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  • Guns
    CYMA AK74M
    WE M92
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    Random mish-mash or OD & black
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    Norfolk: Battlestations Activities, Skirmish East Anglia, Combat Airsoft Thetford, Combat Action Games, Gunman Tuddenham
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  1. It's not even really updated. What I quoted was on that page before the roadmap was published. It was guidance already established.
  2. The government advice is quite clear: "Until your proposal for grassroots sport provision has been approved [by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport], your sport is not considered to be organised, so activity that goes beyond legal gathering limits should not take place. " - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework
  3. This is really interesting and I've been thinking about this a lot in the past few days and I've come to my own conclusion that a NGB is not necessary for airsoft. It absolutely could be done, it's not rocket science. Parkour and Frisbee are established and recognised but then they've worked hard for that and really want to be seen as proper sports. Airsoft... doesn't really. Firstly, and most importantly, is it an organised sport. Technically, yes, but it is, very much, a hobby first and a sport second. Then there's necessity: we haven't had one and it's been fine. Why would one want a governing body and/or recognition by Sport England (or other national agency)? It seems this is mainly to 1) achieve consistency in national and international competition; 2) gain legitimacy for working with children and 3) secure lottery funding for "development". Competitive airsoft seems like a very small part of the hobby in the UK and I don't see any real international competitions and it's never going to be Olympic. Nobody seems that fussed about "bringing airsoft to the kids" (I know some people do try) and I don't think schools are very keen on guns 'n violence. Then, I don't see what funding would be used for if not for 1 or 2. If the idea is to "lobby" government against new laws, then anybody can do that and organisations have previously been set up for that purpose. Plus, just because there is a governing body doesn't mean that the government would listen to them anyway. Paintball is used to show what "could be" but ukpsf don't really seem up to the task either, no offence intended. I'd say they have more reason to be recognised but they're not quite there. This seems like a bit of a storm in a teacup and has only come up because the temporary rules mean that we can't play with our toys just yet.
  4. Fair enough, but their website is a bit lacking - the only thing in their news section in 2020 is the AGM. Yup nothing else of note happened last year!
  5. The problem is that PB shouldn't either. According to https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework, paintball is not an approved team sport. So maybe UKPSF think they can go ahead but nobody submitted their paperwork (their website does not state if their application is pending but my guess is it's not). And this isn't new. The reason there are so many sports listed is that they knew about this ages ago - the information about team sports was there before the "roadmap" was published: https://web.archive.org/web/20210123014914/https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-grassroots-sports-guidance-for-safe-provision-including-team-sport-contact-combat-sport-and-organised-sport-events#team-sport-framework Either airsoft is a sport and should have the appropriate covid assessment and approval... Or it's not.
  6. Nice find! I'm sure I'd seen that on GreyShop before but couldn't remember the name.
  7. Me too! The other day I worked out that I've spent over £500 at Tg! Soooo many toys!
  8. Just about have my AK as I want it! Next up: flashlight and maybe the zenitco pistol grip!
  9. Did you add any paint, or is that the original paint? Also, do you plan on doing the polymer?
  10. Haha, pencott greenzone. And calling something "russian camo" means it could be anything, given the amount of copied patterns!
  11. Apparently, RC is "Russian Camo" but I can't work out what it's imitating. It took far too long for me to work out what PG was.
  12. Would you do a dye i4? There's not much real estate but they could look pretty good!
  13. DPM windie and respirator case (as GP pouch) from British Military Surplus but they're taking their time. 🤔 Also, some thermals and headovers. This Sunday is going to be cold, cold, cold. ⛄
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