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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. I think somewhere like the mall is worse than woodland because your less likely to hear it even if you dont feel it because of all the hectic confusion. Your right though some of it does come down to the player. I think I have such a big issue because I play quite fast and will often run into a group of people and end up getting the one player in the group claiming you havent hit him because he didnt feel it, even though I saw the tracer bounce off his PC. Yeah I can see how it looked my bad but I wouldnt take offence anyway you have a right to your opinion same as everyone else. ☺ Even if its wrong 😉
  2. As I said looking at the profile pic with him wearing it, it doesnt look too bad.The pic of it on its own made it look like one of the big bulky ones. Some of the assault vests are getting worse than PC rigs. Saw one the other week that was all foam padded the guy couldnt feel it if you shot him from 4ft away, he removed it after a couple of games to be fair and said he wasnt planning on using it again.
  3. To be fair looking at your profile pick it one of the better ones and there is a fair amount exposed. Most you come across are far worse though.
  4. Actually no we wont.I have no issue with personal choice on how things look I think its great when people wear fancy dress and unique garb. My problem with that stuff is its all hard shell protective stuff which is a joke in airsoft. I have seem some people roll up looking like armour plated gimps and you spend all day getting wound up by them not feeling hits. None hit taking is one of the biggest problems with airsoft and I am pretty sure that most of the time its not malicious just the amount of gear getting in the way.
  5. Dont feel any of the weight or a lot of the hits. Plate carriers are one of the biggest reasons behind none hit taking. People chuck loads of pouches on and create an inch thick wall of plastic and material. Each to their own but I hate them and think they are bad for airsoft.
  6. To be fair its usually in the middle of a game. Its also usually rentals who have spammed a whole high cap in the first few minutes and are hanging around lost that you have to help out.There was also a game at xmas I went to where the shop people didnt turn up and the stock on site was a bit limited and had no tracers. One of the marshalls was there as a player that day and gave me a half bottle of tracers to get through the last few games. So sometimes the shoes on the other foot.
  7. At the end of the day its your TOY gun so do what you like. If it makes you smile its all good. Realism is good if thats what you like but dont look down on those who dont and vice versa.
  8. If I saw someone turn up with them shin pads or that hard shell vest I would take the piss badly. Best looking kit would be a tshirt or lightweight top, combat trousers for the pockets and some sort of lightweight rig/belt. Because then you look like you are there to run around and play airsoft. With that sort of kit you just look like a girl whose scared of getting a little owwie. The only armour kit that looks good and is good for airsoft is some of the masks/helmets. The rest is just unnecessary and should be banned.
  9. Either light weight tac vest or belt rig. Plate carriers absorb the hits too much and can lead to people not feeling it more often than most other rigs.
  10. Yeah back up ☺ (was a joke)Seems to be a lot of confusion on what hop ups actually fit the G&G m14 when you look on line, surely someone on here must have gone through this and can give more constructive advice.
  11. This should work for you http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=M14SOCTM
  12. Love the fact you camoed the inside of it. Nice to see the Ics Cxp hanging up in there. One less G&G sheep in the field.
  13. Ever thought about one of these http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/black-bear-rampage-tan-mesh-mask1
  14. Starting weapon will depend on how you play. Which I was I said to try a few games and go from there. Mesh is ok you can get a bb smash and go through but all the force is taken away when it hits the mesh. Its no worse than getting grit and dust in your eye on a windy day. If you do go mesh go for the real mesh. A good fine wire interwoven it will not effect your vision as much as the perforated sheet style like the nuprol goggles.
  15. First things first how old are you? Because if your under 18 the whole ukara buying a gun thing goes out the window. If you are over 18 then as people have said go to a few games and rent. Once you know if you like it then look at what you need. You will only know this when you have a played a few times and know how and where you want to play. Until then everything else is irrelevant. When you do know you will need £200 plus to get started on minimal kit.
  16. Why not an all in one mask?Also find the nuprol mesh the worst goggles I have ever tried. They effect your vision worse than most.
  17. You obviously have expert knowledge on handling another mans weapon. I take it you do it regularly?Actually I really dont need to know.
  18. Not to buy. Unless your going for the navy diver loadout then hey a scuba tanks fine.
  19. So glad you feel comfortable sharing that.We really are an an open and understanding society on here. Did his little round balls fill you up or was you left wanting more?
  20. Did you get to take his weapon in hand aswell?Was he happy using your little white balls?
  21. Gun bag and dump pouch will come in handy, bet the backpack ends up in the back of a cupboard though.
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