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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. I think the Dye i4 mask is excellent and would recommend them. I bought mine on Amazon from BZ Paintball Supplies Ltd for £75 (free P&P), which saved about 25% off the normal price. http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00FY5NB0C?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00
  2. Agree, when I was looking for another FAST helmet this was the best option. I always look inside the helmet to see the fittings and padding, would not buy one with the solid polysterene insert that the cheaper/poorer quality ones have. Worth spending the extra to get the FMA helmet over the generic Chinese ones for £20-30 which have less adjustability.
  3. A Helikon Alpha Tactical Grid fleece http://www.military1st.co.uk/bl-alt-fg-35-helikon-alpha-tactical-grid-fleece-jacket-shadow-grey.html
  4. Indoor, all year facility, offering multiple days per week. There was a recent thread asking our opinions on a new outdoor (woodland) site in Hertfordshire, it is worth reading if you have not seen it as many of the points will be valid for indoors as well http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29709-hertfordshire-potential-new-site-market-research/
  5. But if the Terminator makes an appearance then you can take one for the team as we all run away
  6. Just the usual four: HK416, Mk23 pistol, bayonet, and a few pyro. And my quick wit and repartee.
  7. I Googled the map for the first time I went to there but was still completely lost most of the time down in the darkness of the basement, it is so easy to go the wrong way. Even now I find that orienteering with the map is difficult, trying to balance the compass on the map whilst holding the torch...
  8. managed to post stsatus reply in wrong place, doh.

  9. Do not look at any pistols on the Internet, even when the urge is strong, it leads to the darkside. I am resisiting the urge but now you have made me start am thinking about owning a TM HK45.

  10. I read a magazine article about last years event and it was a good review, great to get lots of retailers in one location. If The Mall does hold the same event this year I would want to go. Online shopping is fine but I do like to see products in person.
  11. Now that would be a good move in the basement, sneak up behind a player and quietly slip one into their dump pouch and then slip away
  12. Now we are all wanting to have a go. It will be interesting to see the difference with a mosfet fitted one compared to a stock rifle.
  13. The latest issue of Airsoft Action (March 2016) has an article on the new ASG Dan Wesson 715 (.357 Magnum) revolver. It comes in two versions; a stainless silver (low power) one with internal regulator at 300 fps and a steel grey (high power) one at 435-455 fps but can use "power down" shells that reduce the fps by about 50%.
  14. Have you looked at this website for Flecktarn camo, new and used kit. http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/camouflagekit_flecktarn.html
  15. I am not part of a team but I think that even in a skirmish there is merit in a brick / four man fire team working together. Room clearance where you each cover an arc and know someone has your back and you have theirs. The number of times you fight forward only to have no one else from your colour team with or behind you to exploit the attack.
  16. Well I for one will sleep better tonight knowing that there is an apostrophe in its correct place. Now time to get back to counting my BBs.
  17. Yes, the older boys are so mean and always showing off. And they keep picking up on your grammer as well - "it's" Luckily there is counsellling available.
  18. That is a good point, and being prepared. Luckily even as a non-smoker I do have plenty of matches and gas igniters at home for my log burner.
  19. Players expect the Mk5 to land and fizz a bit before going off, so they are used to waiting for the bang and then maybe giving it a few seconds extra in case it has a long fuse. I have also thrown a series of used mk5 so that the opposition just think it is a distraction and stop reacting to me, which is when I throw in the live one hoping to catch them off guard.
  20. Induction cookers rock; easy to control, very rapid heat and yet no heat on cooker top to burn yourself. Downside is a power-cut stops play unlike gas.
  21. I have on occasion done the same. Can be useful when there is a blocked corridor and no one is going through a doorway, I simply throw a used mk5 cardboard tube into the corridor and shout "frag out" or similar and then run though. Sometimes it works, they move back behind cover or are distracted and I can get forward and take a better shot. It is just a ruse to gain a brief window of opportunity.
  22. Welcome . Yes this is the home of quick wit and friendly banter and we all have opinions. Look forward yo meeting you at The Mall on 27th.
  23. As above, if it goes bang then take the hit, and if any grenade fails to detonate then it is a dud and game on. The Mall do have strict rules which they make very clear at the initial briefing for bfg being thrown under knee level and the trajectory also must be below that height to stop high lobs for safety.
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