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Okto Eight Milsim

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  1. OKTO EIGHT MILSIM proudly presents Operation CLAW HAMMER Mission This will be a weekend game consisting of two 8hr COMBAT OPERATIONS. LOCATION EVERSLEY, Fleet Road (A327) Eversley Hampshire RG27 0PY "The Valley" boasts mixed terrain supported by a silver birch, pine and rhododendron forest. With natural hills and a sweeping valley that passes around its heights. DATE 5 - 6 DECEMBER 2015 COST £60 (£25 non refundable deposit required at time of booking) Players must be 16 years of age or over. TIMINGS STARTEX 0900 5th December ENDEX 1700 6th December FORCES - Total 50 places NATO Coalition: 15 places Moldistan Defence Force (MDF- Government Army): 10 places Moldistan Peoples Front (MPF - Rebels): 20 places Russian Force: 5 places Uniform/Loadout Requirements: Full details are on the group but basically in overview: NATO Coalition - 100% MTP or Multicam (AOR2, ATACS etc also considered) - NATO weapons MDF - 100% DPM or Flecktarm - NATO or Eastern Bloc assault rifles MPF - Top or Bottoms in DPM or Flecktarn - remainder in solid colours like tan, green, grey, etc - No helmets or boonies. Mainly Soviet weaponry. Russian - 100% Russian camo (Partizan, Digital Flora or recognised specific others). Helmets, Peaked caps or balaclavas. Russian weapons. EQUIPMENT You will need to bring all your own food and water and the means to cook with. No Two Tone weapons - limited ammunition and low cap/mid cap use only. Radios optional but highly recommended (Baofeng UV5 @ approx £25). Free Overnight Camping SCENARIO Location - the former Soviet Republic of Moldistan. A massive seam of high grade, Titanium yielding ore was discovered in Moldistan last year, unexpectedly propelling this sleepy, poor, woodland country into the limelight of international politics and high level commerce. Operation Claw Hammer is the fourth game in this series (although its not necessary for new players to have played at the previous games - its easy to just pick up this game at the latest stage). In previous games, the allegedly corrupt and autocratic president of Moldistan, Aleksandr Gretsky manipulated both the US and Russian governments to get the best price for the valuable commodity coming from his new Titanium mine at Gorazh. The Peoples Front of Moldistan (MPF), an anti-Gretsky political body of former governmental soldiers and radicals have taken to the forest to avoid persecution. Their leader Nikolay Jakov, a modern day Robin Hood has surrounded himself with his version of the merry men and together they harass and harry the government army at every turn. Since the Titanium was discovered, Moldistan has become an interesting proposition for the leading industrial nations. In his latest chess move, Gretsky has shunned Russia, his traditional ally and signed a lucrative supply deal with the US. In the last game, Operation Firestorm, we saw a US Private Military Contractor team working for the Moldistan government and augmenting the loyalist soldiers of the Moldistan Defence Force. Shadowy Coalition Special Forces were observed in the forest, presumably carrying out secret orders for persons unknown. Prime Minister Borodin made a promotional visit to the small provincial village of Tsiara and the villagers rose up in protest, forcing the PM to flee for his life. Riot shields were deployed after an old woman threw a cabbage at Borodin, sparking off the protesting mob. In the closing hours of the operation, the MPF seized the Gorazh Titanium Mine, the distribution warehouse and the railhead away from the government. The MPF have started to work the mine for their own ends and are exporting Titanium across the northern border to waiting Russian buyers. This is all now consigned to history. Lets move forward to now. Gretsky has been humiliated on an international stage. The Russians are laughing at him because they have their hands on the Titanium for a fraction of the official government price. Washington is angry with Gretsky because their defence industries are deprived of the valuable commodity simply because the Moldistan government is unable to control the rebels. If President Gretsky is to stay at the helm, he now needs to show that he can regain control of the Titanium and suppress the rebel movement permanently. He has instructed his Commander-in-Chief to wield a mighty claw hammer to lever the rebel scum out, like a nail from a floorboard or face the consequences. The latter in Moldistan usually means a last cigarette and a firing squad. Operation Claw Hammer is in progress. Gretsky is like a rat at his most dangerous when cornered. This small country, wedged between Europe and Russia has the ability to start the next global conflict. Gretsky has requested NATO boots on the ground in Moldistan by complaining that the rebels are only growing in strength because they are being armed and trained directly from the Kremlin. This is your chance to make a difference. MPF, MDF, NATO Coalition or the mysterious Russian force that have been spied in Moldistan... Who you going to fight for ? Booking opens 17th September 2015 Please book online at: https://www.facebook.com/events/542936479190728/ For further information please contact - [email protected] or call 07535507950 OKTO EIGHT ADMIN
  2. Rent first and see if you like it. They will provide you with face protection - suggest you take a hat, gloves and stout supportive boots. If you like it, come back and dig a bit deeper. Generally the first thing to buy is your own eye pro as often the supplied masks are not very comfortable.
  3. The Op was a great success. The government troops managed to protect the prime minister on Saturday who survived to politik another day and the rebel troops managed to capture the Titanium mine, warehouse and railhead after some bloody fighting on Sunday afternoon. Operation Claw Hammer to follow.
