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Okto Eight Milsim

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Everything posted by Okto Eight Milsim

  1. Unfortunately things like that just give milsim a bad name. Our rebel force in our game series vy with each other to achieve the meanest rebel loadout at the least cost. The key to milsim is imagination which is free.
  2. Cant really fault the video - seems pretty balanced. To us, airsoft is just a technology which allows you to play a game. It could be replaced with another technology at some point, depending on a lot of factors, maybe not. Its just a component of a wider subject. Your video is really more a comparison between skirmishing and milsim or other role playing games. Of course, Airsoft is a larger part of skirmishing than it is milsim. Our parent group also organises wild west games (is that westsim ?) where they have migrated to blank firers and of course re-enactors dont tend to use airsoft. The video is rather simplified but we suspect that it has to be because of the running time, so fair enough. In reality, there are lots of "flavours" of milsim and they cater for different audiences who still want to play some form of milsim. It doesnt have to be special forces loadouts and 48 hours plus to be milsim.
  3. Don't think we've received any bookings from your group yet (difficult with all these pen names on forums !). Once you register you get access to your own force group so you can receive privileged intel and swop useful information with organisers and team mates.
  4. You can carry 600 rounds on your person in mags (no loose ammo). You can store/cache extra ammo (either loose or in mags) somewhere in the battlefield area. MDF normally store extra ammo in their FOB to allow reloading when they return from sorties or patrols.
  5. We would disagree slightly in that the only thing it has in common with a skirmish is its length. Its an 8 hour game, but there are no breaks in that time and no recourse to the safe zone. It's also full milsim rules. You obviously dont need overnight equipment in the battlefield but you will need to bring all the same kit as you would for an overnighter as its a weekend game.
  6. A lot of the marshals from Humber Airsoft play at our milsims for their own fun. Nice bunch of lads. Recommended.
  7. The Russian team in Op Claw Hammer is starting to fill.
  8. Its interesting but we have quite a lot of older players in our milsim games and one theme we hear from them is that they like playing milsim because they can fight without having to run around a lot. They do walk a fair way in a day, especially when they are out on patrol or have to come back to regen, but the fighting positions tend to rely more on teamwork, so the advances and withdrawals are slower paced than say a skirmish when you have a limited time to achieve an objective and you see all the young things sprinting as soon as the whistle is blown. All we're saying is that there are plenty of older players out there at different levels of fitness and playing a sniper is only one solution to not having to sprint everywhere at the double.
  9. Theres no reason why you shouldn't be a sniper. Younger newbies are usually advised against a sniper role from the get go because its nothing like video games, players normally buy starter sniper rifles which breed dissatisfaction pretty quickly and the lack of action normally means players get bored before they learn to appreciate the many facets of airsoft. Things to consider are that it usually takes a lot of expense or effort or both to get an airsoft sniper rifle shooting accurately and consistently and the fact that you will need to move locations on a regular basis otherwise your position will be quickly compromised and you will get rinsed. Its your game - play it how you want.
  10. Ten bookings received already with "Going" and "maybe" commitments already exceeding the number of places.
  11. By the way, we have now opened public bookings rather than wait until the 17th.
  12. Its to do with the story, but dont worry they arent fighting on their own. We might increase the force slightly depending on how people start booking. We match our forces as best we can such that its a pretty level playing field and everybody has a fighting chance of success.
  13. Event is here https://www.facebook.com/events/542936479190728/
  14. The event is now open and we are taking bookings.
  15. Just thought we would mention that we have written a Russian team into our next milsim on tne 5/6th December where the loadout is Russian (camo) and weapons. We have seen a lot of interest from this quarter.
  16. The bookings have begun for the players who were at the last game and the deposits have started coming in. Public bookings will open on 17th September. There will still be space on the 17th but players are advised not to leave it to the last minute, especially if you want to play on a specific team. There are only 50 places in total. Deposits are fully refundable if the game is cancelled by the organiser for any reason.
  17. If youre interested in the series, its worth joining the Okto Eight Milsim Kill club group on Facebook to see what is going on.
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