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Everything posted by Infanteer

  1. Its probably fair after all we did give you Rolf Harris. Thanks for the welcome mate.
  2. It takes all types to make a world. Unfortunate but true.
  3. Five s's and an m on why you will be seen on the battlefield assuming you are already wearing appropriate camo: Shine- ie sunlight bouncing off your watch face or metallic surfaces. Spacing- A section/ squad evenly spaced 1.5 meters apart stands out like the dogs bollocks. If you look at a forest anything in nature is generally not uniform in its layout. Shape- Ie a helmet, you can break up shape with material etc. Silhouette- Already mentioned in this thread, means you stand out in front or on top of your natural surroundings. Examples include being on a knoll (hill) standing. Shadow- Pretty obvious but also pretty easy to forget. Movement- Probably the biggest one, movement is imo the easiest one to see. It is important to stay still when conducting ambushes etc. As a general rule: A target moving directly towards you is harder to see but easier to hit. A target moving across the front of you is easier to see but harder to hit. When it comes to camo I plan to wear what I like as long as it is practical. I am a big fan of Auscam DCPU but that is because I wore it during my service from environments including but not limited from the jungle to MOUT.
  4. Man, that is epic, looks like that bit of kit out of Law abiding citizen.
  5. Fair enough but the op would still be on the field, probably a REMF though lol. Op would also be vulnerable unless he had a protection party back with him.
  6. A valid point, my thought was to maybe use a conventional rc helicopter but they aren't easy to fly and would be even easier to bring down than a drone imo. Back to the drawing board lol.
  7. This question is more for my own curiosity than to be taken seriously. One day if I have some time I may look at building one but it will depend on how keen I am at the time which right now is not very high. However I was wondering if anyone has ever built or modified a drone to carry and fire an air soft weapon? Would sites allow this? Obviously there would be considerations that would have to be taken into account, for example the weight of a weapon but off the top of my head I do think it would be feasible. The operator would be able to fly the drone high and using a camera on the drone locate the enemy. They would then be able to engage or fire trace within the general vicinity to indicate to the team mates where the enemy are hiding. This would have to be for outdoor sites in my opinion although I have never been to a site much less an indoor one so it could possibly adapt for some? A drone would be a formidable weapon, utilising a high capacity magazine it would It think be almost unstoppable on a battle field. Do you think airsoft weapons would be capable of shooting it down or damaging the camera? I could put guards in place to deflect the rounds. Depending on the weight and the ability of the drone to carry it I would even look at deploying grenades or smoke etc from the drone. Like I said this is more a conceptual idea than anything to be taken seriously, what are your thoughts?
  8. Haha, having just sold several thousand dollars worth of firearms (not a good investment) I can relate. There is a saying down the gun club, "My worst nightmare is something happens to me and my wife sells my guns for what I told her I paid for them."
  9. I will def wait for Ukara, I have been reading up on it all quite profusely. Is it bad that I am already sussing out what gat to buy and I haven't even played one game yet? I want to do some research so I make a more informed decision especially if I am dropping some serious dosh on it. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, we are ahead here by almost a day and I just got home from the inlaws after eating way too much. Going to go find a beach now and emulate a whale.
  10. Merry Christmas Everyone

  11. I might take you up on that K@rl. Thanks for the warm welcome guys, does anyone ever paint up their guns or is that taking it a bit too gung ho? I am guessing if I got a gat to start that was half and half then cammed it up that might defeat the purpose and I could get into strife? Maybe I could make up a canvas cover and chuck it over the top of it when at the site so that the bright color or clear doesn't stand out like the proverbial. I will probably just wait to until I can get the standard rifle after the min amount of time. Going to go do a fair bit of reading. Yes I am not looking forward to the weather but I did 5 years in Canada so this ought to be a cake walk. Plus I will jump on a plane and go somewhere warmer when it gets to me. I used to go to Mexico all the time for 3-5 day stints which got Customs very itchy with me whenever I tried to return lol.
  12. Hi everyone, I am an Aussie who is relocating to the Manchester Area as I have family there. I am a pretty avid sporting shooter who has just had to sell my firearms here and hand my licence back in (sucks, heartbroken lol). I stumbled onto this site while researching airsoft which I am still doing, hopefully I will find the answer to some of my questions. I've played a bit of paintball before and served in the Army as a grunt a few years ago so this looks like it could be a lot of fun. I have a few queries but will look around the site before asking anything, cheers, nice to meet you all.
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