Hi all,
I had a good look on the site and saw several posts about two tone gats that were helpful BUT not exactly answering the question I have. I have booked my flight to the UK and will be getting there early Feb.
I want to get into airsoft pretty quickly but don't want to wait 2 months to get a defence to get a gat of my own.
So I have decided to invest in a two tone rifle and pistol as soon as I touch down.
It will also give me a chance to see how they tick, think of some things to do to them and possibly add accessories although
I don't envisage that these will be the weapons I end up using all the time in the future. Rather, I think I will have these as back up
weapons or when my mates come visit they can have a crack as Airsoft is not big back home. Anyway, that is the background. My dilemma is most of the two tones are in blue and red which to me are not my favorite options. And in my opinion clear makes the gun look like a pez dispenser.
I understand the reasoning behind the legislation and the subsequent choices in color however I have also seen some green gats which
in my opinion look a lot better. They also make camming up in the future easier in some ways. I have noticed that airsoft zone has some green options: http://airsoftzone.co.uk/starter-packs I am thinking about one of these weapons, probably the one with the biggest magazine capacity because then I can just cut sick. Probably not the best for CQB but I will have a dedicated CQB platform in the future as I see myself playing more CQB than outside.
This will then slot into a nice outdoor platform when the need arises. Is anyone aware of any other green options? I noticed the sites seem to have a this gun is red or this gun is blue attitude as opposed to
pick your color- green, red, blue, purple kind of choice. I have seen some pistols in green so I don't think I need any help there but if others
know of green rifles that can be purchased without a defense please let me know. What I will probably do in the future with this rifle is lay it down, blue tack some fern leaves over the top of it and then hit it with a can of black
spray paint, I have seen this effect done before on rl rifles and it comes up nicely.