in Sunday.
  7. After the standard bucking gave up the ghost after 15,000 plus rounds in the tippy and seeing how rubbish the standard barrel was I was looking for a new barrel and see Wolf armouries had Orga 6.23s for £57 quid which is cheap as I have seen them for £80 plus. When I told my mate he asked if I could get him one so left work at lunchtime and went and picked him up one. While I was there I decided to treat the beast to a Magpul str stock. Similar to the ctr but bit more chunky I love it feels awesome and no more wobble. The standard one use to rattle and drive me mad. 12.5 inch ris to get week after next and she will be looking even more fresh. We are at Sandpit on Sunday so will test out the new barrel properly.
  8. Another Tippmann has joined the household this time in the form of an Incentive Designs custom cqb Tippy. It's actually my dad's but I'm going to order one in August to join my other one lol.
  9. Serious skills I'd love a lone survivor painted DMR.
  10. I'm currently at home waiting for Mr UPS man to deliver my Tipmann
  11. Maybe will be better now the other idiots are gone.
  12. I accidentally made a new purchase today. Just ordered a Tipmann from Incentive Designs.
  13. Just bought this bad boy. Shoots awesome and kicks like a mule. Very happy with it.
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