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Everything posted by HSCtheta7

  1. That was beautiful, Mr Duck! Seriously though, if you're looking at green guns, visit SOCOM Tactical. They aren't great for big repairs, but they sell some nice guns with free two-toning (which they do in green, I can send pics if you want). Just don't ask them to completely disassemble your gun or it'll end up like a Lego set put together by a three-year-old. With pistols...it's a tricky one, cause you have three options here. You could either go for a gas non-blowback one like an HFC (the ones listed on the pistol guide), you could get an AEP (CYMA make a half-decent Glock 18) or a cheap blowback gun like a KJW. Their Glock 23s and Beretta 92s are great, but the others are pretty hit-and-miss... Hope this helps.
  2. I'll be there, hopefully with a TM M4 and I'll be in DPM. Probably getting shot to pieces.
  3. A Union Jack patch for my vest. Still need a rifle, but will be getting a TM Hi-Capa after Christmas
  4. Depends on what it is you're looking for. The ICS ones are brilliant all-round. As far as I'm aware, VFC only make gas MP5s - they're really well-made but have terrible problems with feeding and cool-down. Maybe they do make an electric one and I'm just not aware of it? Either way, I'd personally go MP5. ICS make loads of different variants, and there are a lot of aftermarket parts available. Not only that...they're ICS!
  5. Ah, right! Didn't know that, thanks
  6. Anyone have any CQB guns for sale?

  7. Just out of interest, don't Forcecore just rebrand stuff like ASG? Their M4s are made by Jing Gong, and their other stuff is AY.
  8. Buy a secondhand gun and mod the hell out of it. Either that, or just keep it stock - then I could try and coax my mate into making an EBR out of his M1A SOCOM...
  9. I've just sold my CYMA AK-74M, and during the time I had it I absolutely loved it. Full metal...folding stock...500rd mags, the whole enchilada. CYMA are very well-known for making nice AKs, and it depends on what you go for. APS aren't too bad (their AUGs and UARs are really cool) but personally I wouldn't trust their AKs too much. I've heard from quite a few people that they have gearbox problems, which would likely be made worse by adding blowback to the mix. Overall? CYMA.
  10. Now that I've used an M14 for CQB, I can truly call myself an idiot!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. HSCtheta7


      It went pretty well, till we got flanked by an army of G36s! And unfortunately we couldn't use pyros or anything D:

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      ahh - dunno what hurts more

      shot in the back or who the f*ck was supposed to be watching out !!!

    4. HSCtheta7


      Both are pretty bad to be fair.

  11. Since I normally play at a woodland site, I wear a full DPM uniform and it works pretty well. That said, if you're at The Mall at 9:30 pm in low light, it really doesn't matter what you wear (as I discovered last Saturday...). They'll see your silhouette, and then light you up!
  12. Since your blowback is pneumatic, the charging handle isn't attached to the piston. This means it wouldn't cause any problems with the gearbox. On the other hand, I wouldn't stop the charging handle from moving, because you may end up with a problem there. If you're near any airsoft retailers, your best bet is to visit one and have a tech look at it.
  13. OP - if you're able to stretch your budget slightly, ICS make a really nice Sportline (full plastic) M4 for £150. I'll leave you a link. A friend of mine has one very similar and he loves it, that said I've handled G&G M4s and they're great too. The CYMA one's not great, they only make nice AKs and M14s. Here's that ICS M4. - http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=8825 Good luck! HSCtheta7
  14. 4.3 it is! Now...Hi-Capa or Desert Warrior? Decisions, decisions...
  15. Looks like I'm going TM :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DX115FALCON
    3. HSCtheta7


      Thanks very much!

    4. Jedi_Master


      Totally Mad or Tokyo Marui? Either way, welcome the club.

  16. It is very subjective, I'll agree to that. The comfort thing isn't much of a problem, it's just something to consider...mainly I'm just after something that will be reliable and within my budget, and I'm not close enough to any airsoft stores. So, speaking to fellow 'softers is probably the better way to go...
  17. I've got a generic leg holster, so hopefully the size shouldn't be an issue My hands are little on the small side, so the P226 and Beretta are a little uncomfortable. That said, my mate's WE M9A1 is pretty cool.
  18. Thanks to everyone who replied so quickly! So it seems that, for the most part, I'd be better off staying away from WE and heading towards Tokyo Marui. I've rethought my budget and decided on these three guns. - TM Hi-Capa 4.3 - http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=267_314_426&products_id=1866 - TM Glock 17 Gen 3 - http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=267_314_426&products_id=1869 - TM Desert Warrior - http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=267_314_426&products_id=5350 Sorry to be a pain, but if any TM users could offer me their expertise as to the best purchase, it'd be really helpful. Thanks again!
  19. Trying to get a GBB pistol at Christmas, been looking around the ones below (follow links). I have a budget of about £110 for the pistol, and £25 for a mag. - WE 1911R - £100 on Zero One (http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?products_id=9927) - Tokyo Marui M92F - £105 on Zero One (http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=267_314_426&products_id=1891) - WE F226-E2 - £100 on Zero One (http://www.zerooneairsoft.com/product_info.php?cPath=267_314_428&products_id=9365) - ASG CZ P-09 - £100 on JD Airsoft (https://jdairsoft.net/secondary/pistol/12/asg-cz-p-09-black) Could someone please give me some pointers as to what would be the wisest purchase, or to any other pistols? My current pistol isn't doing the job anymore, and I've got some money to play with. Thanks HSCtheta7
  20. I fancy a GBBR.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HSCtheta7


      Thanks for the offer, but I can't buy anything until I sell my AK D:

  21. Hi all, Me and my friends are playing at The Mall (in Reading) next weekend, and all games are going to be on semi-automatic. However, one of my friends has got a CYMA CM.032a (a Springfield M1A SOCOM replica) and his fire selector switch has apparently broken. Nothing to do with the safety, as they're two separate switches. The fire selector switch near the bolt does turn, and will click into both positions, but when it's on 'Semi' it will only fire in full-auto. Obviously, this is a bit of a problem. Does anyone know of a way it can be fixed? He needs it by next Saturday and has no idea how to take it apart. Maybe the cut-off lever's broken? Thank you!
  22. I went to a skirmish with my CYMA AK-74M this weekend. It performs really well, but I found it to be too long and not tactical enough for me. So basically, I'd like to modify it to make it more 'tactical'. Here are a list of things I'd like to do to my AK. - Replace the folding stock with an AR-15 buffer tube and fit a Magpul CTR stock - Attach a railed handguard to which I can fit a Magpul RVG foregrip - Fit a shorter barrel to bring the rifle down to the length of the AK-105 Could someone please tell me if I'd be able to do each of these things? If so, how would I do these things? Thank you for reading, all help is appreciated!
  23. I'm saving up for a gas blowback WE pistol from my local retailer, I have a budget of £100. I've got a choice of four pistols. These are the; - WE Hi-Capa 4.3S - WE Glock 17 Generation 4 - WE XDM .40 - WE M9A1 CQB Master I've had a hold of all 4, and they feel absolutely great. The thing is, I still have no idea which one I should buy. Could someone please tell me which one would be the best purchase? Things I need to bear in mind are possible problems and magazine sizes. Any and all help will be appreciated. Thank you!
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