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Everything posted by Randymanpipe

  1. I was handling a TM shock recoil 417 yesterday at combat south. Oh man it truly is a thing of beauty. It's got all the looks and Hk branding with the knowledge that it has the quality internals to back it up. The 416/417 are far more impressive to look at and handle than the scar-h o L in my opinion. If I was to buy another aeg it would be the 417 fo show
  2. Guy iv just bought a red dot and magpul stubby grip runs the facebook page for the guy who makes them. Search for galac-tac Ryan flowers
  3. Hey jedi, I was wondering when you were going to rock up wearing this little number?
  4. Haha, I bet you are Jedi, will enhance your presence on the battlefield no end! X)
  5. I was always told 'every holes a goal' but I think even I would have to draw the line there. Nice analogy though.....
  6. Top banana! It is the first one, 20mm picatinny/ris rail covers. Gonna spray me stubby grip, stock and fit the dark earth rail covers. Go for a black/dark earth colour scheme. It's all the rage this season don't you know. Lol
  7. Hola Gringos, I want to get some dark earth rail covers for my Ics PAR Mk 3 and have absolutely no idea where to start. How do I tell which covers will fit? Any advice is mucho appreciato
  8. I would of thought proof of employment at the museum should be enough?
  9. Hi there, Welcome to the forum, Congratulations on the new arrival, hope alls going well thus enabling daddy to get out and play shooty shooty bang bang more often Iv not used aimtop personally, I stick to ASG blasters and red devil's my self, might be worth popping down to Combat south at pompey if that local to you? What sites are you close to?
  10. My next move would be get a sling for it, can't see where the mounts are on the gun though?
  11. I managed to get a Condor Gen 2 in Tan new for £14.50 delivered, will see how I get on. Am loving the drop leg platform though, finally a comfortable reliable method of holstering my side arm.
  12. Wtf is it? One of those medicines you pump up your nose when you have sinus problems?
  13. Lmao, *imagines N1ckh driving up to his local woods rolling around on the floor whilst all the dog walkers stare in horror'
  14. Oooh, complicated! Was looking at a motorola tlkr t81 hunter ipx4 8 channel license free handset.
  15. Here's another Q to throw in, if I'm looking at buying a single handset will I be able to pair it with my buddies handsets? I'm assuming you can? Iv never used one before so am completely clueless! X) I'm guessing it's done on frequency?
  16. That's your old moon head fast helmet too Shortman it's had a multicam makeover!
  17. I use Muck off anti fog spray from halfords which seems to work well, and iv also found wearing your eyepro on route to the venue helps too as it seems to give the lenses time to adapt to your body heat. I use ess Ice but have had to glue the lenses to the arms as they kept coming loose at exactly the wrong moment!
  18. Badlands down at Havant held a safari game hunt event couple of weekends ago I believe, sent a couple of guys out dressed in lion and bear onesies pmsl. And not a dentist in sight!
  19. Whilst beating your chest and generally displaying your manliness and dominant male attributes n1ckh??
  20. Surely everybody just does the o'l shaving mirror stuck to bayonet with chewing gum trick from saving private Ryan right???
  21. Probably because I just ordered a load of WAS pouches a few days ago. Doh.
  22. Or stop using his sword as it's technically out of the game and can't use it :/
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