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Everything posted by Mos

  1. It's not the "I hate the pain, it's unbearable" as I've been shot up lots of times.. It's more the 'hard to play other sport' problem. Thanks for suggesting that top, but I'll just stick with the UBACS (I think it's called) top, with maybe a baselayer skin thing and a fleece, which is not as thick as a hoodie, so won't sweat me out like a pig. Thanks.
  2. Yeah it's all fun and stuff, and a few comments being jokes is cool. But when all the comments are 'jokes' I don't think it's that funny, specially when I was seeking some advice. I woke up this morning, and saw the replies, saw the first bit of banter, and I laughed, them saw all the other comments, and they were mostly the same. When I was seeking some advice, and the advice was needed, and without the advice I'd carry on playing football in stress, with all the sweat mixing into an open wound. And I play football 5 times a week... But yeah. Apart from that. Everything is cool. lol. OR maybe I'm missing the whole point, and I'm meant to play airsoft without a top on.. Thanks.
  3. This was what I was looking for. Just little bits of advice, that will just turn the welts a tiny but smaller. Not the piss take answers. Albeit funny, not what I was really looking for. And we're quite spiteful. But never mind, thanks for the help.
  4. What scope are you using here?
  5. Some people have misunderstood me.. I don't mind the welts, but not on such a large scale. It makes my football (which is my number 1 hobby ) hard to play. And I did not mean wearing a coat.. If you read, I said I'd wear a very thin baselayer, a t shirt, and a fleece. And the fleece is not thick at all. Last time I played, I used a t shirt, and that was it. Was it worth the large welts? No. I'm not going to wear a flipping coat lol... And what maybe I didn't get across, is, it'd be easier for me, if I reduced the welt size just by a little bit, just so it was easier for me to play football. Airsoft isn't my only hobby, since I can't play the game much, I don't want my other hobbies being harder to play.. Thanks. EDIT: I think it could've been one of my grand parents who had something called "von Willebrand". Which is something like you bleed easier than normal people, and they may have weak blood vessels, hence they bruise a lot. If it is genetic, then I have a chance of inheriting.
  6. I was in swim class, about to do some swimming, and just before I got into the pool, my mate said (I will word it exactly as he said it) "Wtf is that big red spot. You look like a baboon" I'm not a baboon, and this made me very sad Jokes aside - I don't really want these large welts.. What do you guys do to minimise the welts? It's also annoying, as I do a lot of "pussyball" as a lot of you call it on here (ok, football) and this results in me sweating, and sweat contains salt, salt & open wound = not good. I know I could just wear layers, or buy a vest. But I just want to hear what you do. Personally, I think one of those baselayer/skin things, along side a t shirt, fitted with a fleece (the fleece isn't that thick, it's not a hoodie) would be good. Thanks guys.
  7. I understand your point. The thing I don't get, is how it slots in. Could I possibly see a picture of you've got one stored on your device. If not, don't worry, it's not fair for you to take a picture, just describe it as best as possible, I am a little confused. Thanks very much.
  8. Stick with AEG as the first gun. You know why? Well I don't.. I just listen to the long time playing, experienced dudes.
  9. Mhm, I may need a picture of the scope at the front to show this collar thing. So you remove the collar, then you put the perspex in, then put the collar back in. Or some sort of thing comes off the scope,which allows you to slot it in, then put that 'thing' back onto the scope. Thanks for the help,
  10. Cool, fair enough, I'll forget the killflash. I'll just find a Perspex that has the same diameter as my objective lens. Then it's just a squeeze to get it in I guess? Thanks for the help
  11. Thanks, so it's a little bit of transparent Perspex that slots infront of the objective lens? And for the kill flash. Isn't it sort of like a mesh thing? Obviously for all this, I'd need the diameter for the objective lens, I'm guessing. Thanks (I'll check that ebay bloke out)
