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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Unless you are the sort who just wants to buy a gun that will work well and not need to be messed with. A lot of airsofters dont like the techie side.
  2. Actually 2 of them are normally in the £370/£380 mark. Not sure why the 56-2 comes up as £299.99 I took the price from the front page http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/gun.asp?page=realsword £380 the average price. Yes the Krytac is under 300 by a whole £5 but the range in general are over £300 (spr/pdw). Wasnt disagreeing with you on the Krytac. I used the Krytac to point out a lot of peoples mistrust of anything new and the way people cling to the so called tried and trusted. That was mainly for the op and post in general. As for understanding your post, that was a bit pretentious and nasty. You have hurt my feelings and I am going to have to sulk now. 😢
  3. Disagree the 3 guns I linked are all externally very good and internally are better than pretty much any stock gun. The quality of materials on all 3 is high inside and out. G&P externals are nice but only if you want an M4 style platform and the internals are garbage. Tm are still the best gbb pistols but aeg wise I think that a lot of it is fanboyism. They perform well wether its high cycle or recoil but there are better quality guns out there. Still love the recoils though. Airsofters are a bit blinkered to change sometimes which is why the krytac has been met with a bit of scepticism. I look at everything from an engineering point of view and quality trumps everything.
  4. http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-m4-m15-m16-variants/krytac-trident-crb-black.htm#.Vf2rdZ5wbfs http://www.wolfarmouries.co.uk/airsoft/bb/product.asp?page=product&id=R451 http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/electric-rifles-c45/real-sword-type-97b-p3099
  5. Why would you need to buy 2 of the same gun? Get a two tone and either strip it or spray over it with a can of black Krylon. Neither option is difficult or expensive. You cant get a much cheaper skirmishable gun than a Raider so dont really understand where your coming from. Listen to the advice you have been given from the knowledgeable people. They do normally know what they are talking about.
  6. http://www.surplusstore.co.uk/kong-power-7-4-1400-lipo-split.html/
  7. I have talked to quite a few milsim players and heard lots of sides to it. As I said I quite like the idea of games with a clear objective and a goal that people really play for just dont like the whole pretend your in the army thing. As long as people dont take themselves too serious its probably the best way to play.I think the problem is the perception of milsimers is maybe a bit off and thats because of the bad impression some of the more over zealous players can give off when they turn up to a normal skirmish. I mainly play at the mall and I remember one Sunday there we had a team of about 6 there who were right twats. Moaning at people all the time and acting all elitist. I actually told one of them shut his trap when moaning at some poor kid for making too much noise. The problem is it sometimes can only take the actions of a few to put a sour taste in a lot of peoples mouths. I am sure most milsimers are good guys just worry that I would rock up on a day and end up with the wrong sort. Then again I have come across some people who can get a bit over excited on a normal day. As for spending £600 on a plate carrier hope its brings you a lot of joy, but still think your mental. ☺
  8. Very true we all have different ideas of whats important. As for milsim vs airsoft I think they both have good points. I like the idea of a more objective based game but cant deal with all the strictures of milsim but maybe one day I might change my mind. Wont be spending £220 on a pair of trousers to play toy soldiers in though, would rather spend it on the inside of my gun.
  9. You missed out the anti hallucinogenics and prozac. What about the ipod for the heroic personal theme tune before the game? ☺ Sorry I am bored.
  10. I am a firm believer in each to their own.But sorry to anyone who has bought these but your f*cking nuts.
  11. Dont think hes doing anything wrong. Hes not advertising just putting up his own personal reviews. This one leads to a discussion (piss take trolling) which is all good.
  12. Airsoft skirmishing is for people who want to run around have a laugh and shoot each other with bb guns. Milsim is for guys who became accountants but like to pretend that they are Sas Elite Super Soldier for a day/weekend. Think table top wargaming with real people. 😉
  13. Try amazon quite a few sellers on there. Will probably be from Hong Kong though.
  14. http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/stanag-magazines/dboys-m16-m4-vn-style-metal-110rnd-magazine-black.htm#.Vfskmnpwbfs
  15. You could always put the dboys in the for sale section as well. You could put the money towards a real airsoft gun then you would have no problems. 😃
  16. I would just go for 18:1 or 16:1 gear ratio. Put more effort into accuracy and consistency than rof. Better to to have 15rps that hit what your aiming at than 25rps second that miss or fall short. Remember its only the one that hits that counts. Unless they are a cheating git then each one that hits is better than the last. ☺
  17. Leave the madbull and get a zci barrel its cheaper and better. Do change your connectors to Deans it one of the simplest but most important things you can do. Everything else is ok. Best of luck with your project.
  18. Basically its not the size of your weapon its how you use it. Unless its its really stubby then you might struggle hitting the right target.😉
  19. No they are allergic to tree sap.
  20. Qlimax if your going to send me a message calling me a d*ck at least let me reply before you block me thats a bit sad. It was a bit p*ss taking but wasnt meant to be malicious. You did take it wrong though so sorry for any offence.
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