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Everything posted by Druid799

  1. I’d say UKAPU as well , ATB is the organisation for the people making a living out of the sport so to Be brutally honest not to be trusted . It’s like any trade organisation ultimately there going to go with what ever options that rocks the boat the least(as you’d expect anyone to do in a business)that safeguards there business and NOT the end user . Classic example I’m a nurse the the main nursing union is the RCN Royal College of Nurses , when ever there’s any kind of dispute they will fight it all the way until there’s a risk the nursing profession could be shown in a bad light(doing a full walk out on strike and the like) they buckle , someone says patient care ‘mite’ suffer ? They buckle every time . UNISON the non nursing union ? nope they fight all the way for there members . so I say UKAPU because they’ve got the least too loose so you know they’ll keep fighting when the ATB will buckle because it could put there business at risk .
  2. Last time I did any gaming capt Price was still in Sandhurst !
  3. Wouldn’t have a clue bud , only metro I know is the one you buy a ticket for so you can get from A to B .
  4. Too much doom and gloom so I thought I’d start the ball rolling on a new thread for guns we wish where real after my boy sent me this positively orgasmic idea ! 😍🥴 please feel free to post up any picks of guns that don’t exsist but dam ! you wish they did ! 👍
  5. My home site (black ops Bristol) Is run under the U.K. paintball Fed umbrella and they where told next wknd was a go by UKP hence they’ve set everything in motion to run back to back gameday’s at there one site and looking in to opening there other sit on the Sunday as well ! ‘shower of shit’ Springs to mind ? 🤔
  6. Nah it’s not an ‘Elite’ sport , it’s an ‘ELITIST’ sport ! 🤔😆😆
  7. As the title say looks like there’s no Airsoft next wknd after all . seeing as 95% of the public don’t know what Airsoft is I think something specific has happened for it to be mentioned in a Gov information release .
  8. Terence Walter Arthur Thomas !🤦‍♂️
  9. Last update of the abomination , wasn’t happy with a ‘naked’ dust cover so sorted that and then decided it needed a tactigay sling , so made one of those as well , also decided to give the PBS a bit of character as well ! Can’t wait for its first kill(the souls that die of those who gaze upon it don’t count !😂) 😈
  10. I’ve been making kit for a good few years now and I find the best way too mark out the molle spacing is have a sheet of card with spacing marked on it that you’ve then cut with a craft knife on each ‘stitch’ line that you mark through on to the material in one go . I found if you mark up each line as you go along It’ll always go Pete Tong and you end up with crooked molle strips ! 🤦‍♂️
  11. Mite have better luck in ‘parts’ For sale and wanted , and not AEG’s for sale section ?
  12. Glad I’m not the only one 😉👍 Definitely keep as is , got the whole cool Rammstein ‘vibe’ about it ! with perhaps a few passes of matte clear coat to stop the rust ? 🤔
  13. I’m not a great lover of pistols but I do like that , except for the grips , they look to me like you bought them from your local bakery , they look like a black Yule log stood on its end ! 😳 BUT As long as your happy , then who cares ? 👍
  14. Know the feeling ! 😳 as long as you stick to the 7.4v you can run them in basically every gun out there , only thing I always recommend is swap any tamiya connectors for deans or some other similar type , tamiya are positively Neolithic and just SO inefficient at power transfer Compared to near every other connector on the market . Most go for deans as it’s just the defacto standard that most use . 👍
  15. Just reiterating what everyone else has said , you don’t need to be in a team to play(and to be honest even when you are in a ‘team’ you don’t stay together for long anyway during the game , you only really see each other in the safezone !)hardly anyone who plays is in one , most are either single players or small groups of friends but on the whole very rare to see identifiable teams . also need to remember as he’s only 14 he will need an adult with him to be allowed to attend and play on a gameday .
  16. Who told you this mate ? Because who ever it was , was talking bollox out of there arse ! no such thing as a LiPo ‘unready’ Gun , ALL electric guns can run on LiPo batteries you just need to watch the capacity of the battery your using , if you stick a 11.1V in a lot of guns then yea it is more than likely they'll implode in a quite dramatic way sometime in your future but stick to 7.4V LiPo’s and you can use them in absolutely any gun , Christ i even put one in my Glock18c ! 😂
  17. Druid799


    Hahahahaha ! You fecking Canute ! 🤣🤣🤣👍
  18. Mite be able to reclaim that status , ordered some pink 25mm webbing this evening to make a tacticool sling for it ! 😁
  19. WiP but now you know one of the possibilities when you buy a pink Bizon ! 🤣🤣
  20. That’s not a gun in the traditional sense , it’s a new weapon designed specifically for this new ‘ranger battalion(WTF are trying to make us as shit as the fecking yanks ?) what it actually does is it focuses the huge waves of awesomeness that emanates from these Demi-gods of war in to a single beam that’ll explode the bad guys with one shot ! Much like the guns in men in black IMG_4996.mp4
  21. “Why yes Marmaduke it is as shockingly bad as everyone says !”🤢 one question though does anyone know what the knife is they all seem to have strapped to there shoulders ? And just to reiterate the general consensus, it’s fecking terrible ! Only watched it because I’ve been really ill past couple of mths so I’ve run out of all the good stuff to watch ! working my way down the sewer pipe now ! 😭
  22. Technically haven’t a scooby (am a total Neanderthal over shit like that)but it’s the size I’ve always used with no problems 👍
  23. Slightly off topic (but what’s new this AFUK !🤦‍♂️) was the guy who proofread Hitlers speeches the first Grammar NAZI ? 🤔 To be honest until I bought a decent soldering iron to do my own I always got them from Fleabay just made sure it was from an electrical hobby seller . Yea 100mm is a bit too short , I always go at least 150 if not 200 my self better to have too much than not enough you can always just tuck the spare out of the way . 👍
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