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Everything posted by HSCtheta7

  1. Hi there, So I just bought a lovely AEG (a CYMA CM047c, so a full metal AK-74M), but there are some things I'd like to change over time. I'm going to buy a scope rail, so I need some kind of cheaper optic that's going to get me by. Eventually, I'd also like to get a new pistol grip and RIS handguard. Does anyone have any suggestions on what specific product to get and where to get it? Thanks
  2. Alright, thanks for everyone's help. For the trouble repairing it will cause, might as well just keep it till it dies. On the other hand, used an ASG MP5A4 - I'm in love:D
  3. My friend uses a Blackviper B3814 (it's a cheap Chinese M4) as a back-up rifle when we go to our local field. I decided to give it a go last time, but had constant feeding issues. Although it feeds fine with the stock magazine, my friend had left it at home. This led to me buying two hi-cap mags - a CYMA M4 mag and a Magpul PMag. Neither of them fed BBs into the hop-up, but a Knight's PDW mag fed okay if it was held up in the magazine well. We had the rifle looked at, and realised that the mag wouldn't touch the bottom of the hop unit. Ideally, what we need to do is get the hop-up to sit lower into the magwell. Any ideas on how to do this? Thank you!
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