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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. I have one of those metal BB tins for my pre-used BBs. See this topic
  2. It is TM, after all, so probably worth it. I could of course be slightly bias because I nearly spent £550 for that same silencer with attached gun .
  3. That would cost more than many players pay for their gun. The software app would need to have accurate mapping of each airsoft site with correct scaling, not just generic Google map mode.
  4. I thought that it would be cheaper than paintball, I could not afford full medieval armour for LARPing, and Games Workshop was closed on Sundays... Also I overheard a couple of lads talking about "all the pussy at airsoft"; later realised that I had mis-heard them and it was "all those pussies at airsoft"
  5. Please post actual photos of the item you are selling. Using a stock image is not acceptable.
  6. Trading standards and UKARA police need a tip off to stop such shoddy workmanship
  7. What do Las Vegas and Manchester have in common? In both cities you can exchange chips for sex
  8. Please follow the forum rules and only use sentance case titles (No all CAPS subject titles).
  9. Just wear your bush Wookie suit so that you cannot be seen... Are you able to screen your firing position and guns from general view?
  10. 4.5mm guns that fire metal (steel) BBs are NOT airsoft guns.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      did he? can't say i've been keeping track.



    3. Skara


      Yeah either in here or on fb someone was mentioning it

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i mean being a conversion alone isn't too damning, there's a few guns out there are conversions (like the kwc makarov off the top of my head)

  11. This was posted in the Appraisals section (see below for guide price)
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