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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Dont feel stupid we have all been there I still go there on a regular basis. Trial an error is the best way to learn.
  2. Get a pro to do it. I cant spray to save my life which is why when I get chance after hes sorted out his move I am going to get Lozart to do mine. Rather pay someone than run around with a badly sprayed gun.
  3. The problem lies in when someone new takes the incorrect advice and wastes their money. If you give out information unless you know 100% that its correct then state its your opinion or that you have heard it. Then it peoples choice to take the risk, when you post something as fact then people read it as fact and follow your advice believing its good and its not thats crappy.
  4. Have you checked all the wiring connections for carbon deposits/black or brown heat marks if you have a bad connection it can cause arcing and that will blow your fuse no matter what battery you use.
  5. The asg one is ok but still think the marui one is better the bbs seem to be brighter. But each to there own.
  6. Just get the Marui tracer its better than all the others except the xcortech x3300w and thats expensive. Just use rechargeable batteries.
  7. Actually your wrong on every count. You can get better results with a prommy or pdi barrel because they are straighter. A miracle barrel is just a 6.06mm barrel with an insert in to aid centering of the bb, a firefly bucking works better when combined with either of the barrels mentioned above and I even got better results with a cheaper zci barrel. Wont have any real effect on fps, range is affected more by hop than anything else and accuracy depends on half a dozen things all making a small difference. As for expensive and hard to get http://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalogsearch/result/?q=MIRACLE+Inner+Barrel
  8. You dont have to spend a lot on a red dot sight that can handle recoil http://www.tacticalscope.co.uk/leapers-utg-1x32-cqb-red-green-dot-sight--2-qd-base-mounts---scp-ds3840w-816-p.asp Chuck an aimpoint magnifier clone behind it and sorted.
  9. Would kind or ruin the point of me spending so much time making my gearbox as quiet as possible. Wonder what the best homemade aeg sound amplifier is?
  10. Thats exactly why I build one at a time and why I have ordered a Krytac for my backup. Theres nothing to do to it. I rewired two for someone and they wanted to know what internal upgrades I would recommend and fit and after taking it to bits and shooting it theres honestly nothing other than rewire and change to deans. Best stock gun internals I have ever seen.
  11. No it would take thin shine off my PDI and thats sacrilege never mind what it would so to my scu.
  12. Im actually tempted to get something like a b500a1 and rebuild the internals with high end parts. Would be funny to see peoples face when you out shoot there gucci guns with a justbbguns special.
  13. You start by buying a good airsoft gun and stop before your daft enough to buy a G&G.😃
  14. nah piss in the bottle first gets rid of all the sticky residue 😀
  15. Robinsons juice bottle smaller opening than most bb bottles makes pouring into a high cap easy
  16. Contact lwa or proairsoft supplies and see when they are getting new stock in. Shouldnt be to long.
  17. Dont be a G&G sheep buy the krytac. M14 is nice but not as good if you ever want to play cqb.
  18. Nope its nice, great is for a good m14 ebr or a really good 417. It would go up a bit if he lost the hpa set up 😝Still nice though.
  19. Thats a nice looking gun its making me tempted to buy one. Your right about barrel length though once you get past the 220mm mark it doesn't make much difference.
  20. None of them are real guns they are all toys so that dont matter.At the end of the day buy what puts a smile on your face.
  21. Then your friends a rarity or got one of the very early split gearboxes. Ics internals are one of the best around at the moment. Agree about the grip on the Krytac its terrible but thats an easy fix. As for the TR4-18 being better personal preference but I reckon the krytac gearbox is probably the best stock box out there and the G&Gs have had loads of issues with the mosfets so for me I reckon the Krytac is better, but to be fair I am not a fan of G&Gs so maybe a bit biased.
  22. Word of advice I have tried a couple of madbulls and they made groupings and accuracy worse than a stock barrel. Its mainly about the bucking and nub as long as your hop chamber is rigid no real point changing it.
  23. One thing I have learnt about airsoft is to be careful of online reviews they are quite often biased. As I said I found no real accuracy difference when I tried them side by side. Go to a shop and test them yourself is the best way
  24. Before buying the mag try it out with the blasters. Might just be the mag not liking the bulldogs.
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