  4. Its worth having a trundle down to Airsoft Zone in Romford if you live up the A12. In our experience, players start off wanting weapon A and end up buying something totally different once theyve seen it in the flesh or talk to some more influences. Have a look on their website to see what they have in their warehouse and then go there (parking outside off street) and handle some of them. We use them a lot for different things and find Alex and his crew very reasonable and fair minded. If youre not up to tinkering, at least you have the peace of mind of being able to ring them for tech support or take it back if it needs fixing.
  5. Wet wipes. A decent milsim organiser will, if they are running a long game like that, provide you with a list of kit as it's in their interest.
  6. Kill Flash. Probably won't need it next game though !! :-)
  7. Looking at it, it would be nearer the £50 mark per head for a days course but it would be a full, intensive day of training and practice scenarios.
  8. Okto attracts players of mixed abilities and experience and we wondered if players would be interested if we organised a group training session between our scheduled milsim games for newbies ? The intention would be to hold an intensive training day, run by a credible tactical instructor. Between us, we have a number of contacts in the military and could probably get a top notch instructor. Although we would primarily run this for our milsimmers, we would envisage opening it up to others if there were spaces. Ideally we would cover the basics such fire and maneuvering, ambush techniques, weapon transitions, dealing with multiple threats, patrol procedures, small/fire team tactics and battle drills, CTR, fire support teamwork and other tactical behaviour, etc to basically "up" peoples battlefield skills. It would quite likely be at our Eversley site near Farnborough and although we haven't finalised prices, it would probably be in the range of £50-80 per head depending on numbers. Would there be interest ??
  9. We did pass two rather posh young ladies on horseback who are well used to us. They didn't seem at all surprised to see a black Technical with a .50 cal on the roof, a Russian general in the back seat and a shotgun toting bodyguard and driver up front. We gave them plenty of room and drove slow and low. We got a cheery wave, which we returned. One was heard to say to the other "Oh look Clarissa, its men with toy guns !!" - thats Hampshire for you.
  10. Usually the qualifying site will do it for you, especially if you are having membership ? We (Gunman) do ours.
  11. If you are into LARP'ing, its worth volunteering for the GUNMAN CREW who attend a lot of milsims (not just their own). Free to attend and you get lots of bacon sandwiches, but don't expect any trigger time. Its absolutely nothing to do with airsoft and is probably closer to amateur dramatics in a warzone environment. This goes wrong when airsofters sign up as they normally feel disappointed when they have to follow a role brief and can't get involved in the fight. Not everyones cup of tea, but different strokes and all that.
  12. Just a few days to go now until our Operation Firestorm. Looking forward to it immensely. Its not until you start loading the props, kit, weapons and SFX into the vehicles for the journey to Eversley that you realise the enormity of it.
  13. Yes we lost some fence panels at Eversley a few months back, but they were caught making off on a ATV and had to jettison some of their loot.
  14. Not at all. Its a noobs and milsims topic, not an Okto advert. We just post occasionally to keep the soil turned.
  15. Not everything in milsimland costs lots of money. These little contraptions are called Dominators and only cost a few Pounds. They can be adjusted to secure webbing ends or provide hooks off Molle or lots of other little uses and they are so much more tactical and durable than elastic bands. We could have a competition to see the diversity of uses in milsim and airsofting.
  16. This guy was a noob to milsim and came to our first game Operation Skylight. Im sure he wouldnt mind us describing the fact that he is somewhat of a mature player. Unfortunately he hurt his back on thr first game so his review was a bit salt and peppered because he only saw the first days action. Undeterred he came back and played our April game, his second ever milsim and this is his review, We didnt have to pay him either. http://thesecretairsofter.com/2015/08/09/return-to-moldistan/
  17. The Filmsim organisation who run Gunman and Okto Eight provided civ-pop for one of the hardcore milsim companies and the setting was Afghan. The civ-pop ran a coffee shop with civilians, but the players were a bit hyped and killed them all. I think the same milsim people tried a game with real Afghan civ-pop but it was chaos as they started to get bored and wouldnt do as they were told.I seem to recall they all went off and started a game of football. Flying Lead is also played at Eversley.
  18. no sorry, we just dont have the manpower to do collections from stations or hotels. Players who dont drive normally just get a taxi to the site.
  19. Usually civ pop assume a personality and role play that. We play at Eversley near Farnborough and its a weekend game. If its of interest, PM me as its probably not fair to derail the thread with details. However. to answer your original question, its possible for you both to come down for a weekend with you playing an active airsoft player role and her playing a civ pop non combatant roleplay character during the game.
  20. We find that airsofters make bad civ pop because they find it hard to do passive roleplay and want to get in the fight or at least affect the game direction.
  21. Yes but they still have to pay like the other players. We have one at the next game who is a player, so armed, but has a secondary role as a government military journalist.
  22. Yes we can accommodate that. Get in touch.
  23. Marshals can make or break a game. Simple as that.
  24. Welcome to the group Greg. We run our games at our site at Eversley near Farnborough. The main reason for airsoft is the craic. We camp out for the weekend war with lots of big boys toys including vehicles, RPGs and props and have a campfire on the Saturday night with a few beers and high jinks. Taken in the right spirit, Airsoft is a medium for a lot of fun with good mates and camaraderie.
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