  12. Yeah, I agree, when people have some silly excuse such as the above mentioned... The problem is, if you shoot them, and then they shoot you after you shot them, say 2 seconds after you hit them, I'd end up taking the hit too, as I don't want to start a fight (as I'm 14, not saying if I was older I'd fight someone - I wouldn't do that) even though his BB that he fired shouldn't be allowed to kill anyone...
  13. Was wondering, who protects the lens of their sniper scope? If so, what methods, I'm thinking of doing so, don't want to have my scope ruined... Thanks
  14. Fair enough. But I mean that's a banterous conversation between you and your enemy. Well I say enemy, enemies in airsoft is more of a laugh and a giggle lol. But, the type I mean is the cancerous scum, who blatantly cheat when they know they got shot. I haven't actually encountered the species of scum yet, so let's keep it that way..
  15. I don't know why people don't take their hits. When I get shot, I'm there thinking "well sh*t, that hurt! I better bugger off before I get shot again..."
  16. http://www.airsoftworld.net/action-army-vsr-scope-rail.html 'ere we go then. Lovely jubbly. Scope rail: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/High-quality-Tatical-Hunting-Tri-Rail-Tri-Side-25-4mm-30mm-Ring-weaver-scope-Picatinny-Rail/32459656971.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.20.4wRejn&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_1,searchweb201644_5_10001_10002_10005_301_10006_10003_10004_62,searchweb201560_8,searchweb1451318400_6148,searchweb1451318411_6450 Happy days. Thanks.
  17. Well I've found this for the rail http://shop.ehobbyasia.com/tokyo-marui-mount-base-for-vsr-10-1.html#.Vp0zWNogGSN This for scope (recommended by you) http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Free-Shipping-Visionking-3-9x42-DL-Mil-dot-30mm-Hunting-Rifle-scopes-High-shock-resistance-Wide/405045_728820436.html And for the scope ring, I think this may fit onto the scope (not sure though) http://www.ebairsoft.com/style-twist-onoff-mount-p-6446.html Thanks
  18. I'll have a look on those sites. Thanks for recommending some stuff. I bought the vsr pro version, I'm not sure if it has the holes, but, I think it will, as I've seen an installation video, and I've got a little iron sight type thing that is screwed on. I'll have a look when I'm at my dads. Thanks.
  19. For who? If so that it is me, could you point out the typo. Maybe I did make a typo
  20. Thanks proffrink. Btw, what scope rings did you use? Also, was there a particular website you got your rail from? If you needed a rail.. I'd need to buy a scope ring that fitted the scope, and for the scope ring to fit a 20mm rail, then try to find a 20mm rail.
  21. Hang on I'm currently at school I'll check the links when I get home. Thanks anyway!
  22. (On mobile device sorry) whats a good scope for a TM VSR pro, I know it doesn't come with rails, but I saw a way to install a rail, I believe you unscrew the rear sight, and take some screws off and put in a rail. Anyways, what's a good scope? I don't really want to pay too much, just like a 3-9x scope, that should be good. I've looked about, and there's so many different ones, I'm not sure what is best, I haven't used air rifles, so in this case the only optic/scope thing I've looked down was a fake etech holo. So has anyone got a decent scope, I'd also need to buy a simple rail.. And I've only seen 1 so far, they seem fairly rare... If you could recommend me a scope, with those rings that'd be good, if I chose them my self, I'd end up finding the rings don't fit the scope... lol Thanks!
  23. Steyr Aug - this seems weird... I've seen someone use an aug in game, and it had a very high fire rate, so I'm presuming that gun is more for CQB, get in there sort of thing.. Be cool to see you do it, just was kind of confused, but what do I know about guns... (Nothing)
  24. Yes, the way things are going here, it seems perfectly fine for said burglar to ask this home owner, politely, "where are your keys?" And for this caring home owner to kindly reply "Downstairs, hallway" Infact, if I was a burglar in the UK, I'd just ask the home owner if I could come in. If they say no, there probably some way I can prosecute them for not letting me in... :/
  25. Ah... While everyone had a fun game at airsoft today, I'm sitting here waiting for money for my upgrades. 14 yr old struggles..

    1. Mos


      Did colour my guns tho :D

    2. CES_williamson


      i started at 12, i feel your pain! 6 years later, still loving it!

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