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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. Quick Questions and Simple Answers ??? Maybe start a new thread about this.
  2. If I was buying H&K BBs then I would want the trademark on all of them
  3. Could be to cover historic ownership, those who had airsoft guns prior to VCRA, and those that have given up the hobby but still keep the guns they obtained legally. If you have a valid UKARA number then you can buy from abroad (i.e. Gunfire) because Customs recognise it as proof of defence. therefore, you could be on holiday in Europe and buy a gun locally and post it to your UK address as long as it has your UKARA number on the package. Is that any different to ordering from a foreign retailer? Either way you have bought it, and it is imported. Having the defence is the exception to s.36 1. (d). It is all rather grey and unclear.
  4. Are you going all redneck on us? Actually the wood looks good, traditional beats some of the modern plastic crap.
  5. I still read this as NO under 18 shall have an IF converted into RIF because they have have no defence based on fact they cannot obtain UKARA defence (and also site membership?). Now if a site does give full membership to an under 18 then they have a form of defence. However, I still see the above relating to the site as the organiser and host - holder- not the player. Over 18 can buy an IF and once has valid defence convert to IF. The fact theat a RIF cannot be sold to a minor should be the limit on IF to RIF. I would re-read and refer to the thread, http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30369-ukara-question/?hl=imitation#entry235135 where post #17 by@Shizbazki "Stripping the paint or spray painting over the two tone: I would not recommend this as it will make you gun look tacky and could be considered contrary to the VCRA" It is all down to interpretation. The problem is the whole VCRA is flawed and not tested in court in relation to airsoft. Personally I think that all under 18 should only have two-tone guns and any over 18 without a defence likewise. Once 18+ it is not difficult to play the 3 games in no less than 2 moths to get the defence to buy a RIF. If you have a bright coloured gun then cover it in camo tape for the gameday and remove it afterwards.
  6. Family day out to a museum with dinner for four and I have spent as much as a new TM HK45 pistol. The price of philanthropic support of culture means the Warrior holster will stay empty for longer.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Ashmolean in Oxford

    3. deebo


      Damn families getting in the way of warlike persuits! Haha

    4. Randymanpipe


      Me- hmm £85 for a ghillie suit, bargain! take my money. Wife- can we order a new freezer? Me- how much? Wife-£100 me- oof, money is a bit tight this month babe :P

  7. UK Tactical are having another 20% off all Warrior kit this weekend - use code WARRIOR20 Plus 10% discount on everything else they sell - use code EVERYTHING10
  8. Red, because it goes faster . Mine is a BMW F25 auto (2015 Life Cycle Impulse facelift). X-drive to access those airsoft sites a little more off the beaten track.
  9. A few days without the forum and I missed it. So had to spend time looking at guns and kit instead.

    1. Max2000


      same and also ukac facebook


    2. djben9


      Yep, even saw the family.....but guns and kit on a list to refine :)

