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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. Under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006 (WT Act 2006), all use of radio must be either licensed or specifically exempted from licensing. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/36/contents Private Mobile Radio (PMR) is exempt from telegraphy licensing by Ofcom because use of PMR compliant equipment is not likely to involve any undue interference to other legitimate use of radio spectrum. It is a criminal offence to use or install wireless telegraphy apparatus, unless under and in accordance with the terms, provisions and limitations set out in a licence or licence exemption regulations, section 8 and 35 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 2006. https://www.ofcom.org.uk/spectrum/interference-enforcement/spectrum-offences
  2. After weeks of dry weather now comes the Sunday rain and wind. Another one to spend indoors dry :)

    1. MisterG


      I'm breaking out the MTP gortex 😁

  3. Please check the dates on threads before posting. This topic is quite old. This is a general message which helps us speed up forum moderation. Thank you.
  4. Is that FPS correct? Have any shots been put through a chrono or was it just a figure copied from some sales blurb? Please be aware of the forum sales rule 11. The following limits are on all sales with no exceptions: <370ft/s for full auto systems with a .20g BB (1.3J is the legal maximum)
  5. Is the G36 an ex two tone? It looks like one with some black paint stripes roughly sprayed over the top of the red. I would also recommend that you add some better quality pictures of the guns to show buyers what they really look like and their condition.
  6. Hottest day of the year and I was wearing a fleece because the air conditioning was so cold at work.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      colder is better than warmer, at least you can put on a jumper if your too cold, but there's a limit to what you can take off if your warm

    3. djben9


      yep, thats what i say in the office when they moan.....you dont want me stripping!:lol:

    4. Bearded__ninja


      Going london for a Con tomorrow -_- praying to the cool air gods that the venue is well vented

  7. Is that £25 for all six or just one magazine? You may want to make it clearer because I see that as £25 for the lot.
  8. Now this is actually a proper "Airsoft Dreamer" and worthy of being in Mack's topic.
  9. No airsoft gun can be sold to someone under 18,  two-tone or RIF (i.e. black/realistically coloured)

  10. Sellers, remember to check valid defence, school is out for summer

  11. The seller is clear about what this gun is, and the price is his to set. Buyers can make their own choice, it may sell or it may not.
  12. Sellers: you need actual pictures of items for sale not stock photos.


  13. Military 1st has 15% off T-shirts and polo shirts until midnight 20 July, use code TEE18 https://www.military1st.co.uk/clothing/t-shirts-vests?utm_campaign=526819_T-shirts_Sale_2018_UK&amp;utm_medium=email&amp;utm_source=Military_1st&amp;dm_i=4NXF,BAHV,3ENB4C,18PPP,1
  14. Looks like you selected the wrong Bristol at first; a long way to ship if in the US.
  15. My theory is that too many status updates have broken the forum.

  16. Now were we supposed to cut the red wire or the blue one?

    1. proffrink


      We cut both to be extra sure.

    2. Duff


      Ensure you cut both at once to ensure the current connects!

  17. Does not look like Gulf War 1 (Op Gramby / Op Desert Storm) kit - 1991 These are a thinner material and have the front rank slide holder and Union flag on the sleeve, so more likely Gulf War 2 (Op Telic) - 2003 and onwards
  18. Hoping the Croats beat the cheese eating surrender monkeys

    1. Jedi_Master


      Oh well, that did not happen.  Another 4 years to wait until England get their next chance to repeat 1966 glory.

  19. Thank you for the spam reports. Another spammer blocked.

  20. Please only post sales adverts in the Classifieds. Any sales posts in other sub-forums will be deleted.

  21. Remember to vote on which sales feedback you want to keep



    1. proffrink


      Poll is closed now I'm afraid.

  22. Reminder - Gun swaps are just that, a swap. Taking cash is a sale, and requires a sales advert.

  23. It still is, "offending cars" split into their own off-topic thread
  24. Remember to keep hydrated in the sun on Sunday. Don't become a casualty ;)


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