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Everything posted by Mos

  1. Because these two c**** deserve immense pain http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/7037423/Outrage-at-soft-sentences-for-evil-pair-who-headbutted-dog-and-threw-it-down-the-stairs.html (If things like violent animal abuse upset you, please don't read..)
  2. It's fine, if you just turn up, someone will say 'hey' or 'nice gun, what is it?' There's a good site in billericay - infact, even if you ask someone else "nice gun, what is it" should spark some talk. But generally playing the skirmish, you'll find yourself in a building, with a teammate surrounded or something likewise, and that person will speak, about a plan etc.. It will happen, people have a soul Good luck my friend!
  3. Some people may have a polarstar , and may be bad.. No problem with that. add: there was a guy selling his gun for free on this forum earlier, so, there we have it.
  4. The biro mod - is it simply using the biro pen end instead of the nub? Which applies more pressure to the BB, is this correct?

  5. You can put camo tape over the two tone btw. Or any desired tape.
  6. Sweet. Thanks monty. I'll probably end up getting that one then. I got into that mode of wanting to buy an accessory, and knowing which one to get, then checking if there's any better at that price area lol.. Thanks
  7. Hey Me again, was looking at some scopes, the one I was looking at was a CVLIFE 6-24x50, but I thought its minimum zoomage is 6x, that seems quite a lot. So I'm wondering what scope should I go for, for my VSR, looking for something below £50 and fairly decent. Or I could of mugged myself, for someone to tell me that CVLIFE one is actually good. Let me know if 6x as min will be fine. Here it is http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160727972520?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  8. Thanks guys, yeah their website is a bit crap Edit: I was checking the options, there's the g spec model, the vsr pro model and the vsr long... I'll go for the vsr pro, as I have a vsr pro. But what's a vsr long? Also, as you've said, this means I can't purchase any aftermarket hop buckings?
  9. Thanks for replying. I have a VSR pro, and Im looking to get a 6.05, is It a matter of going onto PDI's website (which is x fire I think) and going to the vsr section? Thanks
  10. The sten is automatic, eh, well, you may know a lot of sites only allow semi auto, the site I tend to play at allows semi but not auto, apart from special days, when sometimes it's allowed (very rare) So that's my pointer
  11. yeah yeah, as your first gun buy a sniper and spend 500 quid on it. no. do that later. Yes TM's are very nice, I have one myself, but it wouldn't be top notch to have the most amount of fun as I could with it. As it's manufactured in japan (I think, somewhere over in East Asia) they have an FPS limit of airsoft guns, it's like 300 FPS. You may have heard of people who own snipers being like "oh ye I have 450 FPS sniper" well yes,this is true, even if they have a TM sniper, what they did was upgrade the FPS, either through a higher power spring OR mancraft SDiK (I'd say these are the main two) but I think there are others. The problem is, people want to be a l33t sniper with headshots and all, and they watch people like Novritsch, and see him get many kills per game, so you buy a sniper and try be like him, and most likely, you spend money on upgrading, and think "well I'm still crap, I give up" and this deflates you, after you've spent lots of money and have no gun to have fun with. Chances are you could quit airsoft (could, don't though, it's awesome) though you could go sniper, and have some fun, but it costs a lot, I'd recommend spending the best part of £150 and get your self a G&G CM, which will have you dandy, then after a while, of enjoying airsofting, go into the sniper route. But if you do end up going sniper route, PM me and I'll tell you how much I spend/what I did/what route I took etc. even if you do go for an AEG PM me anyway and I can let you know about sniping. If you really want just get a TM VSR/ or JG BAR10 (vsr clone) and then look about on the forums and you'll find what other people did and what advice they got. Good luck my friend, feel free to PM me if needed.
  12. Hey guys. How are we? So what's the things to look out for when picking the inner barrels? I will soon be going to look for an inner barrel for my TM VSR, and I have seen people recommend other people a barrel, but I'd like to know the rules of compatability with inner barrels What I mean is, will barrel A only fit in gun B because gun B has the correct hop or something? Or barrel B won't fit in gun A because it's not the right length? I don't really know what fits what and why it will/won't fit. If someone could help me out here that'd be great Thanks guys
  13. Yes. ICS is a nice brand. I have one myself. What price range is starter/beginner btw?
  14. Well, yeah nice point, try and find someone who can repair it. Sure there's someone around these forums lurking around who can do the job.
  15. Anyone know how to remove the TM VSR10 cylinder head?

  16. though, you won't get into deep crp if you behave... therefore, behave, and everyone's happy
  17. nooo let's go there, gives us all something to moan about
  18. the morale of my post was to try and get him/her to not do anything stupid that gains attention from the public. I imagine a fair few people have lost the colour of the two tone due to friction with their hands and just general wear & use, and was telling them to not get worried if this happens. These two points link, if your two tone rubs off and ends up looking like a RIF, well there's no problem there, because as long as you don't wave your gun in public, take it for walks, bath it in t.. Why will anyone care? As you are just the normal citizen, playing by the rules, not causing any mayhem or madness and not being stupid. Therefore you won't get done by anyone/anything. If you're not stupid = no police alert If your paint rubs off, and looks like you have a RIF, but are still not stupid = no police alert. (They're the same results) or, as soon as your two tone paint rubs off, slap some pink right back on... And have it look half-assed. can we all agree, just don't be stupid, and nobody ELSE will care/notice? I for sure don't go up to people and inspect there guns and ask them about their current state of law with UKARA, wether they should have RIFs or not..
  19. Mancraft stuff has arrived.. I think I ordered last Monday and it arrived this Tuesday. Not bad when I thought it'd come next week.. Bring on the fiddling ;)

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    2. Mos


      fair enough. is it a he or she? or does it not matter?



  20. I'm not trying to get you to engage in breaking laws. Just before anyone gets angry with me.
  21. Yeah, a gift is a gift, and you can't exchange any money for this gift.Lets say... Eh, this rule gets bent very easily... don't get me wrong, go by the rules... Anyways, when you get a two tone gun, I've found the paint to magically disappear (legit, this does happen, rubs off with your hand..) but aslong As you don't accidently put some fairy wash stuff on it.. I spilt fairy wash, unfortunately my gun was under it - good try but probably won't get you anywhere, but then I ask myself, why would mr.policeman come and look at my gun? Well, only if he needs to, so don't wave it around in the public, or take it on walks, or put it in the pram, or take it shopping, keep it in its box. You'll be alright, there's lots of laws regarding airsoft RIFs... But, aslong as you're not an idiot with the equipment, all other airsofters won't have a problem. Neither will mr.policeman.
  22. Now you have step foot into the airsoft realm, you will need to accommodate for masses of unneeded equipment and space for two to.. guns. Here's a saying airsoft told me. "Don't watch your wallet, watch your health. The next day, my money was stolen. It was airsoft" nah, just joking. Airsoft is real fun. Enjoy the ride amigo
  23. Thought that read "scam.co.uk" lol But yes, very good website and seller.
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