I'm hoping santa will unload his sack at my house and leave me a Source Hydration 1L Kangaroo pouch and warrior multicam fastex sling o_O oh and maybe a lockable hard case too.
In all serious though, I was sort of the same to start with, but once you handle some of the full metal AEG's especially the mid-high end ones I was easily turned.
I will get a Gbbr eventually but not until I am more experienced in maintaining cleaning etc. If you got the budget get a mid-high end aeg to start then add to your armoury by going Gbbr once you have some game time under your belt.
I guess another angle is the possibility of there being any Jewish or German airsofters on site at the time? This would surely heat things up. I'm wondering what the legality of it is?
I wouldn't be surprised if he finds himself taking more face shots than usual at his next outing, can imagine the safety briefing now ''please try and aim for centre mass rather than head shots, unless your the plank dressed in the Waffen-SS uniform. Feel free to shoot him in the Ears & index fingers.''
To me it stinks of bad taste, but then so do all the fake twitter accounts of Hitler etc that post jokes that people share on and think are funny. I'm sure if he's actually brave/stupid enough to skirmish it he will grow tired of the negative/abuse it attracts and will ditch it to become 'the knob who wore the ss uniform'
Hi welcome aboard,
Like proffink says be sure to allow some budget to buy extra batteries, mags, optics and gear like boots, rigs, and combat attire. Welcome to the days of no more disposable income! XD
As I always ask when this question comes up what sort of site will your regular site be? CQB? Woodland? Bit of both?? Is worth considering because rocking up with a long range sniper rifle to an indoor cqb site would be pretty pointless. Hence the advice 'get an AEG' to start. You can use it pretty much anywhere as long as it's firing within the realms of the sacred 350fps.