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Everything posted by oddjob

  1. did my first nvg night game and it was a mix for me. i was trying to get used to using the things and managed to get in to the first objective. seems i got put with the "elite". Some guy in front was looking about and then said you IR is on so looked on the nods and it said IR off. i replied its saying off. the response from him "its fucking on i can fucking see it" alright mate jheez. decided to move off and see the other location wasn't getting on with the nods but carried on till turn around. started the game moved up to the location till 3 guys got wiped in front fell back and the nightmare hit, eye pro took a whack from a branch enough to break the arm. (gutted) get them on temp and moved to safe zone. had to change the setup and go with a balaclava and goggles. nvg was set to these so drop that. got back in and didn't have a clue what was happening. team was going off and had scattered. decided to tuck in and just pot shot the objective. game ended and we moved on to building clearance. this point i knew where i wanted to be and got to the location to defend and stuck it out. i enjoyed that as i was holding a couple of guys back and using the torch to blind them. got a hit and moved to respawn and then returned to get team killed. managed to hold the team back before game over we turned it around and attacked game we well and we pushed passed the last team game. the night was interesting to say the least but a learning curve. A little annoyed with the comment and the glasses breaking but is what it is.
  2. plantation sunday?

  3. you regularly play? guy i normally game with has just been loaded up with work and cant play regularly
  4. anyone playing the new wipe?
  5. this why he had to remove the post with the nvg units he was doing a pre order for?
  6. Just a tad. it was my first game of the year as well so struggled abit
  7. i was on your team that day. it got hot in the mortar pits with that sun bearing down on us. was a good day
  8. who playing the update??
  9. any one attending tower airsoft this weekend?

    1. Asomodai


      @oddjob I have been thinking about it. But will have to Public Transport out from Dagenham and have nothing packed yet. Any reason why you ask?


    2. oddjob


      I was gona go 

      Unfortunately something came up

      Maybe next weekend 😅

  10. I decided to go to the new site that i have been to a couple of times. got set up and went through the brief all is well, teams are set and pretty much a good balance. first game attacking and the team is doing well picking off targets and progress to the objective im a loner so i just moving about tagging on to teams to help out. the whole morning was good, few shouts of non hit taking the same old. switch the game around and seems the amour skin came out for the attackers and abusing the fall back regen rule just watching bbs ping off them and then when they hit you they call hit after, throwing a nade after being hit then complaining about overkill cos he stood there not call hit. people shouting at each other for not following the rules like its just a game guy 😅 i never felt like giving up like i did yesterday watch my team give up and wait for the game to end was a eye opener. just hope it was just one off day? i really like the setup and the team that run it. sorry for the rant just been low and was hoping the day would pick me up 😏
  11. looking forward to towers night game tomorrow 😀

  12. Unfortunately ai t that lucky with people to get them to go. Hence why I asked even trying to get a few people at work to go 😅 @Mad-Al I will keep a eye out. Been trying to get to plantation but work has been getting in the way Hopefully soon
  13. Been playing for a while and even tho i enjoy playing alone would be nice to go with some one or a crew to play. i talk to others but not alot. any peeps ?
  14. the local councils have told sites they can go ahead in my area as it was suited by the guidance thats why everyone has started to book up slots. wonder what they will say about it? why havent we got a body yet? for a hobby that has grown and still is growing it would be nice to have something that can support the sport of airsoft.
  15. was looking through groups and found the gov has changed the rules for airsoft and other actives co we dont have a recognised body looks like we have to wait after the 12th April to shoot Who this guidance is for This guidance applies to all indoor and outdoor sport facilities, including but not limited to: Indoor gyms and leisure centres sport courts and pitches swimming pools fitness studios golf courses and other single or multi-sport facilities (such as climbing walls, driving and shooting ranges, archery venues and riding centres, and skate parks) It also includes guidance for providers of saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs such as spa pools or hydrotherapy pools, which may be located in a sport facility or another type of facility. This guidance does not apply to: Facilities which can be used for sport but are primarily used for leisure (such as trampoline parks, bowling alleys and ice rinks) or which provide physical activity which is not a recognised sport (such as airsoft venues) unless these facilities are opening for the provision of elite sport. These types of facilities should follow guidance for the visitor economy. Children’s playgrounds, which should follow the guidance for outdoor gyms and playgrounds, or guidance for soft play areas.
  16. the gov has change the rules Who this guidance is for This guidance applies to all indoor and outdoor sport facilities, including but not limited to: Indoor gyms and leisure centres sport courts and pitches swimming pools fitness studios golf courses and other single or multi-sport facilities (such as climbing walls, driving and shooting ranges, archery venues and riding centres, and skate parks) It also includes guidance for providers of saunas, steam rooms and hot tubs such as spa pools or hydrotherapy pools, which may be located in a sport facility or another type of facility. This guidance does not apply to: Facilities which can be used for sport but are primarily used for leisure (such as trampoline parks, bowling alleys and ice rinks) or which provide physical activity which is not a recognised sport (such as airsoft venues) unless these facilities are opening for the provision of elite sport. These types of facilities should follow guidance for the visitor economy. Children’s playgrounds, which should follow the guidance for outdoor gyms and playgrounds, or guidance for soft play areas.
  17. Haven't tried it yet but got the quake 8. Would of liked a trmr but we know that won't happen. Looking forward to using it
  18. found a new gun, g&g gc16 sr cqb.

    Problem is im away for 2 weeks so cant get it. didnt plan that well :lol:

  19. want to get the tm 416d but cant find a place that has it on the shelve to look at

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. clumpyedge


      you could play at their site and so a same day collection...

    3. oddjob


      they have a site? i must have a sheltered life

    4. clumpyedge


      yeah its Urban Assault (they have a group page on facebook) its an old RAF station but you can buy whatever you want and collect it on the day

  20. need ideas on another rifle

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      exact same as one you got

      boring but if original breaks you got spare and mags are compatible - silly answer I know.

      OK - Krytac then

    2. Mos


      Maybe a sniper? Does require a lot of effort and well money, but is a new play style, bring something different to your skirmish day.

    3. oddjob


      thought about the same gun but i get bored of looks

      also was looking at snipers last few game i could get close to the objective

  21. welcome billericay is a go place to start out if your near it i got my ukara there and marshals there are on the ball
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