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Everything posted by oddjob

  1. I bought mine cm16 l from airsoft zone Nice people too And I shortened mine because I didn't like the fixed sight. I haven't seen a difference at short rage Will find out on the field this Saturday But strong gun if I'm honest
  2. Hi don't know if I'm allowed but there is a shop that has opened in averley It deals in combat clothing and a few bits of equipment the money made goes to charity and the items are priced reasonable Here is a link https://m.facebook.com/LanceCorporalNickyMasonMemorialFund/ I saw it the other day and popped in and I would recommend it
  3. i went with a cm16 raider L, my brother inlaw got the cm18 mod 1. all the same gun just different looks i havent had a problem with mine, i shortened the barrel and took the sight off the front made it a better looking gun and made dot sights better
  4. oddjob

    we g17

    Looking at the new make I can't see any this wrong They are the same make I have came across that if I push the bottom of the mag in the gun away from me It locks back
  5. oddjob

    we g17

    Yep filled all the way and ran it empty still the same problem
  6. oddjob

    we g17

    hi all i got the gun a few months ago and was impressed with it. i thought i would get another mag for in and i have found that the new mag doesn't lock back when it is empty. i thought it was the gun so i tried the original one and that works fine. i cant see a difference between the 2 mags. any ideas or is it a take it back job? thanks
  7. I dont think this guy will be back just a hunch
  8. Quiet abit to learn i see i am gona try and go on the 31st. thats if i am well enough.
  9. Thanks for the offer. sadly i aint fit to airsoft for a couple of weeks Quiet happy there is help available tho. It has been bugging me since i got the gun and thought 340 was close.
  10. Just didnt wana turn up and then get told its over thats all.
  11. Airsoft zone chrono the gun before i got it and write it down on my receipt
  12. Hi all i have got my first gun cm16 raider l and its a 2 tone with a fps of 340 I was wondering that fps can that increase due to any natural influences? billericay airsoft limit is 350 and i dont wana go and find it is over the limit Ino this is a complete noob question but it better safe than sorry thanks all
  13. It slowly takes the fun out of it one annoyed me when i was capturing the flag and i was slowly sneaking up to the base and a dead man saw me and started to point where i was time i got near the base they knew i was there. I made my way back and waited for back up
  14. This saying makes me laugh. I was on the field and notice quite a few people with radios talking After they were hit. Ino rules can bent a few times but all the time is quiet annoying Anyone had this experience?
  15. this happened on a bike forum I use now the mods are now asking seller to sent a message to them so that the mods can check details and to have actual pics of the item being sold. Cant trust certain people and anything to do with money. If it was done on a credit card then they will give you full backing if they see that you have been missing sold
  16. Treat you the same may get the odd one but you are a team and you are there for fun I rent and will till i get my own gun there it a few guys with 2 tone guns as well
  17. Hi all Just wondering if anyone will be at Billericay airsoft on the 29th march? Looking to book it and if any one from here is going, it would be nice to say hello
  18. Friendly fire counts as a hit i was told Is this true?
  19. I had a team mate do that but he kept firing at me till the whistle blew then wondered why i was walking towards the base he was at then relised i was on his side Must of been colour blind
  20. I was shock on the force them bbs come at ya even with padding i felt them
  21. Thanks for the replies the arguments were self inflicted if he put his hand up instead of telling his mate where the enemy was then it wouldnt of happened I will start looking at clothing and guns now i have the bug. i had to buy goggles there the full face was steaming up like mad and had to get glove my hads were freezing Best buy of the day them 2 as i was shot in the goggles twice and shot in the hand. :-)
  22. Hello again had my first game today and really enjoyed it we did have 2 people who had massive paddys but they didnt ruin the day Will have another one booked up at the end of the month looking forward to that
  23. thank guys think i can find something to wear
  24. Hi all Just after some help I am going to my first airsoft event and was wonder what should I wear? Don't want to spend on kit just incase I won't like it. Any suggestions? Thank you
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