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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Although this wasn't really the point of the thread I have to agree with you and Cheesy really pisses me off when people dont try. Actually that probably is the point of the thread. How pissed off I have become by all the people who go to so much effort to look the part but never actually make enough effort to play properly. It is definitely getting worse and they are definitely a type. I know even people who turn up in jeans can be like that but I think from my experience they are not as common. Got sick of trying to play one man army and walking out of games tired, sweaty and usually bleeding to find a bunch of guys wearing a full combat gear but they still haven't managed to break a sweat. I know not all gear whores are like that and some are really good players and nice guys. But for all those who buy all the kit then hide at the back trying to stay pretty stop it its f*cking annoying.
  2. No but the repair technician will probably see it quite a bit.
  3. As said above its just xmas it always happens. Everyone is either skint, tired or just stressed from the first week back at work. Except the people up north they are just busy filling sandbags.
  4. Love the way threads on here never really stay on topic. The whole point is whats most important to people gear or actual playing. Doesnt matter what you own or whether its cheap or gucci its about how some people put more effort into kit than playing and what sort of person are you.
  5. Nothing wrong with shopping and buying loads of kit. The issue is when that becomes more important than the game itself.That day I mentioned earlier is what I am getting at, our side got destroyed because they didnt try and play but when you looked around the safe zone they were all putting a lot of effort into their kit. About half a dozen on our side tried that day and 2 of them were dressed in jeans and tshirt and a couple were rentals. It makes me wonder how many people play for the enjoyment of actually playing airsoft. Its what makes me think milsim is the way forward because people seem to have more drive to actually play the game. Edit; By milsim I mean a more structured scenario based game not the whole over the top immersion thing. Fine for those that do but not for me.
  6. No they are not but thats not the point.My point is there are a lot who forget the gear whether kit or guns is just a tool for playing a game and its the game and you the player thats the most important thing. And also to find out what about airsoft attracts people the most. Yes you stated game is more important 👏 others just mentioned what kit they have.
  7. Nobody has really answered yet. What do you enjoy most gear or playing? Simple question if you could buy a new gun this week or play a game what would it be?
  8. Thats because you play in Scotland and everybody is too tight to spend money on nice kit.
  9. Totally agree but it is getting worse. Think people are missing the point though. There is no issue with having nice stuff the issue is too many players who put that before playing the game. Nothing wrong with having all the gear and being crap but trying. (Most of us) Nothing wrong with having all the gear and not having much time to play (proffrink) There is something wrong with buying all the gear and turning up to a skirmish and not making the effort to play properly for your team. Thats my point to many fashionistas and not enough players and it is definitely getting worse. I had a game a couple of months ago that Jedi was at and our team was awful because they didnt try, but put lots of effort into posing in the safe zone. Too many games lately where you get a high percentage of people that dont seem to really want to play.
  10. Nothing against those that go in for collecting all the gear best of luck to them. Just seems like a lot of skirmishes have become a runway more than a game zone. It goes for guns as much as clothing. Just wondering how many people think that the actual playing seems to become secondary to a lot of people and what sort of player are you personally. Before any milsim players comment I am just talking about airsoft skirmishing not milsim because gear in that is integral.
  11. Noticed there are lots of threads about what camo, gun or other bit of kit is best. But very few people actually talk about the actual playing of airsoft. So was wondering what is most important to people playing or collecting the kit? I personally am the sort of person who doesnt want lots of toy guns and isnt interested what so ever in camo. I prefer basic kit that is purely functional and is there just to enable me to play with the least fuss possible. I have found myself doing a fair amount of tech stuff for myself and others but that is more because I can than I really want. Airsoft for me is purely about the thrill of playing. I enjoy the physical side and testing myself against other players and love nothing more than being able to go on a run trying to cause a bit of carnage. So was wondering how many people feel the same as I do that the gear is taking over from the joy of actually playing.
  12. I have imported a couple of receivers from abroad before and both were opened by customs and other than paying duty on them there was no issues.
  13. You want to play there when the smoke machine is on the go. Played there one Thursday and you couldnt see more than a few feet in the basement.I can run the basement when its pitch black now dont even use a torch anymore, makes getting around so much better.
  14. Wouldnt worry about keeping me posted. I dont really do the meet up sociable bit. I like to go on my own and play on my own, its my escape from everybody and everything time.
  15. Just make sure you give them a few days notice when cancelling so they can offer the place out to someone on the standby list.
  16. No as long as you cancel its ok.Why you thinking of dropping out on the 17th.
  17. Some of you trying to learn the site before the private game? Would love to be there but playing the night before so going the 24th instead.
  18. And they hurt like a mother f****r when you bounce down them on your arse.
  19. They dont just permit it its mandatory.One rule for the private night is all campers will be shot, even if I am on the same team as you. With only 30 people in there it plays best if everyone really throws themselves in. Esoterick can vouch for that he has done a private game. The site is too large for 30 people to play hide and seek its run and gun all the way If anyone cant run a speedy waddle will do. ☺
  20. It would be good to get some good action videos, problem being you have to get the right person on/behind camera and the right site. Mall isnt the best for filming as a lot of it is very dark. Maybe the people who have cams can bring them on the private night and we could get a montage.
  21. Thats because you were sensible.
  22. For £140 not going to get anything better.
  23. I was planning on collecting the outstanding balance at the end of the month as didn't really want to deal with money on the night.If this is a problem for anybody send me a pm so we can sort something. Has everybody who is playing the Sunday booked in?
  24. I hate airsoft videos, 99% percent of them are just someone standing around and ocassionally shooting at someone far off in the distance. Used to look at them on occasion hoping to seem someone go on a mad run and showing some skill but they very rarely appear. Gave up looking at them now.Airsoft is one of those games thats fun to play but has very little spectator enjoyment.
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