  10. Not sure if you have seen the Gunman website for Eversley http://www.gunmanairsoft.co.uk/?page_id=131 This is their rental and BB cost http://www.gunmanairsoft.co.uk/?page_id=174 so it is £50 rental plus £8 for 3k of BBs. I think that Ambush Adventues also use a site in that general area (Bordon) http://www.ambushadventures.co.uk/ (Note: you may want to use sentence case not UPPER case)
  11. Welcome As a starting point this link will list some sites in Kent http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30516-kent-sites/?hl=kent Recommend trying the forum search function to see if any more information on the sites, the term "Kent" will call up many threads so may take a bit of time to work through them. However, you can Google the site names and hopefully get more details. I am not aware of a specific county list of all airsoft sites, although it would be a good project to put one together. This sticky link will also help http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/3581-new-and-looking-for-somewhere-to-play/ I read a recent article in Airsoft Action (Feb 2016) about a new CQB site in Ashford - After Dark C.Q.B. run by Darkwater Airsoft http://www.darkwaterairsoft.co.uk/
  12. Welcome The fourm does has a wealth of useful knowledge, check out the sticky posts and do not be afraid to use the search function. There is always someone with advice, opinion or just random off topic chat.
  13. UK Tactical - kit Nightgear - kit Military 1st - kit Combat South - guns (TM & ICS) Fire Support - guns and parts
  14. Yes, tan is guns look naff . Would rather have a bright yellow or an orange one anyday.
  15. You could have let this run a little longer before the spoiler.
  16. Why not have an airsoft license, similar to a driving one. All held on a national database, and the license can be revoked. Must be over 18 to hold one, and no purchase of RIF allowed without it. Players will have to sit a theory test on VCRA, UKARA, safe handling, correct terminology, battery storage, etc. And a practical exam to demonstate proper use of eye-pro, magazine and battery changes, safety procedure before entering the Safe Zone, etc. Their Airsoft license can be checked at sites to make sure the player is legal to carry a RIF. And a provisional license for under 18s, to make sure they are responsible enough to be allowed to use a two-tone gun. Could also introduce gun registration numbers. Every gun has a unique index number, held on a national database, and when you sell a gun you complete the details of old owner and new owner and send them off to the Airsoft Licensing Agency (could be located in Swansea for example). This would also mean stolen or lost guns could be traced back to the owner. Note: Yes, it is April 1st. And this is not a serious post.
  17. Good review. Only thing extra I would like to see is it actually being worn on the leg and with a demonstration of getting mags in and out of the pouches.
  18. To clarify, and from personal experience, in relation to singing (a cadence) when doing a squaded run or tabbing just meant we had to run/move quicker because we had spare energy if we could sing. However, agree that on ops people singing while travelling or off duty as it is a good boost to personal/team morale. One of the greatest war film moments, Zulu
  19. Simple answer - Yes. As a hobby it has a wide range of players, from 30 year olds needing extra-marital adventure, snot nosed kids, students, old and bold (or maybe bald) chaps, military, ex-military, walts, chairborne warriors, etc. Airsoft could be considered as care in the community. There are also plenty of tech-heads in the game. Even going to a site solo you soon get talking to other players; I have not met anyone yet who does not like talking about guns and gear. Overall it is fun, whether skirmishing or trying milsim. Play fair, take your hits regardless what of the other team does, and get stuck in. You may get lit up like a Christmas tree and have plenty of welts for the wife to laugh at, and ache like crazy for the next day or two but you will take away memories of epic moments and classic fails. I began airsoft after a visit to my brother, where my nephew was packing his kit for a weekend away with mates. I had a look at the guns whilst he explained what airsoft was. In an instant I knew that I wanted to take up the hobby. Then began the process of researching and reading all about airsoft, and joining a forum. Just wish that I had known about it years ago and gone to my first game sooner.
  20. If you can sing then you are not working hard enough. Do the British sing? No, that is why we had an empire
  21. First milsim lite last Saturday. Off to The Mall this Thursday for some CQb action.

    1. djben9


      oooh if only I had evening games this way.................really should check...

      got my first Mil-sim lite hopefully next weekend (remembered the range issue we chatted about!)


  22. As long as you can fit a LiPo battery in it with Deans connectors they rock
  23. There are some one day milsim games held on a Saturday. I was at Longmoor last weekend with 3 other forum members from our AF-UK private night at The Mall. The next one by Airborne Airsoft as part of their Total War series should be at Bramley near Basingstoke in early May. You can drive there or I can collect you from the railway station.
  24. Assume your previous thread did not answer the question of best goggles fot FAST helmet http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/30411-best-googles-for-fast-helmets/?hl=fast A quick search for some links that may help http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/29882-helmetgogglesmask/?hl=fast http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/28853-revision-bullet-ant-goggles/?hl=fast#entry225784 http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/28710-fogging-please-help/page-3?hl=fast http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/28536-face-mask-alternative/?hl=fast#entry217426 http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/28399-the-infamous-goggle-fogging/?hl=fast#entry216295
  25. The Mall is an excellent indoor CQB site and recommended. UCAP Sandpit at Dartford is a large outdoor site that provides a good mixed of terrain and buildings.
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