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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. No need plenty of pictures of Amoebas already on here.
  2. It doesnt matter which direction you go as long as its through someone else.
  3. Well if you dont have time to look after them properly I could adopt a couple.Just not that gold AK that would be like having a ginger kid ☺
  4. Or geeks,nerds or my personal favourite "Operators"
  5. Well if your friend said so then it must be ok.😒
  6. Lets be honest this is a question thats not going to arise for the majority of airsofters.
  7. Gate mosfet then mini tamiya. But still got to agree why got to that trouble then not use deans?
  8. Chuck them in the bag until next time. They dont need any special storage.
  9. Well you will be glad to hear that the private game will be semi auto only.With 30 people it plays better if there is no full auto. Very rare I use anything other than single shot in there. Only time really is when moving across the concourse to keep peoples heads down or when attacking a shop thats full of enemy players but even then I use 5rnd burst fire.
  10. They are deliberate cheaters. Simple rule is if you feel or hear yourself getting hit stick up your hand and shout hit. It doesnt matter where it came from or who fired it a hit is a hit. To not call it is cheating.I have encountered malicious cheaters, even overheard a couple of lads plotting to tell the marshalls I wasnt calling my hits because they were getting annoyed that I kept getting them. So after shooting them in the bony bits I went and informed the marshall myself. Airsoft is no different to any other part of life you always get a tw*t somewhere, just got to learn to rise above it. Or at least how to punish them in a non rule breaking manner 😈
  11. Haha no your ok, thanks for offer though very kind.☺I just have a massive upchuck reflex to the word operator. People who try to act all tacticool operator are worse than chavs. Actually thats a good thread; Are the people who claim to be OPERATOR the chavs of airsoft?
  12. You cant really hold hit taking against a site as thats the players. The marshalls having words shows it must of been a bad day which doesnt happen often. I hate players who try that I got you first crap. If its a 50/50 take it and walk away. I have had a couple try and argue it with me but I refuse to budge. The private night will be better and I am sure the Sunday game wont be as bad. Dont let one bad day ruin your opinion of any site.
  13. A lot of the sponsored reviews make it look ok but they always do. Actual user reviews are a bit different. Try here http://forums.zeroin.co.uk/forum.php They have a larger user base than here. Just dont mention other forums or shops or have any opinion the mods disagree and you will be ok.
  14. Yeah but thats a happy smiling, eyes rolling type of thing. I am thinking more on the lines of total and utter scorn, you know that look that says the world would of been a better place if daddy had pulled out.
  15. If you google WE SMG-8 reviews you get plenty of answers. From a quick scan it looks like its not much cop. Wouldnt worry about it being 1:1 on scale very few airsoft guns are exact. Try looking for a kwa second hand plenty of them going around.
  16. Your biggest problem is most people buy the TM or kwa MP7 as they are regarded as the best. Dont think I have ever seen anyone using a WE SMG-8 (which is the proper name for their mp7 clone) at a skirmish.
  17. Has anyone found an emoticon for condescending headshake yet?
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